04-29-2010, 05:46 PM
This is a new beta version (released a minute ago :!
. Basically it adds 3 new command line parameters:
Using --debug-xxx will affect a bit the program speed (due to extra checking). So this should only be used during development stage. :wink:
Download at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.boriel.com/files/zxb">http://www.boriel.com/files/zxb</a><!-- m --> as always...

- --strict-boolean will enforce boolean results to be always 0 or 1 (with a slight impact on performance). Using --sinclair also enables this feature.
- --debug-array will raise an error if an array access is made out of boundaries (3 Subscript Wrong)
- --debug-memory will raise an error when out of memory. This might happen when working with strings
Using --debug-xxx will affect a bit the program speed (due to extra checking). So this should only be used during development stage. :wink:
Download at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.boriel.com/files/zxb">http://www.boriel.com/files/zxb</a><!-- m --> as always...