"Quest for Witchcraft" - Printable Version

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"Quest for Witchcraft" - LCD - 12-24-2011

My "Jewel Quest" based game called "Quest for Witchcraft" for the Spectrum is finished:
[Image: QuestForWitchcraft.gif]
At present time it is exclusively written for the "Scene+" disczine, but will be available later (late next year) also for free.
I just waiting for the Beeper Music from Mr Beep now.
More infos on my website, and I will send the finished version soon to Boriel too.

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - britlion - 12-24-2011

Very pretty!

Well done!

And Happy Holiday season to everyone!

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - LCD - 12-24-2011

britlion Wrote:Very pretty!

Well done!

And Happy Holiday season to everyone!
I wish you all nice holy night and a great 2012 (remember, Spectrum will turn 30 so this cries for over 200 new games next year).

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - JBGV - 12-25-2011

Hope to play it soon !

MERRY CHRISTMAS and happy 2012 everyone !

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - LCD - 12-25-2011

JBGV Wrote:Hope to play it soon !

MERRY CHRISTMAS and happy 2012 everyone !
It will be available at WOS for free at Xmas 2012.

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - slenkar - 12-26-2011

nice lookin game

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - LCD - 12-27-2011

Thanks, it was hard to design the tile graphics because they can have black or blue background, so I could apply only Colours 2-7 for ink (none for paper).
Anyway, it has now a entry at WOS.
Talking about it: I noticed that my BorIDE Interruptmaker was not working as expected because if I use ORG in the source code, rhe code block size extends to 48000 bytes. I hope, I can find a solution for this problem.

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - slenkar - 12-28-2011

are you using the rainbow processor thingy? the tiles look about the same size

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - LCD - 12-28-2011

slenkar Wrote:are you using the rainbow processor thingy? the tiles look about the same size
No, the tiles are 24x24 pixel, not 16x16. So the playing area is 24x24 characters, too much for ZXODUS Engine. I also started to code it in March 2009, long before ZXODUS was available.
I will use the engine in one of the future projects, but it reduces the computing speed.

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - LCD - 02-08-2012

2-Level demo of Quest for Witchcraft is out.
And yes, I corrected some bugs, improved the code, added AY sound and much much more.

.7z   QuestForWitchcraft_Demo.7z (Size: 16.1 KB / Downloads: 823)
Full version will be available first on Scene+ Magazine, then in December 2012 on WOS.

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - slenkar - 02-09-2012

pretty good game, nice music too
I managed to finish it Big Grin

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - LCD - 02-09-2012

slenkar Wrote:pretty good game, nice music too
I managed to finish it Big Grin
The first 3 levels (speaking about full version) are not very hard to finish, 4-5 are much harder, and levels 6 and 7 are absolutely crazy.
Noticed that the Interrupts routine that works with Sinclair BASIC Programs or HiSoft BASIC compiled programs was not working anymore with ZXBC Programs in this game (except only in main menu. As the game started, it crashed! This was because Sinclair BASIC did not need to preserve IX and IY Registers when interrupt occurs, except if I wanted to use interrupts while loading from MB02 disc interface.
Okay, next games...
In the next months I hope to finish "Youkai harvest" (Which is very advanced now) and some other old and new projects.
About "Youkai Harvest": this is a very nice Dungeon crawler where you create the dungeon.
With the new decompressor routine from Britlion I can also continue my old "Star Trek TOS" project and "Ports" game later.
I'm working on multiple games at once, so this made now possible to find and fix a bug in BorIDE where working on multiple sources can cause to overwrite one of the other projects files. This was a very nasty bug, but not reproducable every time. Now I can write the binary manager to release the next version, and then GFX editor.

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - slenkar - 02-09-2012

looking forward to all of the above

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - LCD - 02-11-2012

slenkar Wrote:looking forward to all of the above
I also have some projects that I did not mention. They will be surprises!

Re: "Quest for Witchcraft" - slenkar - 02-12-2012

[Image: st3.png]
I like these graphics, Big Grin

[Image: st1.png]
yes spocks face should be green as he has green blood!