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missing colour 9 - bug or feature lack
nitrofurano Wrote:the problem, or danger, of naming oblique as italic is just like "telling a lie often to become a true", just like the indian castes, or people saying bullfight is tradition or culture, or even saying hackers are the same as crackers (like most of the "journalists" shamefully does, ignoring completelly about MIT hacker ethics), etc.. - in my oppinion, the only way to correcting this kind of mistake, specially when sadly it is becoming a convention, is doing our part on avoiding it, even when we are doing this alone

I honestly think that there's more likelihood of creating more confusion than less - most people won't understand because it's becoming a convention; so they'll lose access to such a nice feature.

More importantly, I also think this is such a small issue that I'd much rather Boriel spends his time getting new features into the compiler or making it faster than spending time renaming functions - and while he's at it, breaking all the code written that uses "italics" as well. That's just going to annoy programmers who will have to recode projects if they want them to work again.

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