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Show off your creativity!
btw, i updated again, with some stuff i posted here in the forum
nice screenshots of your speccy stuff (text and lines)

(but the flashing on the main page is distressing)
I have to agree... I didn't get further than the main page. Big flashing screens aren't something I can deal with without getting a headache Sad
i were expecting for such reaction! Big Grin - but btw, M.I.A.'s myspace webpage were far worse than that! Big Grin
removed the flashing
Hi all,

For fun i've built a wee interface for my own ZX Spectrum which gives the Speccy:-

4off 16bit analogue inputs (configurable from 12-bit to 18bit)
4off 16bit analogue outputs
24off digital I/O
I2C bus

And here it is running off the back of a Spectranet card.

[Image: MULTIO1.JPG]

Screenshot of test screen:-

[Image: zxscreen.JPG]

My first ZXBC compiled prog, here's the source code (work in progress). I don't mind it going public, it's only for fun. Couldn't have done it without ZXBC............


' ZX Spectrum Multi IO board
' By Ian Johnston 24/08/2014
' 82C55 Port A = 8off Outputs
' 82C55 Port B = 8off Inputs
' 82C55 Port C = 4off Inputs (lower)
'                4off Outputs (upper)
' DAC8574IPW 4ch DAC IC, 16bit
' MCP3424 4ch ADC IC, 12-18bit running in 12bit mode
' This code is designed to be compiled to TAP using ZX Basic compiler (

    #include <input.bas>
' Vars
    DIM DacSend(3) AS INTEGER
    DIM DacCh(4) AS UInteger
    DIM digA AS UInteger: LET digA=0
    DIM digB AS UInteger: LET digB=0
    DIM A AS UByte: LET A=0
    DIM B AS UByte: LET B=0
    DIM conv AS UByte: LET conv=0
    DIM digout AS UInteger: LET digout=0
    DIM AdcReceive(2) AS UByte                ' 16bit max with 2 vars
    DIM AdcCh AS Float                        ' 16bit max 0-65535 (this was UInteger but needs to be float for VoltCh)
    DIM Adcconfig AS UInteger
    DIM Adcval(4) AS Float
    DIM Voltch(4) AS Float
    DIM Adcchconfig(4) AS UInteger: LET Adcchconfig(1)=184: LET Adcchconfig(2)=216: LET Adcchconfig(3)=248: LET Adcchconfig(4)=152
    DIM adc AS UByte=0
    DIM dac AS UByte=0
    DIM i AS UByte


    ' 82C55 ports
    OUT 59,131

    ' temporary settings - all outputs off port A
    OUT 11,0
    GOSUB turnoffbit

    PRINT PAPER 6;AT 0,0;" Multi I/O Board - Ian Johnston "
    PRINT AT 1,0;"                                "

    GOSUB pc9564init                        ' Initialize I2C controller IC

    IF INKEY$ = "d" THEN GOSUB diginputfromuser: END IF

    ' DAC
    LET dac=dac+1
    IF dac=5 THEN LET dac=1: END IF
    GOSUB dac8574                            ' DAC IC

    ' ADC
    LET adc=adc+1
    IF adc=5 THEN LET adc=1: END IF
    GOSUB mcp3424chchange                    ' Config ADC channel
    GOSUB mcp3424                            ' ADC IC

    ' Testing only
    FOR i=1 TO 4
    LET DacCh(i)=DacCh(i)+10      '(i*2)
    IF DacCh(i)>=65535 THEN LET DacCh(i)=1: END IF
    NEXT i

    GOTO mainloop

' Digital outputs - Input from user
    PRINT AT 22,0;"8255 Port (A, B or C)"
    port$=INPUT (1)
    PRINT AT 22,0;"Bit (0 to 7, or 8 for all bits)"
    b$=INPUT (1): LET bit = VAL(b$)
    PRINT AT 22,0;"On/Off (1 or 0)"
    f$=INPUT (1): LET onoff = VAL(f$)
    PRINT AT 22,0;"                               "
    IF onoff = 0 THEN BEEP 0.02,20: GOSUB turnoffbit: END IF
    IF onoff = 1 THEN BEEP 0.02,20: GOSUB turnonbit: END IF

' Turn off bit
    IF bit=0 THEN LET digB=254: END IF
    IF bit=1 THEN LET digB=253: END IF
    IF bit=2 THEN LET digB=251: END IF
    IF bit=3 THEN LET digB=247: END IF
    IF bit=4 THEN LET digB=239: END IF
    IF bit=5 THEN LET digB=223: END IF
    IF bit=6 THEN LET digB=191: END IF
    IF bit=7 THEN LET digB=127: END IF
    IF bit=8 THEN LET digB=0: END IF

