I'm trying to dim an array at a specific address which has been defined as a constant of type uinteger, unless I add 0 to the constant the code does not compile.
const tileStart as uinteger = $4000+384
dim tile(0 to 255) as uinteger at tileStart 'this fails to compile with "Address must be a numeric constant expression"
'dim tile(0 to 255) as uinteger at tileStart+0 compiles OK
print at 0,0;str(tileStart)
Am I missing something?
This is version: [v1.14.0]
I'm trying to dim an array at a specific address which has been defined as a constant of type uinteger, unless I add 0 to the constant the code does not compile.
const tileStart as uinteger = $4000+384
dim tile(0 to 255) as uinteger at tileStart 'this fails to compile with "Address must be a numeric constant expression"
'dim tile(0 to 255) as uinteger at tileStart+0 compiles OK
print at 0,0;str(tileStart)
Am I missing something?
This is version: [v1.14.0]