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  Incorrect Line numbers (*solved*)
Posted by: britlion - 03-07-2010, 07:16 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (6)

I'm getting an error in the code "illegal character _ at line xxx"

And there isn't one in line xxx.

I suspect that this line number comes from the assembler, and it's a line number based on the code stripped of comments and white space perhaps?

I've noticed that it's sometimes hard to pin down the correct line number for errors before.

Print this item

Posted by: britlion - 03-06-2010, 06:55 PM - Forum: ZX Basic Compiler - Replies (6)

I've never used it at all; but I hear that it's a nice code control system.

How does one get going then?

Do you use windows, or linux?

Print this item

  Fourspriter: Alternate Version
Posted by: britlion - 03-06-2010, 05:29 AM - Forum: How-To & Tutorials - Replies (47)

I've made quite a few changes to the actual FourSpriter code. I have made it significantly shorter, and not a small amount faster in execution, using tricks like LDI to copy directly from (HL) to (DE) as opposed to copying into and out of the A register. I removed at least one redundant section of code that was identical with another one - redirecting calls took care of that. There are also places that use bafflingly long code to do something simple. For example:

ld      hl, 23676     ;10
ld      a, (hl)       ; 7
ld      e, a          ; 4
ld      hl, 23675     ;10
ld      a, (hl)       ; 7
ld      l, a          ; 4
ld      a, e          ; 4
ld      h, a          ; 4=50

Is used to get the address of the UDG into the HL register. It takes 50 T states to do this, whereas:
ld HL,(23675)
Does it in one instruction, and 16 T states.

I know I'm not really that good with Z80 code....but stuff like that leaves me scratching my head.

Anyway, It still seems to catch the ray trace at the top of the screen between erase and draw (which means that for the first frame after updating sprites, you can't see them on the top 24 lines (or 3 characters). It was 26, but I managed to speed it up enough T states to creep back 2 lines Smile

My advice, unless I (or someone else) can work a way around this is to use this area for status bars - or at least avoid running sprites into it.

I tried to make it more user friendly than the original - now all Sprite actions can be controlled fairly easily with calls to routines and functions. Most of these are used internally, and the chances are all a user will need are the routines to initialize, color, move and redraw moved sprites.

fspInit (sprite#, graphicsA,graphicsB,graphicsC,graphicsD,x,y)
    Sets sprite sprite # to use the four UDG's listed from 0-20. This also turns on an inactive sprite.

    Shuts down a sprite (internally by setting its first graphic to 99).

    Sets the new co-ordinates for a sprite.

fspAttrs(sprite#, AttrA,AttrB,AttrC,AttrD)
    Sets a sprite to have attributes A,B,C,D.
    Note: This is the advanced use, that allows different bits of the sprite to be different colours.

fspAttrByte(ink,paper,bright,flash) as uByte
    returns an attribute byte equivalent to the input ink,paper,bright and flash.
        This function is used by the following subroutine:

fspAttr (sprite#,ink,paper,bright,flash)
    Sets ALL four attributes of a sprite to the input values for ink,paper,bright and flash.
    This is expected to be the common usage.
        Note: Color words are #defined, so you can use fspAttr(0,WHITE,BLACK,FALSE,FALSE) to set a sprite to white on black, no bright, no flash.

    Back buffer -> screen (erasing sprites)
    screen -> back buffer (save background)
    sprites -> screen (srawing sprites)
    current location -> last location (update location)

    In essence it moves the sprites to their new coordinates
        It effectively, internally uses the following routines, that the user may not need to call.
        They are made available, however, in case the programmer needs more direct control of sprite activity.

    Erases all the sprites and replaces them with their background data.

    Copies screen to buffer and redraws the sprites onto the screen.

    Updates co-ordinates

The actual code. Note that Apenao's example program is already attached at the end.


SUB fspInitialize (n as uByte, udgA as uByte, udgB as uByte, udgC as uByte, udgD as uByte,x as uByte,y as uByte)  'Initialize Sprite: n (sprite number 0-3);a,b,c,d (UDG number 0-20,99 means the sprite won't be printed)
IF n>3 OR (udgA>20 AND udgA<>99) or udgB>20 or udgC>20 or udgD>20 then return : END IF : REM Bounds checking - so a bad function call doesn't poke all over memory.
DIM targetAddr as uInteger
POKE targetAddr,udgA
POKE targetAddr,udgB
POKE targetAddr,udgC
POKE targetAddr,udgD
POKE targetAddr,x
POKE targetAddr,y
POKE targetAddr,x
POKE targetAddr,y


REM This Section contains Fourspriter data and code that is called by other routines.

;; 16x16 Sprites moving a character each frame
;; Copyleft 2009 The Mojon Twins.
;; Pergreñado por na_th_an
;; Uses UDGs (it reads the address from the system variables).
;; It moves up to 4 sprites, preserving the backgrounds.

datap:                        ; each block is 48 bytes long. [This comment originally said 40 bytes, and it's clearly 48]
;; Sprite 1
udgs1:      defb   99,0,0,0      ; Four UDGs of the first sprite.
x_pos1:     defb   0            ; X position in chars.
y_pos1:     defb   0            ; Y position in chars.
cx_pos1:    defb   0            ; Previous X position in chars.
cy_pos1:    defb   0            ; Previous Y position in chars.
buffer1:    defb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0         ; Background Gfx buffer.
attrs1:     defb   7,7,7,7      ; Sprite ATTRs
buffatrs1:  defb   0,0,0,0      ; Background Attr's buffer

;; Sprite 2
udgs2:      defb   99,0,0,0
x_pos2:     defb   0
y_pos2:     defb   0
cx_pos2:    defb   0
cy_pos2:    defb   0
buffer2:    defb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
attrs2:     defb   7,7,7,7
buffatrs2:  defb   0,0,0,0

;; Sprite 3
udgs3:      defb   99,0,0,0
x_pos3:     defb   0
y_pos3:     defb   0
cx_pos3:    defb   0
cy_pos3:    defb   0
buffer3:    defb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
attrs3:     defb   7,7,7,7
buffatrs3:  defb   0,0,0,0

;; Sprite 4
udgs4:      defb   99,0,0,0
x_pos4:     defb   0
y_pos4:     defb   0
cx_pos4:    defb   0
cy_pos4:    defb   0
buffer4:    defb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
attrs4:     defb   7,7,7,7
buffatrs4:  defb   0,0,0,0

;; General use coordinates
xpos:      defb    0
ypos:      defb    0
cxpos:     defb   0
cypos:     defb    0

;; Sprite control is done writing a certain number
;; in the Sprite's first UDG
;; If the first UDG is 99, it won't be printed

         call   get_scr_address   ; Dirección (xpos, ypos) en BC
         ld      l,    c
         ld      h,    b         ; Dirección (xpos, ypos) en HL        
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
;; Esta función devuelve en bc la dirección de memoria
;; de la posición (xpos, ypos) en carácteres. Extraído de código
;; por BloodBaz.

         push    de
         ld       a,   (xpos)
         and      31
         ld      c,   a
         ld      a,   (ypos)
         ld      d,   a
         and      24
         add      a,   64
         ld      b,    a
         ld      a,   d
         and      7
         or      c
         ld      c,    a
         pop      de
;; Esta función devuelve en bc la dirección de memoria
;; de la posición (xpos, ypos) dentro del archivo de atributos.
;; Adaptado de código por Jonathan Cauldwell.