    ' Bitwise AND and retain copy of current outputs in digA
    LET digout = digA bAND digB: LET digA = digout

    IF port$="a" THEN OUT 11,digout: BEEP 0.05,10: END IF
    IF port$="b" THEN OUT 27,digout: BEEP 0.05,10: END IF
    IF port$="c" THEN OUT 43,digout: BEEP 0.05,10: END IF

    LET conv=1: GOSUB binaryconv
    PRINT AT 4,0;s$;"  Decimal = ";digout;"  "
    PRINT AT 5,0;"Bit ";bit;" of Port ";port$;" set to ";onoff

' Turn on bit
    IF bit=0 THEN LET digB=1: END IF
    IF bit=1 THEN LET digB=2: END IF
    IF bit=2 THEN LET digB=4: END IF
    IF bit=3 THEN LET digB=8: END IF
    IF bit=4 THEN LET digB=16: END IF
    IF bit=5 THEN LET digB=32: END IF
    IF bit=6 THEN LET digB=64: END IF
    IF bit=7 THEN LET digB=128: END IF
    IF bit=8 THEN LET digB=255: END IF

    ' Bitwise OR and retain copy of current outputs in digA
    LET digout = digA bOR digB: LET digA = digout

    IF port$="a" THEN OUT 11,digout: BEEP 0.05,10: END IF
    IF port$="b" THEN OUT 27,digout: BEEP 0.05,10: END IF
    IF port$="c" THEN OUT 43,digout: BEEP 0.05,10: END IF

    LET conv=1: GOSUB binaryconv
    PRINT AT 4,0;s$;"  Decimal = ";digout;"  "
    PRINT AT 5,0;"Bit ";bit;" of Port ";port$;" set to ";onoff

' Binary conversion, s$ is the output
    LET s$=""
    IF conv=0 THEN LET n=A: END IF
    IF conv=1 THEN LET n=digout: END IF
    LET s$ = ""
    LET aa = n * 0.5
    IF aa = 0 THEN GOTO addzeros: END IF
    IF aa > INT aa THEN LET s$ = "1" + s$: LET n = ((n - 1)/2): GOTO binloop: END IF
    IF aa <= INT aa THEN LET s$ = "0" + s$: LET n = aa: GOTO binloop: END IF
    ' IF conv=1 THEN PRINT AT 8,0;s$: END IF

    IF LEN s$ = 7 THEN LET s$ = "0" + s$: END IF
    IF LEN s$ = 6 THEN LET s$ = "00" + s$: END IF
    IF LEN s$ = 5 THEN LET s$ = "000" + s$: END IF
    IF LEN s$ = 4 THEN LET s$ = "0000" + s$: END IF
    IF LEN s$ = 3 THEN LET s$ = "00000" + s$: END IF
    IF LEN s$ = 2 THEN LET s$ = "000000" + s$: END IF
    IF LEN s$ = 1 THEN LET s$ = "0000000" + s$: END IF
    IF LEN s$ = 0 THEN LET s$ = "00000000": END IF
    ' PRINT AT 21,0;"           "
    ' IF conv=1 THEN PRINT AT 9,0;s$: END IF

' I2C PCS9564
' Initialize
    OUT 43,0                                ' Set PC7 low then high to reset PCA9564 IC
    PAUSE 5
    OUT 43,128
    PAUSE 5
    OUT 13,127                                ' Timeout function (MSB) enabled = 255, disabled = 127
    OUT 45,100                                ' PCS9564 I2C address = 0x64 = 100
    OUT 61,68                                ' Clock freq serial = 0x44 = 68 = 88kHz

' DAC IC = DAC8574
' Master Tx mode
    OUT 61,228                                ' Start command E4 = 228

    ' Setup Slave device (Tx mode)
    OUT 29,152                                ' Load Slave addr + R/W bit = 0 into I2CDAT (DAC8574IPW 0x4c = 76 = 1001100) + R/W bit= 10011000 = 152
    OUT 61,196                                ' Reset SI and STA bits in I2CCON

