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Float variable stores only integer value. Why ?
I'm doing my first tests with ZX Basic. I've tried to create a timer and I found the following issue

REM timer test

DIM t1 as float = 0.00

border 0:paper 0:ink 2:cls

while (0=0)
    t1 = (65536 * peek 23674 +256 * peek 23673 + peek 23672) /50  
    pause int(10+25*RND)
    t1 = ((65536 * peek 23674 +256 * peek 23673 + peek 23672) /50) -t1  REM t1 ignores decimal part and has been declared as float

    print at 0,0;t1 REM result is always 0 or 1
    if inkey$="s" then
    end if

In example, t1 is declared as float but the variable only stores the integer value, and the final result is wrong. In this case print result is always 0 or 1, ignoring the decimal part
There is something that escapes me or i don't understand?
The same example adapted to Sinclair basic displays and store decimal part correctly.

Thanks in advance

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