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As BorIDE progresses...
boriel Wrote:Excellent work, LCD.
Remember you can check the list of reserved identifiers in the wiki:

I checked that, but I also added some of the commands that are not described yet, only from "whats new" description, which syntax and function I had not testet yet, like "Multikeys" (I think, it is a function).

boriel Wrote:I also suggest to put identifier lists in an external cfg text file, so adding new keywords to the language does not force you to recompile your application.

Having said that, well done!
The fact is, I do not mind to recompile for each new version which adds more commands, because I must recompile it. That is caused by Scilexer which uses space to sepparate keywords, and the use of two-word commands like END IF, also the fact that a quick help for the commands is build in. Such a list would only allow to style the commands, but not quick help and Help, which will be a important part of BorIDE. The actual command under the cursor is displayed in Status bar with a short description, but I plan to add a chm help, so if you press F1, the detailed descriprion with examples will be displayed. I just need a good chm editor.
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