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Compiler Speed Trials
Boriel, I owe you an apology - there is an issue with your hisoft basic test. I absolutely should have made it clearer - and I would have if I thought you were going to replicate the tests!
If you recall, I noted that Hisoft ran far more slowly than I expected. The code listed above that you used does indeed take 4.8 seconds. But it's using floating point math to calculate k/2 on line 120.

As specified in the Hisoft Basic Manual, and as I noted, I had to tweak it to read:

120 LET V=INT(k/2)*3+4-5

in order to use Integer math, there. I should have made that MUCH clearer.
It's also a little misleading to say "using the same code" ZX Basic doesn't run that program in two seconds unless you use DIM to specify Integers. That's fair of course, since the REM does the same thing for Hisoft Basic. But it is worth noting the code does have to be very slightly different. An END IF if nothing else!

Try comparing this version (arranged so Hisoft Basic uses Integer math):

7 REM :INT +a,k,v,i,m()
10 POKE 23672,0: POKE 23673,0
90 POKE 23672,0
100 LET a=0: LET k=5: LET v=0
110 LET a=a+1
120 LET v=INT (k/2) *3+4-5
130 GO SUB 1000
140 DIM m(5)
150 FOR i=1 TO 5 : REM change to 0 to 4 for ZX BASIC
160 LET m(i)=a
170 NEXT i
210 PRINT (PEEK 23672+256*PEEK 23673)/50
220 PRINT m(1),k,i,var
999 STOP

And you'll find the Hisoft basic version does indeed return a 0.5 second time.

What version did you use to get it to work on ZX BASIC precisely? I would guess something like (arranged so ZX BASIC uses Integer math):
7 REM :INT +a,k,v,i,m()
DIM a,k,v,i as uInteger
10 POKE 23672,0: POKE 23673,0
90 POKE 23672,0
100 LET a=0: LET k=5: LET v=0
110 LET a=a+1
120 LET v=INT (k/2)*3+4-5
130 GO SUB 1000
140 DIM m(5) as uInteger
150 FOR i=0 TO 4
160 LET m(i)=a
170 NEXT i
200 IF a<1000 THEN GO TO 110 : END IF
210 PRINT (PEEK 23672+256*PEEK 23673)/CAST (FIXED, 50)
220 PRINT m(1),k,i,var
999 STOP

Under -O3, I get this to return in 2.06 seconds.

These two are as near as I can get to source code designed to do the same thing, making the same optimizations in each compiler - that is using integer values where possible. I think it's fair to compare them both in fully integer mode. I'm sorry to say that the numbers used in the table at the start of this thread are ones I can stand by, certainly for Hisoft and ZX BASIC, because I tested them personally; and have edited the post to show the best times I achieved in all cases.

Here's a snapshot to make it easy to look at:
All set to do *x to clear, *c to compile and *r to run.
britlion Wrote:Boriel, I owe you an apology - there is an issue with your hisoft basic test. I absolutely should have made it clearer - and I would have if I thought you were going to replicate the tests!
If you recall, I noted that Hisoft ran far more slowly than I expected. The code listed above that you used does indeed take 4.8 seconds. But it's using floating point math to calculate k/2 on line 120.

As specified in the Hisoft Basic Manual, and as I noted, I had to tweak it to read:

120 LET V=INT(k/2)*3+4-5

in order to use Integer math, there. I should have made that MUCH clearer.
It's also a little misleading to say "using the same code" ZX Basic doesn't run that program in two seconds unless you use DIM to specify Integers. That's fair of course, since the REM does the same thing for Hisoft Basic. But it is worth noting the code does have to be very slightly different. An END IF if nothing else!
That's why I was asking which code you were using exactly! Tongue
The code I use for both tests was this:
6 DIM a,k,v,i as UInteger: DIM m(5) as UInteger: REM comment this line in HiSoft Basic
7 REM :INT +a,k,v,i,m()
10 POKE 23672,0: POKE 23673,0
90 POKE 23672,0
100 LET a=0: LET k=5: LET v=0
110 LET a=a+1
120 LET v=k/2*3+4-5 : REM Int(K/2) rounds to ILong
130 GO SUB 1000
140 DIM m(5)
150 FOR i=1 TO 5 : REM change to 0 to 4 for ZX BASIC
160 LET m(i)=a
170 NEXT i
210 PRINT (PEEK 23672+256*PEEK 23673)/50
999 STOP
1010 PRINT m(1),k,i,var : REM Never executed
Britlion Wrote:And you'll find the Hisoft basic version does indeed return a 0.5 second time.
Then the compiler might be even doing a "Unused var removal" optimization. I need to get the generated ASM CODE, to see the Hisoft Routines, but It's my bet the program is being optimized that way or the m(i) access is optimized.

