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Different Sprites in FourSpriter MKIII
Hi BritLion!

I've been using your FourSpriter MKIII for a simple game and it's great. My knowledge of assembler is very basic so I don't dare getting near your code, but I'd like to ask if it would be possible to have smaller sprites, e.g.: 8x16, 16x8 or even 8x8. Maybe this would allow for more sprites on screen also.

Thank you for sharing your skills and thank you in advance for your response.
symbolshift Wrote:Hi BritLion!

  I've been using your FourSpriter MKIII for a simple game and it's great. My knowledge of assembler is very basic so I don't dare getting near your code, but I'd like to ask if it would be possible to have smaller sprites, e.g.: 8x16, 16x8 or even 8x8. Maybe this would allow for more sprites on screen also.

  Thank you for sharing your skills and thank you in advance for your response.

I didn't write fourspriter originally. I hacked it a lot to make it more efficient, though; and then worked to include it into the compiler as an option.

Right now it's definitely written to have no flexibility on sprite size. You get 16 pixels by 16 pixels, end of. It's even optimized in the most recent version (see the library on this site - to work with those sizes, and you'd be hard pressed to use them as well as change the number of bytes.

You'd have to very much change the code to have other sizes.

For an 8x8 sprite, have you considered the library routines for high res printing (and optionally the fast version, which requires address lookup tables). This could print an 8x8 character at any pixel location, and could simulate small sprites. It's going to be slower than fourspriter, though, and won't automagically save the background from being overwritten. That said, it's high res, where fourspriter is character based, so might be good for an 8x16 walking character sprite or something?

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