08-05-2017, 12:40 PM
I'm trying to write a kind of space shooter from scratch, i kind of wrote it in Sinclair BASIC first and in there I use UDGs
in the usual way by POKEing the usual UDG area at 65368. How do I do this in Boriel ZX ? It didn't like me doing it manually
causing random crashes and giving me "Out of Memory" when I tried to use inline ASM call. Thanks
I'm trying to write a kind of space shooter from scratch, i kind of wrote it in Sinclair BASIC first and in there I use UDGs
in the usual way by POKEing the usual UDG area at 65368. How do I do this in Boriel ZX ? It didn't like me doing it manually
causing random crashes and giving me "Out of Memory" when I tried to use inline ASM call. Thanks