BTW I've optimized the array access a little (just 8 T-states per dimension).

I've created a benchmark directory in the compiler source and put this one, so benchmarks we create will be there.
The .z80 snapshot I listed above has the following asm from 64994 - the code is 347 bytes long:

    CALL L_FF31         ; FDE2 CD 31 FF
    LD HL, L_FF3D         ; FDE5 21 3D FF
    LD ($5C6C), HL         ; FDE8 22 6C 5C
    CALL $0D6B         ; FDEB CD 6B 0D
    CALL L_FF31         ; FDEE CD 31 FF
    LD HL, $5C78         ; FDF1 21 78 5C
    LD (HL), $00         ; FDF4 36 00
    LD HL, $5C79         ; FDF6 21 79 5C
    LD (HL), $00         ; FDF9 36 00
    LD HL, $5C78         ; FDFB 21 78 5C
    LD (HL), $00         ; FDFE 36 00
    LD HL, $0000         ; FE00 21 00 00
    LD (L_FF3D), HL         ; FE03 22 3D FF
    LD HL, $0005         ; FE06 21 05 00
    LD ($FF3F), HL         ; FE09 22 3F FF
    LD HL, $0000         ; FE0C 21 00 00
    LD ($FF41), HL         ; FE0F 22 41 FF
L_FE12: LD HL, (L_FF3D)         ; FE12 2A 3D FF
    INC HL             ; FE15 23
    LD (L_FF3D), HL         ; FE16 22 3D FF
    LD HL, ($FF3F)         ; FE19 2A 3F FF
    SRL H             ; FE1C CB 3C
    RR L             ; FE1E CB 1D
    LD D, H             ; FE20 54
    LD E, L             ; FE21 5D
    ADD HL, HL         ; FE22 29
    ADD HL, DE         ; FE23 19
    LD DE, $0004         ; FE24 11 04 00
    ADD HL, DE         ; FE27 19
    LD DE, $0005         ; FE28 11 05 00
    AND A             ; FE2B A7
    SBC HL, DE         ; FE2C ED 52
    LD ($FF41), HL         ; FE2E 22 41 FF
    CALL L_FED7         ; FE31 CD D7 FE
    LD HL, $FF4E         ; FE34 21 4E FF
    LD BC, $0009         ; FE37 01 09 00
    LD A, $00         ; FE3A 3E 00
    CALL L_FF36         ; FE3C CD 36 FF
    LD HL, $0001         ; FE3F 21 01 00
    LD ($FF43), HL         ; FE42 22 43 FF
    PUSH HL             ; FE45 E5
    LD HL, $0005         ; FE46 21 05 00
    LD ($FF4A), HL         ; FE49 22 4A FF
    POP HL             ; FE4C E1
    JP L_FE69         ; FE4D C3 69 FE
L_FE50: LD HL, ($FF43)         ; FE50 2A 43 FF
    LD DE, $FF4E         ; FE53 11 4E FF
    DEC HL             ; FE56 2B
    ADD HL, HL         ; FE57 29
    ADD HL, DE         ; FE58 19
    PUSH HL             ; FE59 E5
    LD HL, (L_FF3D)         ; FE5A 2A 3D FF
    EX DE, HL         ; FE5D EB
    POP HL             ; FE5E E1
    LD (HL), E         ; FE5F 73
    INC HL             ; FE60 23
    LD (HL), D         ; FE61 72
    LD HL, ($FF43)         ; FE62 2A 43 FF
    INC HL             ; FE65 23
    LD ($FF43), HL         ; FE66 22 43 FF
L_FE69: LD DE, ($FF4A)         ; FE69 ED 5B 4A FF
    EX DE, HL         ; FE6D EB
    AND A             ; FE6E A7
    SBC HL, DE         ; FE6F ED 52
    JP NC, L_FE50         ; FE71 D2 50 FE