;; 010110YY YYYXXXXX

         ld      a,    (ypos)      ; Cogemos y
         rrca               ; La multiplicamos por 32
         ld      c,   a         ; nos lo guardamos en c
         and      3            ; ponemos una mascarita 00000011
         add      a,   88         ; 88 * 256 = 22528, aquí empieza el tema
         ld      b,   a         ; Hecho el bite superior.
         ld      a,   c         ; Nos volvemos a traer y * 32
         and      224            ; Mascarita 11100000
         ld      c,   a         ; Lo volvemos a poner en c
         ld      a,   (xpos)      ; Cogemos x
         add      a,    c         ; Le sumamos lo que teníamos antes.
         ld      c,   a         ; Listo. Ya tenemos en BC la dirección.
spare:      defb   85,85,85,85,85,85,85,85

;; Routine to save the background to the buffer


; pointer = datap
; for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
;    CX = *(pointer + 6)
;    CY = *(pointer + 7)
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX, CY);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *scr_address = *(pointer + 8 + j);
;      scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX+1, CY);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *scr_address = *(pointer + 16 + j);
;      scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX, CY+1);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *scr_address = *(pointer + 24 + j);
;      scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX+1, CY+1);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *scr_address = *(pointer + 32 + j);
;      scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    pointer += 40;
; }

         ld       de, datap      ;
         ld      b,   4         ;
i4chars2:   push   bc
         ld      a,   (de)
         cp      99
         jr      z,   nxt2

         ;; A
         LD BC,6 ; 10
         EX DE,HL ; 4
         ADD HL,BC ; 11
         ; EX DE,HL ; 4
         ;inc      de
         ;inc      de
         ;inc      de
         ;inc      de
         ;inc      de
         ;inc      de
         ; Obtenemos xpos = CX
         ld      DE,   xpos
         ;ld      a,   (de)
         ;ld      (hl), a
         ;inc    de
         ; Obtenemos ypos = CY
         ld      DE, ypos
         ;ld      a,   (de)
         ;ld      (hl), a
         ;inc    de
         EX DE,HL
         ;; B
         ; Pintamos el primer char
         call   borra_char
         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; C
         ; Pintamos el segundo char
         call   borra_char

         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         ;ld      a, (hl)
         ;dec      a
         ;ld      (hl), a
         dec (hl)
         ; ypos ++
         ld      hl, ypos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; D
         ; Pintamos el tercer char
         call    borra_char

         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; E

         ; Pintamos el cuarto char
         call   borra_char
         ;; attr
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         dec (hl)
         ; ypos --
         ld      hl, ypos
         dec (hl)
         call   get_attr_address
         call   copyattrs
nxt2:      pop      bc
         djnz    i4chars2        

         call   get_scr_address   ;
         ld      l,    c
         ld      h,    b         ;
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de


; pointer = datap
; for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
;    X = *(pointer + 4);                           // A
;    Y = *(pointer + 5);
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X, Y);               // B
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 8 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X+1, Y);            // C
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 16 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X, Y+1);            // D
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 24 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X+1, Y+1);            // E
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 32 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    pointer = pointer + 40;
; }

         ld       de, datap      ;

         ld      b,   4         ;
i4chars:   push   bc
         ld      a,   (de)
         cp      99
         jr      z,   nxt1

         ;; A
         EX DE,HL
         LD BC,4
         ADD HL,BC
         ;inc      de
         ;inc      de
         ;inc      de
         ;inc      de
         ld      DE,   xpos
         ;ld      a,   (de)
         ;ld      (hl), a
         ;inc    de
         ld      DE, ypos
         ;ld      a,   (de)
         ;ld      (hl), a
         ;inc    de
         EX DE,HL
         inc    de
         inc    de
         ;; B
         call   copia_char
         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; C
         call    copia_char

         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         dec (hl)
         ; ypos ++
         ld      hl, ypos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; D
         call    copia_char

         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; E
         call   copia_char

         ;; Now we point to the ATTR buffer,adding 4:
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         dec (hl)
         ; ypos --
         ld      hl, ypos
         dec (hl)
         call   get_attr_address
         ld      l,    c
         ld      h,    b
         ld      bc, 32
         ;ld      a,   (hl)
         ;ld      (de), a         ; Primer carácter
         ;inc      hl
         ;inc      de
         LDI  ; bc was loaded with 32 instead of 31 to account for the BC-- this instruction has.
         ;ld      a,    (hl)  
         ;ld      (de), a         ; Segundo carácter
         ;inc      de
         add      hl,   bc ; we can get away with this because BC++ as well as hl--

         ;ld      a,   (hl)
         ;ld      (de), a         ; Tercer carácter
         ;inc      hl
         ;inc      de
         ;ld      a,    (hl)
         ;ld      (de), a         ; Cuarto carácter
         ;inc      de            
         ; Fin del bucle
nxt1:      pop      bc
         djnz    i4chars
         ; ret - No! Go straight into Painting new sprites for speed.


;; Print sprites routine
;; UDGs are labeled from  0 to 21. The addres of the UDG is:
;; *(23675) + 256 * *(23676) + 8 * N
         ld       de, datap      ;
         ld      b,   4         ;
i4chars3:   push   bc
         ld      a,   (de)
         cp      99
         jr      z,   nxt3
         ;; copiar aquí "de" a un buffer
         call   charsabuff
         ; Obtenemos xpos
         ld      hl,   xpos
         EX DE,HL
         ;ld      a,   (de)
         ;ld      (hl), a
         ;inc    de
         ; Obtenemos ypos
         ;ld      a,   (de)
         ld      DE, ypos
         ;ld      (hl), a
         ;inc    de
         inc    HL ; de
         inc    HL ; de
         push   HL ;  de
         ld      hl, bufchars
         call   getde
         call   docopy
         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ; Dirección del gráfico
         ld      hl, bufchars+1
         ;inc      hl
         call   getde
         ; Pintamos el segundo char
         call   docopy
         ; xpos--
         ld      hl, xpos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         ; ypos ++
         ld      hl, ypos
         inc      (hl)
         ; Dirección del gráfico
         ld      hl, bufchars+2
         ;inc      hl
         ;inc      hl
         call   getde
         ; Pintamos el tercer char
         call   docopy
         ; xpos ++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ; Dirección del gráfico
         ld      hl, bufchars+3
         ;inc      hl
         ;inc      hl
         ;inc      hl
         call    getde
         ; Pintamos el cuarto char
         call   docopy
         pop      de
         ; de = de + 32
         ld      bc, 32
         ld      h, d
         ld      l, e
         add      hl, bc
         ld      d, h
         ld      e, l
         ;; attr
         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         ;ld      a, (hl)
         ;dec      a
         ;ld      (hl), a
         dec (hl)
         ; ypos --
         ld      hl, ypos
         ;ld      a, (hl)
         ;dec      a
         ;ld      (hl), a
         call   get_attr_address
         call   copyattrs
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de            ;
nxt3:      pop      bc
         djnz    i4chars3

