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Illegal Character "."
I was playing with putChars to tighten it and add attribs...

This comes back with "illegal character "." in line 52. There is indeed one in that line. It's in a comment. If you remove it (I already removed all the others) it freaks into "Too many errors. Giving up".

Line 52:
; gets screen address in HL, and bytes address in DE. [<<<< This . is apparently an error] Copies the 8 bytes to the screen

I have no idea why!

SUB Baspaint (x as uByte,y as uByte, width as uByte, height as uByte, attribute as ubyte)
    dim i,j as ubyte
    FOR i=x to x+width-1
        for j=y to y+height-1
        poke (22528+(CAST(uinteger,32)*j)+i),attribute
        next j
    next i
    SUB paint (x as uByte,y as uByte, width as uByte, height as uByte, attribute as ubyte)
    print x,y,width,height,attribute
    SUB putChars(x as uByte,y as uByte, width as uByte, height as uByte, dataAddress as uInteger)
             LD      a,(IX+5)
             ;AND     31
             ld      l,a
             ld      a,(IX+7) ; Y value
             ld      d,a
             AND     24
             add     a,64
             ld      h,a
             ld      a,d
             AND     7
             OR      l
             ld      l,a

    PUSH HL ; save our address

    LD E,(IX+12) ; Marker - This will be poked for the data address by the subroutine
    LD D,(IX+13)
    LD B,(IX+9) ; Marker - this will be poked for the width
    PUSH BC ; save our column count


    LD B,(IX+11) ; Marker - this will be poked for the height by the subroutine

    ; gets screen address in HL, and bytes address in DE. Copies the 8 bytes to the screen
    ld a,(DE) ; First Row
    LD (HL),a
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; second Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Third Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Fourth Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Fifth Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Sixth Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Seventh Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Eigth Row
    INC DE ; Move to next data item.
    DEC B
    JR Z,BLPutCharNextColumn
    ;The following code calculates the address of the next line down below current HL address.
    PUSH DE ; save DE
             ld   a,l  
             and  224  
             cp   224  
             jp   z,BLPutCharNextThird

             ld   de,-1760
             ;and  a        
             add  hl,de      
             POP DE ; get our data point back.
             jp BLPutCharInColumnLoop

             ld   de,32      
             ;and  a
             add  hl,de  
             POP DE ; get our data point back.
    JP BLPutCharInColumnLoop

    POP BC
    POP HL
    DEC B
    JP Z BLPutCharsEnd

    INC HL
    JP BLPutCharColumnLoop

    end asm


    goto start

defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32
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end asm


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