06-16-2019, 02:42 AM
I see data from address $FF18 (65304) - $FFFF. 231 bytes. It seems to start with F3 0D CE 0B E3 50 CE 0B... I have not seen it change size or start address across a few programs.
What is this data? Does it remain constant / static?
Provided I keep my main program code < $C000 and I copy this reserved data from $FF18, into all 128K banks 1-7, will I be free to use 128K paging as I choose, loading data and / or binary code into each page at specific addresses?
Will the program need this reserved data in the other 128K pages or is it maybe only used during program initialisation?
I see data from address $FF18 (65304) - $FFFF. 231 bytes. It seems to start with F3 0D CE 0B E3 50 CE 0B... I have not seen it change size or start address across a few programs.
What is this data? Does it remain constant / static?
Provided I keep my main program code < $C000 and I copy this reserved data from $FF18, into all 128K banks 1-7, will I be free to use 128K paging as I choose, loading data and / or binary code into each page at specific addresses?
Will the program need this reserved data in the other 128K pages or is it maybe only used during program initialisation?