;; Esta función calcula la posición en memoria del UDG apuntado por
;; el número que está en la dirección hl.
getde:   ld      a, (hl)
         ;ld      d, a
         ;ld      hl, 23676
         ;ld      a, (hl)
         ;ld      e, a
         ;ld      hl, 23675
         ;ld      a, (hl)
         ;ld      l, a
         ;ld      a, e
         ;ld      h, a
         ld HL,(23675)
         ;;      HL = *(23675) + 256 * *(23676)
         ;ld      a, d
         rlca   ; a = N * 8
         ld      d, 0
         ld      e, a
         add      hl, de
         ;ld      d, h
         ;ld      e, l
         EX DE,HL

bufchars:   defb   0,0,0, 0      ;

charsabuff: ld      hl,   bufchars
         EX DE,HL
         EX DE,HL
copyattrs:   ld      l,    c
         ld      h,    b
         ld      bc, 31
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a         ; Primer carácter
         inc      hl
         inc      de            
         ld      a,    (de)  
         ld      (hl), a         ; Segundo carácter
         add      hl,   bc
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a         ; Tercer carácter
         inc      hl
         inc      de
         ld      a,    (de)
         ld      (hl), a         ; Cuarto carácter
         inc      de            ; Ahora de apunta a datap+48, o sea, al siguiente sprite.

         ld       de, datap      ; Apuntamos a la zona de datos
         ld      hl, datap      ; idem
         ld      b,   4         ; 4 iteraciones
i4chars4:   push   bc

         ;; Para cada sprite hay que hacer:
         ;; *(datap + 6) = *(datap + 4)
         ;; *(datap + 7) = *(datap + 5)
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         ld      a, (de)         ; a = X
         inc      hl
         inc      hl
         inc    hl
         inc      hl
         inc      hl
         inc      hl
         ld      (hl), a         ; CX = a
         inc    de
         ld      a, (de)         ; a = Y
         inc    hl
         ld      (hl), a         ; CY = a

         inc      hl
         ;; hl = hl + 40
         ld      bc, 40
         add      hl, bc
         ;; de = hl
         ld      d, h
         ld      e, l
         pop      bc
         djnz    i4chars4

SUB fspDisable (n as UByte)
IF n>3 then return : END IF
POKE @fspDataStart+48*n,99
end SUB

SUB fspCoord (n as uByte, x as uByte, y as uByte)   'Set sprite coords: n (sprite number);x,y (vertical,horizontal coords)
IF n>3 then return : END IF
DIM targetAddr as uInteger
POKE targetAddr,x
POKE targetAddr,y
rem targetAddr=targetAddr+1
rem POKE targetAddr,x
rem targetAddr=targetAddr+1
rem POKE targetAddr,y

SUB fspAttrs (n as uByte, attra as uByte, attrb as uByte, attrc as uByte, attrd as uByte) 'Set sprite attrs: n (sprite number);a,b,c,d (UDG attrs)
IF n>3 then return : END IF
DIM targetAddr as uInteger
POKE targetAddr,attra
POKE targetAddr,attrb
POKE targetAddr,attrc
POKE targetAddr,attrd

FUNCTION fspAttrByte(fspInk as uByte,fspPaper as uByte,fspBright as uByte, fspFlash as uByte) as uByte
    if fspInk > 7 OR fspPaper > 7 OR fspBright > 1 or fspFlash >1 then return 0: END IF: Rem bounds check
    return (fspFlash shl 7) + (fspBright shl 6) + (fspPaper shl 3) + fspInk

SUB fspAttr(n as uByte,fspInk as uByte,fspPaper as uByte,fspBright as uByte, fspFlash as uByte)
    if fspInk > 7 OR fspPaper > 7 OR fspBright > 1 or fspFlash >1 then return : END IF: Rem bounds check
    DIM attrByte as uByte

  call fspEraseAsm
  end asm

SUB FASTCALL fspBufferAndDraw()
call fspBufferAndDrawAsm
end asm

SUB FASTCALL fspUpdate()
call fspUpdateAsm

SUB fspRedraw()
   ;REM Erase the sprites
   call fspEraseAsm
   ;REM Save background and
   ;REM print sprites
   call fspBufferAndDrawAsm
   ;REM update coordinates
   call fspUpdateAsm
end asm

REM below this is Apenao's Demo Program:

#include <sinclair.bas>
#include <memcopy.bas>
#include <keys.bas>

100 DIM gentle (0 to 3,0 to 7) AS uByte => {  { 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 13, 15} , _
     { 240, 144, 208, 208, 240, 240, 176, 240} , _
     { 15, 14, 63, 0, 0, 12, 26, 30} , _
     { 176, 112, 252, 0, 0, 48, 104, 120}}

110 POKE Uinteger 23675, @gentle(0,0)

    memcopy (0,16384,4092)
    LET gx=10:LET gy=10:let dx=3:let dy=3:let tx=6:let ty=6:let cx=18:let cy=18
    let dmx=1:let dmy=1:let tmx=-1:let tmy=-1:let cmx=1:let cmy=-1
    fspInitialize (0,0,1,2,3,gx,gy) : REM (sprite number, udgA, udgB,udgC,udgD, initial X co-ordinate, initial y-coordinate)                                                      
    fspInitialize (1,0,1,2,3,dx,dy)
    fspInitialize (2,0,1,2,3,tx,ty)
    fspInitialize (3,0,1,2,3,cx,cy)
    fspAttr(0,WHITE,MAGENTA,FALSE,FALSE) : REM (sprite number, ink, paper, bright, flash)
    pause 2
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYO)<>0 and gx>0 THEN LET gx=gx-1: END IF
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYP)<>0 and gx<30 THEN LET gx=gx+1:END IF
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYQ)<>0 and gy>0 THEN LET gy=gy-1 :END IF
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYA)<>0 and gy<22 THEN LET gy=gy+1: END IF

    let dx=dx+dmx:if dx=0 or dx=30 then let dmx=-dmx : END IF
    let dy=dy+dmy:if dy=0 or dy=22 then let dmy=-dmy: END IF
    let tx=tx+tmx:if tx=0 or tx=30 then let tmx=-tmx: END IF
    let ty=ty+tmy:if ty=0 or ty=22 then let tmy=-tmy: END IF
    let cx=cx+cmx:if cx=0 or cx=30 then let cmx=-cmx: END IF
    let cy=cy+cmy:if cy=0 or cy=22 then let cmy=-cmy: END IF

    fspCoord (0,gx,gy)
    fspCoord (1,dx,dy)
    fspCoord (2,tx,ty)
    fspCoord (3,cx,cy)



Print this item

  Stack Bug in ZXB 1.2.5-r1489 ?
Posted by: britlion - 03-05-2010, 04:07 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (19)

I was updating fourspriter to use SUBs as opposed to gotos. Probably slower, but a little cleaner on the interface to the user.

Anyway, as it stands the main program:

Calls initialize for the first sprite
which calls a dummy "data" routine (which is really just for asm. The first line is return. It only calls it to make sure it's not peephole optimized out)
Comes back to main
calls coords for the first sprite
comes back to main
calls initialize for the second sprite
which calls the dummy data routine again......

and then it goes wrong. It never comes back from this data routine this second time, even though it should return immediately. In fact, it restarts the main program again. Over and over - and then after a few cycles, crashes.

I confirmed the code does the same thing with 1.23 and 1.22; and I didn't think they had the stack bugs, so it could be something I'm doing wrong, I suppose. I can't really see what could go wrong with "return" being the only statement, though.

The code is a bit complex, and is unfinished; but hopefully you can see where I'm going. It has testing PRINTs in it. Just copy and paste and see if it behaves the same way for you.

