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MegaLZ depacker
I was using MegaLZ, and I figured it worth listing how to make it a SUB.

Trivially easy, actually - it's provided as ASM source. There's a windows binary program to compress data. Just call this like a mem copy, with source (packed data) and destination (for unpacked data).

I've used it to pack down screen data, and just unpacked it to the screen - it's slow enough to be visible, so do it with attributes set to invisible, and the user won't notice.

SUB megaLZDepack (source as uInteger, dest as uInteger)

LD E,(IX+6)
LD D,(IX+7)

;Z80 depacker for megalz V4 packed files   (C) fyrex^mhm

; Depacker is fully relocatable, not self-modifying,
;it's length is 110 bytes starting from DEC40.
;Register usage: AF,AF',BC,DE,HL. Must be CALL'ed, return is done by RET.
;Provide extra stack location for store 2 bytes (1 word). Depacker does not
;disable or enable interrupts, as well as could be interrupted at any time
;(no f*cking wicked stack usage :).

; - put depacker anywhere you want,
; - put starting address of packed block in HL,
; - put location where you want data to be depacked in DE,
;   (much like LDIR command, but without BC)
; - make CALL to depacker (DEC40).
; - enjoy! ;)

; Be very careful if packed and depacked blocks coincide somewhere in memory.
;Here are some advices:
; 1. put packed block to the highest addresses possible.
;     Best if last byte of packed block has address #FFFF.
; 2. Leave some gap between ends of packed and depacked block.
;     For example, last byte of depacked block at #FF00,
;     last byte of packed block at #FFFF.
; 3. Place nonpackable data to the end of block.
; 4. Always check whether depacking occurs OK and neither corrupts depacked data
;     nor hangs computer.


        LD      A,80h
        EX      AF,AF'
MS:     LDI
M0:      LD      BC,2FFh
M1:      EX      AF,AF'
M1X:     ADD     A,A
        JR      NZ,M2
        LD      A,(HL)
        INC     HL
M2:      RL      C
        JR      NC,M1X
        EX      AF,AF'
        DJNZ    X2
        LD      A,2
        SRA     C
        JR      C,N1
        INC     A
        INC     C
        JR      Z,N2
        LD      BC,33Fh
        JR      M1

X2:      DJNZ    X3
        SRL     C
        JR      C,MS
        INC     B
        JR      M1
        ADD     A,C
        LD      BC,4FFh
        JR      M1
        INC     C
        JR      NZ,M4
        EX      AF,AF'
        INC     B
N5:      RR      C
        JP     C, END_DEC40
        RL      B
        ADD     A,A
        JR      NZ,N6
        LD      A,(HL)
        INC     HL
N6:      JR      NC,N5
        EX      AF,AF'
        ADD     A,B
        LD      B,6
        JR      M1
        DJNZ    X4
        LD      A,1
        JR      M3
X4:      DJNZ    X5
        INC     C
        JR      NZ,M4
        LD      BC,51Fh
        JR      M1
        DJNZ    X6
        LD      B,C
M4:      LD      C,(HL)
        INC     HL
M3:      DEC     B
        PUSH    HL
        LD      L,C
        LD      H,B
        ADD     HL,DE
        LD      C,A
        LD      B,0
        POP     HL
        JR      M0


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