LCD Wrote:slenkar Wrote:nice demo
does the msx have a similar screen memory layout to the speccy?
MSX is based on TI Video chip with independend memory that cannot be accessed that easy by Z80, and AFAIK the layout is progressive.
btw, i'm attaching an update of it, now reading the keyboard (on this example, the keyboard affects on the location of the sprites )
my hope is now being able to submit something to the msxdev-2013 contest, which sadly the deadline is tomorrow, 23:59 of Bilbao time ( i knew it only yesterday... :S <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ) (as obviously, i'm about to submit there just for the fun (and spreading there the sources made on zxbasic, and sharing the amazing experience!

), not for the prize! ;p )
msx has several screen modes: msx1 has 4 (tested on zxbasic), msx2 has more 5 (tested on zxbasic), msx2+ has even more 4 (or 3 (tested on zxbasic), excluding "korean" screen 9), and gfx9990 (unofficial external board, somehow popular in the msx scene) has some more available (and which i'm curious on adding zxbasic support on them as well)
coming back to the earlier one, the msx1 ti video ship is the same as used on sg1000, colecovision and ti99-4a (and maybe also on other hardware i don't know yet...) - there are also ti99-4a "upgraded" (diy) versions using the same video boards of msx2 and msx2+