SUB fspInitialize (n as uByte, a as uByte, b as uByte, c as uByte, d as uByte)  'Initialize Sprite: n (sprite number 0-3);a,b,c,d (UDG number 0-20,99 means the sprite won't be printed)
PRINT AT 0,0;"Initialize" : PAUSE 1: PAUSE 0
fspData() : REM call the data sub to make sure it isn't optimized out of the compile. That call just returns.
PRINT AT 2,0;"FSPData came back to Initialize" : PAUSE 1: PAUSE 0
IF n>3 OR a>20 or b>20 or c>20 or d>20 then return : END IF : REM Bounds checking - so a bad function call doesn't poke all over memory.
DIM targetAddr as uInteger
POKE targetAddr,a
POKE targetAddr,b
POKE targetAddr,c
POKE targetAddr,d
PRINT AT 3,0;"We're at the end of Initialize"

SUB fspDisable (n as UByte)
IF n>3 then return : END IF
POKE @fspDataStart+48*n,99
end SUB

SUB fspCoord (n as uByte, x as uByte, y as uByte)   'Set sprite coords: n (sprite number);x,y (vertical,horizontal coords)
IF n>3 then return : END IF
DIM targetAddr as uInteger
POKE targetAddr,x
POKE targetAddr,y
rem targetAddr=targetAddr+1
rem POKE targetAddr,x
rem targetAddr=targetAddr+1
rem POKE targetAddr,y

SUB fspAttrs (n as uByte, attra as uByte, attrb as uByte, attrc as uByte, attrd as uByte) 'Set sprite attrs: n (sprite number);a,b,c,d (UDG attrs)
IF n>3 then return : END IF
DIM targetAddr as uInteger
POKE targetAddr,attra
POKE targetAddr,attrb
POKE targetAddr,attrc
POKE targetAddr,attrd

FUNCTION fspAttrByte(fspInk as uByte,fspPaper as uByte,fspBright as uByte, fspFlash as uByte) as uByte
    if fspInk > 7 OR fspPaper > 7 OR fspBright > 1 or fspFlash >1 then return 0: END IF: Rem bounds check
    return (fspFlash shl 7) + (fspBright shl 6) + (fspPaper shl 3) + fspInk

SUB fspAttr(n as uByte,fspInk as uByte,fspPaper as uByte,fspBright as uByte, fspFlash as uByte)
    if fspInk > 7 OR fspPaper > 7 OR fspBright > 1 or fspFlash >1 then return : END IF: Rem bounds check
    DIM attrByte as uByte

SUB fspData()
RETURN : REM if called we should return immediately. This sub is for data and ASM only.
REM This routine contains Fourspriter data and code that is called by other routines. In effect, it's a dummy subroutine.
REM It is called by fspInitialize in order to ensure it is included in the build.

;; 16x16 Sprites moving a character each frame
;; Copyleft 2009 The Mojon Twins.
;; Pergreñado por na_th_an
;; Uses UDGs (it reads the address from the system variables).
;; It moves up to 4 sprites, preserving the backgrounds.

datap:                        ; each block is 48 bytes long. [This comment originally said 40 bytes, and it's clearly 48]
;; Sprite 1
udgs1:      defb   0,0,0,0      ; Four UDGs of the first sprite.
x_pos1:     defb   0            ; X position in chars.
y_pos1:     defb   0            ; Y position in chars.
cx_pos1:    defb   0            ; Previous X position in chars.
cy_pos1:    defb   0            ; Previous Y position in chars.
buffer1:    defb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0         ; Background Gfx buffer.
attrs1:     defb   7,7,7,7      ; Sprite ATTRs
buffatrs1:  defb   0,0,0,0      ; Background Attr's buffer

;; Sprite 2
udgs2:      defb   0,0,0,0
x_pos2:     defb   0
y_pos2:     defb   0
cx_pos2:    defb   0
cy_pos2:    defb   0
buffer2:    defb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
attrs2:     defb   7,7,7,7
buffatrs2:  defb   0,0,0,0

;; Sprite 3
udgs3:      defb   0,0,0,0
x_pos3:     defb   0
y_pos3:     defb   0
cx_pos3:    defb   0
cy_pos3:    defb   0
buffer3:    defb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
attrs3:     defb   7,7,7,7
buffatrs3:  defb   0,0,0,0

;; Sprite 4
udgs4:      defb   0,0,0,0
x_pos4:     defb   0
y_pos4:     defb   0
cx_pos4:    defb   0
cy_pos4:    defb   0
buffer4:    defb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
attrs4:     defb   7,7,7,7
buffatrs4:  defb   0,0,0,0

;; General use coordinates
xpos:      defb    0
ypos:      defb    0
cxpos:      defb   0
cypos:      defb    0

;; Sprite control is done writing a certain number
;; in the Sprite's first UDG
;; If the first UDG is 99, it won't be printed

         call   get_scr_address   ; Dirección (xpos, ypos) en BC
         ld      l,    c
         ld      h,    b         ; Dirección (xpos, ypos) en HL        
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
;; Esta función devuelve en bc la dirección de memoria
;; de la posición (xpos, ypos) en carácteres. Extraído de código
;; por BloodBaz.

         push    de
         ld       a,   (xpos)
         and      31
         ld      c,   a
         ld      a,   (ypos)
         ld      d,   a
         and      24
         add      a,   64
         ld      b,    a
         ld      a,   d
         and      7
         or      c
         ld      c,    a
         pop      de
;; Esta función devuelve en bc la dirección de memoria
;; de la posición (xpos, ypos) dentro del archivo de atributos.
;; Adaptado de código por Jonathan Cauldwell.

;; 010110YY YYYXXXXX

         ld      a,    (ypos)      ; Cogemos y
         rrca               ; La multiplicamos por 32
         ld      c,   a         ; nos lo guardamos en c
         and      3            ; ponemos una mascarita 00000011
         add      a,   88         ; 88 * 256 = 22528, aquí empieza el tema
         ld      b,   a         ; Hecho el bite superior.
         ld      a,   c         ; Nos volvemos a traer y * 32
         and      224            ; Mascarita 11100000
         ld      c,   a         ; Lo volvemos a poner en c
         ld      a,   (xpos)      ; Cogemos x
         add      a,    c         ; Le sumamos lo que teníamos antes.
         ld      c,   a         ; Listo. Ya tenemos en BC la dirección.
spare:      defb   85,85,85,85,85,85,85, 85

SUB fspErase()
;; Routine to save the background to the buffer


; pointer = datap
; for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
;    CX = *(pointer + 6)
;    CY = *(pointer + 7)
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX, CY);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *scr_address = *(pointer + 8 + j);
;      scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX+1, CY);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *scr_address = *(pointer + 16 + j);
;      scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX, CY+1);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *scr_address = *(pointer + 24 + j);
;      scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX+1, CY+1);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *scr_address = *(pointer + 32 + j);
;      scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    pointer += 40;
; }

         ld       de, datap      ;
         ld      b,   4         ;
i4chars2:   push   bc
         ld      a,   (de)
         cp      99
         jr      z,   nxt2

         ;; A

         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         ; Obtenemos xpos = CX
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      hl,   xpos
         ld      (hl), a
         inc    de
         ; Obtenemos ypos = CY
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      hl, ypos
         ld      (hl), a
         inc    de
         ;; B
         ; Pintamos el primer char
         call   borra_char
         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; C
         ; Pintamos el segundo char
         call   borra_char

