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Try this for faster multiply?
(where /should/ I be putting this sort of thing?)

Plug this in for mul16.asm

__MUL16:    ; Mutiplies HL with the last value stored into de stack
            ; Works for both signed and unsigned


        LOCAL __MUL16LOOP1
                LOCAL __MUL16NOADD1
        LOCAL __MUL16LOOP2
                LOCAL __MUL16NOADD2

        ex de, hl
        pop hl        ; Return address
        ex (sp), hl ; CALLEE caller convention

;;__MUL16_FAST:    ; __FASTCALL ENTRY: HL = 1st operand, DE = 2nd Operand
;;        ld c, h
;;        ld a, l     ; C,A => 1st Operand
;;        ld hl, 0 ; Accumulator
;;        ld b, 16
;;        sra c    ; C,A >> 1  (Arithmetic)
;;        rra
;;        jr nc, __MUL16NOADD
;;        add hl, de
;;        sla e
;;        rl d
;;        djnz __MUL16LOOP

        ld b, 8
        ld a, d
        ld c, e
        ex de, hl
        ld hl, 0

        add hl, hl  ; hl << 1
        ;sla c
        rla         ; a,c << 1
        jr nc, __MUL16NOADD1
        add hl, de

        djnz __MUL16LOOP1

        ld a,c
        ld b,8

        add hl, hl  ; hl << 1
        rla         ; a,c << 1
        jr nc, __MUL16NOADD2
        add hl, de

        djnz __MUL16LOOP2

        ret    ; Result in hl (16 lower bits)


I think it saves on average about 110 T states per multiply, according to my tests. If I counted correctly, it's 10 bytes longer.

Why it's faster:

SLA C is a long slow opcode, compared to just doing the RLA. It's faster to loop twice and roll the A register round the two halves than it is to roll the 16 bit pair.

Also in this case, JR is a better choice than the original JP instruction. Not only is it a byte shorter, but it's faster on average. Probably.

16 JP NC instructions = 160 T states.
JR is 7 if condition fails, 12 if it passes. We can assume that for bits, half will be 1 and half will be 0. So that's an average of (8*12)+(8*7)=156 T states. It's worth saving the byte; which compensates for a double loop being a few extra bytes.

Could also probably shave a little time by using dec b && jp nc _mul16loop since that will jump most times. Probably not worth the bytes. Having two short loops actually speeds up the DJNZ a little too Smile

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