    ' Send 1-byte at a time. Channel codes: 32,34,36,38 then MSB,LSB
    ' Build LSB (max int 65535)
    PRINT AT 8+dac,0;"Ch.";dac;" Raw = ";DacCh(dac);"       "
    LET A=DacCh(dac): LET B=255
    LET A = A bAND B
    LET l=A
    ' Build MSB
    LET A=DacCh(dac)/256
    LET m=INT A
    ' Build data array ready for sending to the DAC: CHANNEL, MSB, LSB
    IF dac=1 THEN LET DacSend(1)=32: LET DacSend(2)=m: LET DacSend(3)=l: END IF
    IF dac=2 THEN LET DacSend(1)=34: LET DacSend(2)=m: LET DacSend(3)=l: END IF
    IF dac=3 THEN LET DacSend(1)=36: LET DacSend(2)=m: LET DacSend(3)=l: END IF
    IF dac=4 THEN LET DacSend(1)=38: LET DacSend(2)=m: LET DacSend(3)=l: END IF
    ' Send data
    FOR i = 1 TO 3
    OUT 29, DacSend(i)                        ' Load data into I2CDAT, transfer data to DAC
    FOR delay=1 to 4: NEXT delay
    OUT 61,196                                ' Reset SI and STA bits in I2CCON
    FOR delay=1 to 4: NEXT delay
    'PRINT AT 6,0;dac;" ";DacSend(1)
    NEXT i
    OUT 61,212                                ' Generate stop command, write I2CCON with 0xD4 (212)

' ADC IC ADC = MCP3424
' Master Rx mode
    OUT 61,228                                ' Start command E4 = 228

    ' Setup Slave device - receive data from device
    OUT 29,211                                ' Load Slave addr + R/W bit = 1(read) into I2CDAT (MCP3424 0x69 = 105 = 1101001) + R/W bit= 11010011 = 211
    OUT 61,68                                ' Reset SI and STA bits in I2CCON (0xC4 = 196), or 68 if AA is set to OFF
    FOR delay=1 to 4: NEXT delay

    ' Receive data
    FOR i = 1 TO 2
    OUT 61,196                                ' Reset SI and STA bits in I2CCON
    FOR delay=1 to 4: NEXT delay
    LET AdcReceive(i)=IN 29    ' Read byte out
    NEXT i

    OUT 61,68                                ' Reset SI and STA bits in I2CCON
    FOR delay=1 to 4: NEXT delay
    OUT 61,212                                ' Generate stop command, write I2CCON with 0xD4 (212)

    Let MSB = AdcReceive(1) * 256            ' <<
    Let LSB = AdcReceive(2) bAND 255        ' &
    Let AdcCh = MSB bOR LSB                    ' |

    LET Adcval(adc) = AdcCh    ' Load 4 channel values on at a time

    ' PRINT AT 11,0;"Ch.1 Inp = ";AdcCh1;" MSB=";AdcReceive(1);" LSB=";AdcReceive(2);"   "

    LET Voltch(adc) = Adcval(adc) / 15968
    LET Voltch(adc)=Voltch(adc)*100: LET Voltch(adc)=INT(Voltch(adc)): LET Voltch(adc)=Voltch(adc)/100        ' Round down to 2 DP's
    PRINT AT 14,0;"INPUTS"
    PRINT AT (14+adc),0;"Ch.";adc;" Vdc = ";Voltch(adc);"  "      ';"  ";Adcval(adc);"  ";AdcCh;"  ";Adcchconfig(adc)

' ADC IC ADC = MCP3424
' Master Tx mode (to set up channel config only)
    OUT 61,228                                ' Start command E4 = 228
    ' Setup Slave device (Tx mode)
    OUT 29,210                                ' Load Slave addr + R/W bit = 0 into I2CDAT (MCP3424 0x69 = 105 = 1101001) + R/W bit= 11010010 = 210
    OUT 61,196                                ' Reset SI and STA bits in I2CCON
    ' Send data
    PAUSE 1                                    ' Important pause otherwise the data does not go out on the I2C bus properly.
    OUT 29, Adcchconfig(adc)                ' configuration byte = initiate,Ch.n,continuous,16-bit,x1Gain
    PAUSE 1
    OUT 61,196                                ' Reset SI and STA bits in I2CCON
    PAUSE 1
    OUT 61,212                                ' Generate stop command, write I2CCON with 0xD4 (212)
    ' 3910 FOR delay=1 to 4: NEXT delay
OMG!!!!! This is absolutely awesome!! :o :o :o
I want that!
I indexed it on the wiki right now! \o/ -
Hi all,

Finished project:-

Thanks to Boriel ZX Basic........without it my project would never have happened!


[Image: final5.JPG]
excellent! Smile

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