         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         ; ypos ++
         ld      hl, ypos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; D
         ; Pintamos el tercer char
         call    borra_char

         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; E

         ; Pintamos el cuarto char
         call   borra_char
         ;; attr
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         ; ypos --
         ld      hl, ypos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         call   get_attr_address
         call   copyattrs
nxt2:      pop      bc
         djnz    i4chars2        
jp fspErase_end

         call   get_scr_address   ;
         ld      l,    c
         ld      h,    b         ;
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      h
         inc      de


end asm

SUB fspBufferBackground()

; pointer = datap
; for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
;    X = *(pointer + 4);                           // A
;    Y = *(pointer + 5);
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X, Y);               // B
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 8 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X+1, Y);            // C
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 16 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X, Y+1);            // D
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 24 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X+1, Y+1);            // E
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 32 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    pointer = pointer + 40;
; }

         ld       de, datap      ;

         ld      b,   4         ;
i4chars:   push   bc
         ld      a,   (de)
         cp      99
         jr      z,   nxt1

         ;; A

         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de

         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      hl,   xpos
         ld      (hl), a
         inc    de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      hl, ypos
         ld      (hl), a
         inc    de
         inc    de
         inc    de
         ;; B
         call   copia_char
         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; C
         call    copia_char

         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         ; ypos ++
         ld      hl, ypos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; D
         call    copia_char

         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ;; E
         call   copia_char

         ;; Now we point to the ATTR buffer,adding 4:
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         ; ypos --
         ld      hl, ypos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         call   get_attr_address
         ld      l,    c
         ld      h,    b
         ld      bc, 31
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a         ; Primer carácter
         inc      hl
         inc      de
         ld      a,    (hl)  
         ld      (de), a         ; Segundo carácter
         add      hl,   bc
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a         ; Tercer carácter
         inc      hl
         inc      de
         ld      a,    (hl)
         ld      (de), a         ; Cuarto carácter
         inc      de            

         ; Fin del bucle
nxt1:      pop      bc
         djnz    i4chars
jp fspBufferBackground_end
         call   get_scr_address   ;
         ld      l,    c
         ld      h,    b         ;
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (hl)
         ld      (de), a
         inc      h
         inc      de
         ret  ; Subroutines don't need to return themselves.

;; Routine to move the sprites:

end asm

SUB fspRedraw()
end asm

   ';call borra_sprites            ; Erase the sprites
   ';call init_sprites               ; Save background
   ';call draw_sprites            ; print sprites
   ';call update_coordinates         ; update coordinates :)


SUB fspDraw()
;; Print sprites routine
;; UDGs are labeled from  0 to 21. The addres of the UDG is:
;; *(23675) + 256 * *(23676) + 8 * N
         ld       de, datap      ;
         ld      b,   4         ;
i4chars3:   push   bc
         ld      a,   (de)
         cp      99
         jr      z,   nxt3
         ;; copiar aquí "de" a un buffer
         call   charsabuff
         ; Obtenemos xpos
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      hl,   xpos
         ld      (hl), a
         inc    de
         ; Obtenemos ypos
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      hl, ypos
         ld      (hl), a
         inc    de
         inc    de
         inc    de
         push    de
         ld      hl, bufchars
         call   getde
         call   docopy
         ; xpos++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ; Dirección del gráfico
         ld      hl, bufchars
         inc      hl
         call   getde
         ; Pintamos el segundo char
         call   docopy
         ; xpos--
         ld      hl, xpos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         ; ypos ++
         ld      hl, ypos
         inc      (hl)
         ; Dirección del gráfico
         ld      hl, bufchars
         inc      hl
         inc      hl
         call   getde
         ; Pintamos el tercer char
         call   docopy
         ; xpos ++
         ld      hl, xpos
         inc      (hl)
         ; Dirección del gráfico
         ld      hl, bufchars
         inc      hl
         inc      hl
         inc      hl
         call    getde
         ; Pintamos el cuarto char
         call   docopy
         pop      de
         ; de = de + 32
         ld      bc, 32
         ld      h, d
         ld      l, e
         add      hl, bc
         ld      d, h
         ld      e, l
         ;; attr
         ; xpos --
         ld      hl, xpos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         ; ypos --
         ld      hl, ypos
         ld      a, (hl)
         dec      a
         ld      (hl), a
         call   get_attr_address
         call   copyattrs
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de            ;
nxt3:      pop      bc
         djnz    i4chars3
jp fspDraw_end

;; Esta función calcula la posición en memoria del UDG apuntado por
;; el número que está en la dirección hl.
getde:      ld      a, (hl)
         ld      d, a
         ld      hl, 23676
         ld      a, (hl)
         ld      e, a
         ld      hl, 23675
         ld      a, (hl)
         ld      l, a
         ld      a, e
         ld      h, a
         ;;      HL = *(23675) + 256 * *(23676)
         ld      a, d
         rlca   ; a = N * 8
         ld      d, 0
         ld      e, a
         add      hl, de
         ld      d, h
         ld      e, l

bufchars:   defb   0,0,0, 0      ;

charsabuff: ld      hl,   bufchars
         ld      a, (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      de
         inc      hl
         ld      a, (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      de
         inc      hl
         ld      a, (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      de
         inc      hl
         ld      a, (de)
         ld      (hl), a
         inc      de
         inc      hl
copyattrs:   ld      l,    c
         ld      h,    b
         ld      bc, 31
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a         ; Primer carácter
         inc      hl
         inc      de            
         ld      a,    (de)  
         ld      (hl), a         ; Segundo carácter
         add      hl,   bc
         inc      de
         ld      a,   (de)
         ld      (hl), a         ; Tercer carácter
         inc      hl
         inc      de
         ld      a,    (de)
         ld      (hl), a         ; Cuarto carácter
         inc      de            ; Ahora de apunta a datap+48, o sea, al siguiente sprite.

SUB fspUpdate()
         ld       de, datap      ; Apuntamos a la zona de datos
         ld      hl, datap      ; idem

         ld      b,   4         ; 4 iteraciones
i4chars4:   push   bc

         ;; Para cada sprite hay que hacer:
         ;; *(datap + 6) = *(datap + 4)
         ;; *(datap + 7) = *(datap + 5)
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         inc      de
         ld      a, (de)         ; a = X
         inc      hl
         inc      hl
         inc    hl
         inc      hl
         inc      hl
         inc      hl
         ld      (hl), a         ; CX = a
         inc    de
         ld      a, (de)         ; a = Y
         inc    hl
         ld      (hl), a         ; CY = a

         inc      hl
         ;; hl = hl + 40
         ld      bc, 40
         add      hl, bc
         ;; de = hl
         ld      d, h
         ld      e, l
         pop      bc
         djnz    i4chars4

#include <sinclair.bas>
#include <memcopy.bas>
#include <keys.bas>

100 DIM gentle (0 to 3,0 to 7) AS uByte => {  { 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 13, 15} , _
     { 240, 144, 208, 208, 240, 240, 176, 240} , _
     { 15, 14, 63, 0, 0, 12, 26, 30} , _
     { 176, 112, 252, 0, 0, 48, 104, 120}}

