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64 char print - 32 lines version
doing some more steps: while 'over' seems to work fine, 'inverse' is providing some weird behaviour i can't understand what is happening

here is the example.bas
#include <print64x32.bas>

border 7:paper 7:ink 1:bright 1:cls

' print at 3,2;inverse 1;ink 9;"teste"

for i=22528 to 22528+767:poke i,int(rnd*128):next i

ink 6:paper 8
for i= 64 to 4 step -4
circle 128,96,i
next i

print at 3,2;peek(23697) band 4
inverse 1
print at 4,3;peek(23697) band 4
inverse 0

'border 1:paper 0:bright 1:ink 7:cls
'border 2:paper 1:bright 1:ink 7:cls

ink 1
putchar64x32( 5,0,code("T"))
'print 60 band 15
'print chr$(87)

ink 2:paper 7
print64x32at(15,31,"Hello World! :) ")

ink 4:paper 7:bright 0:over 0:inverse 0
print64x32at(17,9,"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.")

ink 3:paper 6:bright 1:over 0:inverse 1
print64x32at(4,15,"Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.")

paper 1:ink 5:bright 0:flash 1:inverse 0:over 1
for i=32 to 127:a$=a$+chr$(i):next i

pause 0

and here the library, print64x32.bas
dim iq as uinteger
function adr64x32(x0,y0,l0 as ubyte)
  return (16384+((iq band 31) bor ((iq band 224)*8) bor ((iq band 1792)/8) bor (iq band 6144)))
  end function

dim maskanddsp,maskandchm,rtv,u1,u2,vq,adqv,adqvn as ubyte
dim adq as uinteger
sub putchar64x32(x1,y1,c1 as ubyte)
  for iq=0 to 5 step 5:poke 22528+int(x1/2)+(int(((y1*6)+iq)/8))*32,peek(23693):next iq
  maskanddsp=15*(1+15*((x1 band 1)))
  maskandchm=15*(1+15*(1-(c1 band 1)))
  if (c1 band 1)>(x1 band 1) then:
    rtv=1:end if '- /16
  if (c1 band 1)<(x1 band 1) then:
    rtv=2:end if '- *16
  for yq=0 to 5
    u2=u1 band maskandchm
    if rtv=1 then:u2=int(u2*16):end if
    if rtv=2 then:u2=int(u2/16):end if
    '- vq=(peek(adq) band maskanddsp) bor u2

    if (peek(23697) band 5)=0 then:  vq=(adqv band maskanddsp) bor u2 : end if
    if (peek(23697) band 4)<>0 then: vq=(adqvn band maskanddsp) bor u2 : end if :'- bug on inverse?
    if (peek(23697) band 1)<>0 then: vq=adqv bxor u2 : end if                   :'- over ok

    poke adq,vq
  end sub

dim i3,e3 as ubyte
sub print64x32at(x2 as ubyte,y2 as ubyte,text$ as string)
  for i3=0 to len(text$)-1
    putchar64x32((x2+i3)band 63,y2+int((x2+i3)/64),e3)
    next i3
  end sub

goto lp01


  defb 004h,004h,004h,000h,004h,000h ; space !
  defb 0aah,0aeh,00ah,00eh,00ah,000h ; "" #
  defb 04ah,0e2h,0c4h,068h,0eah,040h ; $ %
  defb 0c4h,0c4h,060h,0c0h,0e0h,000h ; & '
  defb 044h,082h,082h,082h,044h,000h ; ( )
  defb 040h,0e0h,0a4h,00eh,004h,000h ; * +
  defb 000h,000h,000h,00eh,040h,080h ; , -
  defb 002h,002h,004h,008h,048h,000h ; . /
  defb 044h,0ach,0a4h,0a4h,04eh,000h ; 0 1
  defb 0cch,022h,044h,082h,0ech,000h ; 2 3
  defb 06eh,0a8h,0ach,0e2h,02ch,000h ; 4 5
  defb 06eh,082h,0c2h,0a4h,044h,000h ; 6 7
  defb 044h,0aah,046h,0a2h,044h,000h ; 8 9
  defb 000h,000h,044h,000h,044h,008h ; : ;
  defb 000h,000h,04eh,080h,04eh,000h ; < =
  defb 00ch,002h,044h,020h,044h,000h ; > ?
  defb 044h,0aah,0eah,08eh,06ah,000h ; @ A
  defb 0c4h,0aah,0c8h,0aah,0c4h,000h ; B C
  defb 0ceh,0a8h,0ach,0a8h,0ceh,000h ; D E
  defb 0e6h,088h,0cah,08ah,086h,000h ; F G
  defb 0aeh,0a4h,0e4h,0a4h,0aeh,000h ; H I
  defb 02ah,02ch,02ch,0aah,04ah,000h ; J K
  defb 08ah,08eh,08eh,08eh,0eeh,000h ; L M
  defb 0a4h,0eah,0eah,0eah,0a4h,000h ; N O
  defb 0c4h,0aah,0aah,0ceh,086h,000h ; P Q
  defb 0c6h,0a8h,0a4h,0c2h,0ach,000h ; R S
  defb 0eah,04ah,04ah,04ah,04eh,000h ; T U
  defb 0aah,0aah,0aeh,0eeh,04ah,000h ; V W
  defb 0aah,0aah,04eh,0a4h,0a4h,000h ; X Y
  defb 0eeh,028h,048h,088h,0eeh,000h ; Z [
  defb 08eh,082h,042h,022h,02eh,000h ; \ ]
  defb 040h,0a0h,000h,000h,00eh,000h ; ^ _
  defb 080h,04ch,002h,00eh,00eh,000h ; ? a
  defb 080h,0c6h,0a8h,0a8h,0c6h,000h ; b c
  defb 020h,064h,0aeh,0a8h,066h,000h ; d e
  defb 020h,046h,0eah,046h,042h,00ch ; f g
  defb 084h,0c0h,0ach,0a4h,0aeh,000h ; h i
  defb 048h,00ah,0cch,04ah,04ah,080h ; j k
  defb 0c0h,04ch,04eh,04eh,0eeh,000h ; l m
  defb 000h,0c4h,0aah,0aah,0a4h,000h ; n o
  defb 000h,0c6h,0aah,0aah,0c6h,082h ; p q
  defb 000h,0a6h,0cch,082h,08ch,000h ; r s
  defb 040h,0eah,04ah,04ah,026h,000h ; t u
  defb 000h,0aah,0aeh,0eeh,04eh,000h ; v w
  defb 000h,0aah,04ah,0a6h,0a2h,00ch ; x y
  defb 006h,0e4h,04ch,084h,0e6h,000h ; z {
  defb 04ch,044h,046h,044h,04ch,000h ; | }
  defb 060h,0c0h,000h,000h,000h,000h ; ~ (c)
  end asm


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