Have you created a game or a program with ZX BASIC? Want to show off what you are able to??
Just put here a screenshot (and optionally a .tap or .tzx file) so people can try your game or program.
You needn't to put the source code (so keep your secrets with you) :!:
The only requisite is that your program must be created using ZX BASIC (and optionally other tools).
Today staying on Forever C party I finished writing a game "Chessboard Attack" (formely "Blind King"), but now waiting for Music to release it on World of Spectrum. Anyway, I tried to upload the soundless TAP file here, and got the following error message:
Could not upload attachment to ./files/278_1ec8e8b5c3a4fa1b17fda1f560838e16.
Boriel, should I send you the file or source code directly?
boriel Wrote:Sorry again. It was file permissions. Has checked it, and now it's fixed.
.tzx, .tap, .asm, .sna & .bas files should be allowed now. Try it, please?
After it was working, here is the instruction:
The player controls a chess piece: black King. You can see which white figures attacks you, but not where they are. With fire you can switch to cursor and point where you think, the figures are. Five bad guesses are allowed and there is a time limit. Oh, and dont run with your king into the white figures. The bottom board row is allways clear, there are no figure allowed.
It is a cross between Chess and Minesweeper.
Edit: It needs a instruction, some balancing on levels of play, children-friendly ending texts (:twisted and one little bugfix (timer starts too early, on start screen), title screen and finaly a nice soundtrack, then I will release it on World of Spectrum and post here the link.
Just recompiled it with s655 and it works (except with optimizer level 3).
britlion Wrote:I really like this. It took me about 5 goes to solve one, though!
Usually it needs 3-8 goes to work out a good strategy.
britlion Wrote:Ideas:
Ability to mark a square before actually guessing it. Sort of pencil in an "I think this is a piece"
Higher difficulty level: Don't just guess a square; you have to also state what piece it is.
Both maybe for Chessboard Attack II Or if I can find some spare time thes weekend. I was in such a stress. I even finished to write the game on the Forever C party in Trencin, and also won the second place with my picture "Holy fucking shit". But I prefer to move to next, a little more complex project.
britlion Wrote:Timer: Should go up, not down; surely? Like minesweeper?
No, It was planed to go down and in finished version it will start flashing if only 15 seconds are left.
britlion Wrote:I haven't tried higher difficulty levels yet, but I'm worried it's just less time. That doesn't actually change the difficulty!
Less time is in fact higher difficulty. In the final version there will be only 2 minutes in hard level to solve. This is my first time I offer multiple difficulties in my games, so please be gentle to me
I saw a good treatise on time. If you have a time limit, it doesn't change the difficulty at all.
For example, say I can solve the puzzle in two minutes. If there's a 3 minute timer, I'll always win. If it's 2 Minutes and 5 seconds, I'll still always win, doing the same thing. No change. If it's 1 minute 55, I'll always lose...
It didn't make the puzzle any harder. Just cut me off. And it can be very frustrating for someone who could solve it slower and get better to just be cut off. They never learn the endgame.
Better is to have time going up, and have a "best time at this difficulty" so quicker thinking leads to a higher score. See?
Higher difficulty should make the puzzle actually harder...
More pieces against you....
Or worse...they get to move occasionally as well
I fear, you are right... Maybe I will find some time to improve it, or remove multiple difficultys levels.
Edit: Improvements for final version will be: Time limit selectable: 2, 5 or 10 minutes and 16 or 32 (very hard) chess pieces. Preparing now title picture and still waiting for music.
Edit: I was informed that the game is a more or less equal clone of the PC Shareware-game called "Chess Sweeper". Just got a copy, and it is true. hock:
To celebrate me finally getting the tenth maze into my main game project, I thought I'd finally post a picture of it in action here. It's a traditional 'paint the maze' game in a 1982-style, which I originally began way back in 1998 as an experiment to see if it was possible to write a half-decent arcade-style game in BASIC only. It was, but it was far too slow, so I pretty much abandoned the project for years.... until ZXBasic came along.
The game's now mostly complete, I just need to work on polishing it somewhat - increasing difficulty levels, graphic and colour tweaks, some sound effects might be nice, etc. :-)
Screenshot looks very good. Looking forward for finished version. So our two games will be probably the first "non-crap" games coded with ZXBC... I hope, this will make ZXBC more popular.