110 POKE Uinteger 23675, @gentle(0,0)

    memcopy (0,16384,4092)
    LET gx=10:LET gy=10:let dx=3:let dy=3:let tx=6:let ty=6:let cx=18:let cy=18
    let dmx=1:let dmy=1:let tmx=-1:let tmy=-1:let cmx=1:let cmy=-1
    fspInitialize (0,0,1,2,3)
    PRINT AT 5,0;"We came back from Initialize the first time" : PAUSE 1: PAUSE 0
    fspCoord (0,gy,gx)
    PRINT AT 6,0;"We came back from fspCoord the first time": PAUSE 1: PAUSE 0
    fspInitialize (1,0,1,2,3)
    PRINT AT 7,0;"We came back from Initialize the second time" : PAUSE 1: PAUSE 0    
    fspCoord (1,dy,dx)
    fspInitialize (2,0,1,2,3)
    fspCoord (2,ty,tx)
    fspInitialize (3,0,1,2,3)
    fspCoord (3,cy,cx)
    fspAttrs (0,31,31,31,31)
    fspAttrs (1,12,12,12,12)
    fspAttrs (2,26,26,26,26)
    fspAttrs (3,6,6,6,6)


    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYO)<>0 and gx>0 THEN LET gx=gx-1: END IF
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYP)<>0 and gx<30 THEN LET gx=gx+1:END IF
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYQ)<>0 and gy>0 THEN LET gy=gy-1 :END IF
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYA)<>0 and gy<22 THEN LET gy=gy+1: END IF

    let dx=dx+dmx:if dx=0 or dx=30 then let dmx=-dmx : END IF
    let dy=dy+dmy:if dy=0 or dy=22 then let dmy=-dmy: END IF
    let tx=tx+tmx:if tx=0 or tx=30 then let tmx=-tmx: END IF
    let ty=ty+tmy:if ty=0 or ty=22 then let tmy=-tmy: END IF
    let cx=cx+cmx:if cx=0 or cx=30 then let cmx=-cmx: END IF
    let cy=cy+cmy:if cy=0 or cy=22 then let cmy=-cmy: END IF
pause 2
    fspCoord (0,gx,gy)
    fspCoord (1,dx,dy)
    fspCoord (2,tx,ty)
    fspCoord (3,cx,cy)

Print this item

  ZX Assembler Inline Basic
Posted by: britlion - 03-04-2010, 04:51 AM - Forum: How-To & Tutorials - No Replies

ZXB allows you to do stuff that's pretty crazy.

I had a fancy cls routine - that didn't actually clear the screen, just ran a attribute bar over the screen, and then of course you do a CLS from basic afterwards. The effect is the same, but it looks cool.

It wouldn't compile right - the call to the ZX ROM sound routine kept corrupting things. Probably messing with IX and IY registers in naughty ways.

Then it occurred to me.... just compile a beep into the middle. :-)


sub clearscreen()
    ld hl, 22528         ; 28000 33     0     88     10ts
    ld de, 32         ; 28003 17     32     0     10ts
l_6d66: push de             ; 28006 213 11ts
    push hl             ; 28007 229 11ts
    ld de, 32         ; 28008 17     32     0     10ts
    ld b, 24         ; 28011 6     22     7ts
l_6d6d: ld (hl), 24     ; Pick your leading bar attribute colour here.
    add hl, de         ; 28015 25     11ts
    djnz l_6d6d         ; 28016 16     251 8/13ts
    push de          ; save our registers before dropping to compiled code.
end asm
beep .05,-20
    pop de           ; recover our register
    pop hl             ; (we didn't need to save HL, because we're resetting it)
    push hl             ; 28032 229 11ts
    ld b, 24         ; 28033 6     22     7ts
l_6d83: ld (hl), 63   ; Pick you final attribute here
    add hl, de         ; 28037 25     11ts
    djnz l_6d83         ; 28038 16     251 8/13ts
    pop hl             ; 28040 225 10ts
    pop de             ; 28041 209 10ts
    dec de             ; 28042 27     6ts
    inc hl             ; 28043 35     6ts
    ld a, d             ; 28044 122 4ts
    or e             ; 28045 179 4ts
    jr nz, l_6d66         ; 28046 32     214 7/12ts
    end asm
    cls : rem actually wipe the bits off the screen - we just ran an attribute bar before!
end sub

Print "hello world"
pause 1
pause 0


print "Hello!"

How beautiful is that?
So long as I stack the registers I need (in this case DE), I can find them again when I come back. In a way, it's inline basic in the middle of assembler :-)

Anyway, that's my silliness for the day. Also: This makes for a nice clear screen subroutine. Change the bar colour and the final colour where indicated (and remember, ink and paper should be the same, so it does 'clear' it by hiding any characters on the screen until the CLS.

It's also pretty easy to change the sound (or remove it altogether - but you need something there to slow it down, or you don't see the effect. A busy loop or a pause would work too).

Print this item

  INT (fixed) doesn't work (*solved*)
Posted by: britlion - 03-02-2010, 05:19 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (3)

Version zxb 1.2.5-r1489

DIM a as fixed
LET a=3.5
print a
print INT(a)


I think it's getting bit converted to a long. If I do cast(fixed,int(a))) I get back 3.5

Print this item

  Fourspriter: Sprite Engine from the Mojon Twins
Posted by: apenao - 03-01-2010, 09:10 PM - Forum: How-To & Tutorials - Replies (11)

As I promissed, here I am with an adaptation for the Mojon Twins "Fourspriter". Well, in fact I promissed just the opposite (skip this one and post the other sprite routine I'm working in), but I think this one is more suited to a basic enviroment and the other one is just great for a crap game (see my game Colour Clash of the Titans in the CSSCGC 2010 thread within the WoS games forum) but not so good if you plan to do a polished game.

The engine itself comes in assembler, and all you have to do is POKE the right adresses to configure and move your sprites (up to 4). All I have done is adding 3 subroutines to make easier the poking part, and 4 labes so you can call the different subroutines of the engine via gosub.

Here goes the code you have to include in your library folder (I called it fourspriter.bas):

SUB fsprite (n as uByte, a as uByte, b as uByte, c as uByte, d as uByte)  'Initialite Sprite: n (sprite number 0-3);a,b,c,d (UDG number 0-20,99 means the sprite won't be printed)
POKE @fourspriter+48*n,a
POKE @fourspriter+1+48*n,b
POKE @fourspriter+2+48*n,c
POKE @fourspriter+3+48*n,d
END sub

SUB fspritecoord (n as uByte, x as uByte, y as uByte)   'Set sprite coords: n (sprite number);x,y (vertical,horizontal coords)
POKE @fourspriter+4+48*n,x
POKE @fourspriter+5+48*n,y
POKE @fourspriter+6+48*n,x
POKE @fourspriter+7+48*n,y

SUB fspriteattr (n as uByte, attra as uByte, attrb as uByte, attrc as uByte, attrd as uByte) 'Set sprite attrs: n (sprite number);a,b,c,d (UDG attrs)
POKE @fourspriter+40+48*n,attra
POKE @fourspriter+41+48*n,attrb
POKE @fourspriter+42+48*n,attrc
POKE @fourspriter+43+48*n,attrd


;; 16x16 Sprites moving a character each frame

;; Copyleft 2009 The Mojon Twins.
;; Pergreñado por na_th_an

;; Uses UDGs (it reads the address from the system variables).

;; It moves up to 4 sprites, preserving the backgrounds.

datap:                                ; each block is 40 bytes long.

;; Sprite 1

udgs1:        defb    0, 0, 0, 0        ; Four UDGs of the first sprite.
x_pos1:        defb    0                ; X position in chars.
y_pos1:        defb    0                ; Y position in chars.
cx_pos1:    defb    0                ; Previous X position in chars.
cy_pos1:    defb     0                ; Previous Y position in chars.
buffer1:    defb    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0            ; Gfx buffer.
attrs1:        defb    7, 7, 7, 7        ; Sprite ATTRs
buffatrs1:    defb    0,0,0, 0            ; Attr's buffer

;; Sprite 2

udgs2:        defb    0, 0, 0, 0        ;
x_pos2:        defb    0                ;
y_pos2:        defb    0                ;
cx_pos2:    defb    0                ;
cy_pos2:    defb     0                ;
buffer2:    defb    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0            ;
attrs2:        defb    7, 7, 7, 7        ;
buffatrs2:    defb    0,0,0, 0            ;

;; Sprite 3

udgs3:        defb    0, 0, 0, 0        ;
x_pos3:        defb    0                ;
y_pos3:        defb    0                ;
cx_pos3:    defb    0                ;
cy_pos3:    defb     0                ;
buffer3:    defb    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0            ;
attrs3:        defb    7, 7, 7, 7        ;
buffatrs3:    defb    0,0,0, 0            ;

;; Sprite 4

udgs4:        defb    0, 0, 0, 0        ;
x_pos4:        defb    0                ;
y_pos4:        defb    0                ;
cx_pos4:    defb    0                ;
cy_pos4:    defb     0                ;
buffer4:    defb    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0            ;
attrs4:        defb    7, 7, 7, 7        ;
buffatrs4:    defb    0,0,0, 0            ;

;; General use coordinates

xpos:        defb     0
ypos:        defb     0
cxpos:        defb    0
cypos:        defb     0

;; Sprite control is done writing a certain number
;; in the Sprite's first UDG
;; If the first UDG is 99, it won't be printed

;; Routine to save the background to the buffer
end asm

; pointer = datap
; for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
;    X = *(pointer + 4);                                    // A
;    Y = *(pointer + 5);
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X, Y);                    // B
;     for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 8 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X+1, Y);                // C
;     for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 16 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X, Y+1);                // D
;     for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 24 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X+1, Y+1);                // E
;     for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 32 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    pointer = pointer + 40;
; }

            ld         de, datap        ;

            ld        b,    4            ;
i4chars:    push    bc
            ld        a,    (de)
            cp        99
            jr        z,    nxt1

            ;; A

            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de

            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl,    xpos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            inc     de
            inc     de
            ;; B
            call    copia_char
            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; C
            call     copia_char

            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos ++
            ld        hl, ypos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; D
            call     copia_char

            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; E
            call    copia_char

            ;; Now we point to the ATTR buffer,adding 4:
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos --
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            call    get_attr_address
            ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b
            ld        bc, 31
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a            ; Primer carácter
            inc        hl
            inc        de
            ld        a,     (hl)    
            ld        (de), a            ; Segundo carácter
            add        hl,    bc
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a            ; Tercer carácter
            inc        hl
            inc        de
            ld        a,     (hl)
            ld        (de), a            ; Cuarto carácter
            inc        de                

            ; Fin del bucle
nxt1:        pop        bc
            djnz     i4chars
            call    get_scr_address    ;
            ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b            ;
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
;; Routine to move the sprites:

end asm
    call borra_sprites                ; Erase the sprites
    call init_sprites               ; Save background
    call draw_sprites                ; print sprites
    call update_coordinates            ; update coordinates :)

;; Routine to erase the sprites:
end asm

; pointer = datap
; for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
;     CX = *(pointer + 6)
;     CY = *(pointer + 7)
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX, CY);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;        *scr_address = *(pointer + 8 + j);
;        scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX+1, CY);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;        *scr_address = *(pointer + 16 + j);
;        scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX, CY+1);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;        *scr_address = *(pointer + 24 + j);
;        scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX+1, CY+1);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;        *scr_address = *(pointer + 32 + j);
;        scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    pointer += 40;
; }

            ld         de, datap        ;
            ld        b,    4            ;
i4chars2:    push    bc
            ld        a,    (de)
            cp        99
            jr        z,    nxt2

            ;; A

            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            ; Obtenemos xpos = CX
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl,    xpos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            ; Obtenemos ypos = CY
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            ;; B
            ; Pintamos el primer char
            call    borra_char
            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; C
            ; Pintamos el segundo char
            call    borra_char

            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos ++
            ld        hl, ypos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; D
            ; Pintamos el tercer char
            call     borra_char

            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; E

            ; Pintamos el cuarto char
            call    borra_char
            ;; attr
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos --
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            call    get_attr_address
            call    copyattrs
nxt2:        pop        bc
            djnz     i4chars2            

            call    get_scr_address    ;
            ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b            ;
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de

;; Print sprites routine

;; UDGs are labeled from  0 to 21. The addres of the UDG is:

;; *(23675) + 256 * *(23676) + 8 * N
bufchars:    defb    0,0,0, 0        ;
end asm

            ld         de, datap        ;

            ld        b,    4            ;
i4chars3:    push    bc

            ld        a,    (de)
            cp        99
            jr        z,    nxt3

            ;; copiar aquí "de" a un buffer

            call    charsabuff
            ; Obtenemos xpos
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl,    xpos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            ; Obtenemos ypos
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            inc     de
            inc     de
            push     de
            ld        hl, bufchars
            call    getde
            call    docopy

            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ; Dirección del gráfico
            ld        hl, bufchars
            inc        hl
            call    getde
            ; Pintamos el segundo char
            call    docopy
            ; xpos--
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos ++
            ld        hl, ypos
            inc        (hl)
            ; Dirección del gráfico
            ld        hl, bufchars
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            call    getde
            ; Pintamos el tercer char
            call    docopy
            ; xpos ++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ; Dirección del gráfico
            ld        hl, bufchars
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            call     getde
            ; Pintamos el cuarto char
            call    docopy
            pop        de
            ; de = de + 32
            ld        bc, 32
            ld        h, d
            ld        l, e
            add        hl, bc
            ld        d, h
            ld        e, l
            ;; attr
            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos --
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            call    get_attr_address
            call    copyattrs
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de                ;
nxt3:        pop        bc
            djnz     i4chars3

charsabuff: ld        hl,    bufchars
            ld        a, (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        de
            inc        hl
            ld        a, (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        de
            inc        hl
            ld        a, (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        de
            inc        hl
            ld        a, (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        de
            inc        hl
copyattrs:    ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b
            ld        bc, 31
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a            ; Primer carácter
            inc        hl
            inc        de                
            ld        a,     (de)    
            ld        (hl), a            ; Segundo carácter
            add        hl,    bc
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a            ; Tercer carácter
            inc        hl
            inc        de
            ld        a,     (de)
            ld        (hl), a            ; Cuarto carácter
            inc        de                ; Ahora de apunta a datap+48, o sea, al siguiente sprite.
end asm
            ld         de, datap        ; Apuntamos a la zona de datos
            ld        hl, datap        ; idem

            ld        b,    4            ; 4 iteraciones
i4chars4:    push    bc

            ;; Para cada sprite hay que hacer:
            ;; *(datap + 6) = *(datap + 4)
            ;; *(datap + 7) = *(datap + 5)
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            ld        a, (de)            ; a = X
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            inc     hl
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            ld        (hl), a            ; CX = a
            inc     de
            ld        a, (de)            ; a = Y
            inc     hl
            ld        (hl), a            ; CY = a

            inc        hl
            ;; hl = hl + 40
            ld        bc, 40
            add        hl, bc
            ;; de = hl
            ld        d, h
            ld        e, l
            pop        bc
            djnz     i4chars4
;; Esta función calcula la posición en memoria del UDG apuntado por
;; el número que está en la dirección hl.
getde:        ld        a, (hl)
            ld        d, a
            ld        hl, 23676
            ld        a, (hl)
            ld        e, a
            ld        hl, 23675
            ld        a, (hl)
            ld        l, a
            ld        a, e
            ld        h, a
            ;;        HL = *(23675) + 256 * *(23676)
            ld        a, d
            rlca    ; a = N * 8
            ld        d, 0
            ld        e, a
            add        hl, de
            ld        d, h
            ld        e, l

            call    get_scr_address    ; Dirección (xpos, ypos) en BC
            ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b            ; Dirección (xpos, ypos) en HL            
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
;; Esta función devuelve en bc la dirección de memoria
;; de la posición (xpos, ypos) en carácteres. Extraído de código
;; por BloodBaz.

            push     de
            ld         a,    (xpos)
            and        31
            ld        c,    a
            ld        a,    (ypos)
            ld        d,    a
            and        24
            add        a,    64
            ld        b,     a
            ld        a,    d
            and        7
            or        c
            ld        c,     a
            pop        de
;; Esta función devuelve en bc la dirección de memoria
;; de la posición (xpos, ypos) dentro del archivo de atributos.
;; Adaptado de código por Jonathan Cauldwell.

;; 010110YY YYYXXXXX

            ld        a,     (ypos)        ; Cogemos y
            rrca                    ; La multiplicamos por 32
            ld        c,    a            ; nos lo guardamos en c
            and        3                ; ponemos una mascarita 00000011
            add        a,    88            ; 88 * 256 = 22528, aquí empieza el tema
            ld        b,    a            ; Hecho el bite superior.
            ld        a,    c            ; Nos volvemos a traer y * 32
            and        224                ; Mascarita 11100000
            ld        c,    a            ; Lo volvemos a poner en c
            ld        a,    (xpos)        ; Cogemos x
            add        a,     c            ; Le sumamos lo que teníamos antes.
            ld        c,    a            ; Listo. Ya tenemos en BC la dirección.
spare:        defb    85,85,85,85,85,85,85, 85
end asm

The subroutines are the following:

1) Define your sprites:

fsprite (n,a,b,c,d) ; where n is the sprite number (0 to 3) and a-d are the UDGs number that compose the sprite (0-21)

2) Set the atributes for each of the sprite's UDG:

fspriteattr (n,a,b,c,d) ; n=sprite number ; a-d=attr of each UDG

3) Set the initial coords for your spries:
fspritecoord (n,y,x) ; n= sprite number ; y=vertical coord ; x=horizontal coord

The labels to be called via gosub are:

borrasprites ; this will erase the sprites, restoring the background.

initsprites ; this will select wether a sprite will be printed or not. If you don't want a sprite to be printed, you have to poke 99 into the first value of the sprite udg (i.e. fsprite (1,99,0,0,0) won't print sprite 1)

drawsprites ; this will draw the sprites on the screen

updatecoordinates ; this will update the current coordinates of each sprite, while storing the old ones so you can restore the background.

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  "Register" command
Posted by: britlion - 02-27-2010, 04:47 AM - Forum: Wishlist - No Replies

I was thinking that it might be incredibly useful, for inline assembly to be able to set what's on the registers as you hit z80 asm.

And a command to do that, that works in a similar way to a function call, might be a good way to do it and avoid a lot of the overhead of a function call for very small jobs.

How about a register and an unregister command?

Register - takes a variable and puts it in the current registers
unregister - takes registers and puts them into a variable.

So you could do something like:

DIM a as long
register a
LD D,0
end asm
unregister a

To kill off the top byte of a long, if that was your whimsy.

Not sure if other people would find this useful, but I could imagine ways it could be useful.

How about:
dim a as fixed
dim b as uinteger
(do things)
register a
unregister b

to put the decimal part of a into b if you wanted to deal with the integer part and the decimal part separately. You could even shunt it back later...

Anyway, just a crazy thought from me, as per usual :-)

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  MOD doesn't work with type FIXED (*solved*)
Posted by: britlion - 02-25-2010, 06:18 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

I did wonder if this was a bug or not, since it might be odd to modulus a floating point number.

But mod works perfectly with type FLOAT, so logically it should also work well with type FIXED. Fixed division works, and the compiler seems to know where the code for mod should be - at label _MODF16.

Error: Undefined label '__MODF16'

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  Improved bAND, bOR, bXOR
Posted by: britlion - 02-25-2010, 03:33 AM - Forum: How-To & Tutorials - Replies (4)

Here are more general purpose functions for AND, OR and NOT. They work with Byte, Integer or Long types (the function is long, but the cast works upscale).

A binary NOT is tougher - what bits do you invert? If you send me 8, and I invert 32 is that what you wanted?
(of course, you could bAND the result into the last 8 or 16 bits)

These functions are very similar, of course.

Binary AND:

Function bAND(a as uLong, b as uLong) as uLong
    POP BC ; something
    POP HL ; return address
    POP HL ; aL
    POP DE ; aH
    POP BC ; bL
    LD A,B
    AND H
    LD H,A
    LD A,C
    AND L
    LD L,A
    POP BC ;bH
    LD A,B
    AND D
    LD D,A
    LD A,C
    AND E
    LD E,A
    PUSH HL ; put return address back
end asm
END function

Binary OR:
Function bOR(c as uLong, d as uLong) as uLong
    POP BC ; something
    POP HL ; return address
    POP HL ; aL
    POP DE ; aH
    POP BC ; bL
    LD A,B
    OR H
    LD H,A
    LD A,C
    OR L
    LD L,A
    POP BC ;bH
    LD A,B
    OR D
    LD D,A
    LD A,C
    OR E
    LD E,A
    PUSH HL ; put return address back
end asm
END function

Binary XOR:
Function bXOR(e as uLong, f as uLong) as uLong
    POP BC ; something
    POP HL ; return address
    POP HL ; aL
    POP DE ; aH
    POP BC ; bL
    LD A,B
    XOR H
    LD H,A
    LD A,C
    XOR L
    LD L,A
    POP BC ;bH
    LD A,B
    XOR D
    LD D,A
    LD A,C
    XOR E
    LD E,A
    PUSH HL ; put return address back
end asm
END function

Here's the 32 bit NOT function. This is the one that's tricky. If you want a NOT in 8 bits, do bAND(255,bNOT32(num)) - in other words, AND it to cut the length you want; or you are going to be confused at the result being a LOT bigger than you wanted.

8 bit result: bAND with 255
16 bit result: bAND with 65535

If you want the function, it's probably obvious to you. You could also use bNOT16 and bNOT8 listed in the previous thread - and if you always want 16 or 8 bit values, that's the smaller and faster route.

32 Bit Binary NOT:
FUNCTION FASTCALL bNOT32(g as uLong) as uLong
   LD A,D
   LD D,A
   LD A,E
   LD E,A
   LD A,H
   LD H,A
   LD A,L
   LD L,A
end asm

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