    LD HL, (L_FF3D)         ; FE74 2A 3D FF
    LD DE, $03E8         ; FE77 11 E8 03
    CALL L_FEDD         ; FE7A CD DD FE
    LD A, H             ; FE7D 7C
    OR L             ; FE7E B5
    JP NZ, L_FE12         ; FE7F C2 12 FE
    LD HL, $5C78         ; FE82 21 78 5C
    LD L, (HL)         ; FE85 6E
    LD H, $00         ; FE86 26 00
    PUSH HL             ; FE88 E5
    LD HL, $0100         ; FE89 21 00 01
    PUSH HL             ; FE8C E5
    LD HL, $5C79         ; FE8D 21 79 5C
    LD L, (HL)         ; FE90 6E
    LD H, $00         ; FE91 26 00
    POP DE             ; FE93 D1
    CALL L_FEF6         ; FE94 CD F6 FE
    POP DE             ; FE97 D1
    ADD HL, DE         ; FE98 19
    CALL L_FF1E         ; FE99 CD 1E FF
    LD HL, $0032         ; FE9C 21 32 00
    CALL L_FF1E         ; FE9F CD 1E FF
    CALL L_FEEB         ; FEA2 CD EB FE
    CALL $2DE3         ; FEA5 CD E3 2D
    LD A, $0D         ; FEA8 3E 0D
    RST $10             ; FEAA D7
    LD HL, ($FF4E)         ; FEAB 2A 4E FF
    CALL L_FEE5         ; FEAE CD E5 FE
    LD A, $06         ; FEB1 3E 06
    RST $10             ; FEB3 D7
    LD HL, ($FF3F)         ; FEB4 2A 3F FF
    CALL L_FEE5         ; FEB7 CD E5 FE
    LD A, $06         ; FEBA 3E 06
    RST $10             ; FEBC D7
    LD HL, ($FF43)         ; FEBD 2A 43 FF
    CALL L_FEE5         ; FEC0 CD E5 FE
    LD A, $06         ; FEC3 3E 06
    RST $10             ; FEC5 D7
    LD HL, $FF45         ; FEC6 21 45 FF
    CALL $33B4         ; FEC9 CD B4 33
    CALL $2DE3         ; FECC CD E3 2D
    LD A, $0D         ; FECF 3E 0D
    RST $10             ; FED1 D7
    LD HL, $2758         ; FED2 21 58 27
    EXX             ; FED5 D9
    RET             ; FED6 C9
L_FED7: RET             ; FED7 C9
    LD HL, $2758         ; FED8 21 58 27
    EXX             ; FEDB D9
    RET             ; FEDC C9
L_FEDD: XOR A             ; FEDD AF
    SBC HL, DE         ; FEDE ED 52
    LD H, A             ; FEE0 67
    LD L, A             ; FEE1 6F
    RET NC             ; FEE2 D0
    INC L             ; FEE3 2C
    RET             ; FEE4 C9
L_FEE5: CALL L_FF1E         ; FEE5 CD 1E FF
    JP $2DE3         ; FEE8 C3 E3 2D
L_FEEB: CALL L_FF26         ; FEEB CD 26 FF
    CALL $31AF         ; FEEE CD AF 31
    LD ($5C65), DE         ; FEF1 ED 53 65 5C
    RET             ; FEF5 C9
L_FEF6: LD A, $20         ; FEF6 3E 20
    CP E             ; FEF8 BB
    JR C, L_FF08         ; FEF9 38 0D
    LD A, D             ; FEFB 7A
    AND A             ; FEFC A7
    JR NZ, L_FF08         ; FEFD 20 09
    LD B, E             ; FEFF 43
    EX DE, HL         ; FF00 EB
    LD L, H             ; FF01 6C
    CP B             ; FF02 B8
    RET Z             ; FF03 C8
L_FF04: ADD HL, DE         ; FF04 19
    DJNZ L_FF04         ; FF05 10 FD
    RET             ; FF07 C9
L_FF08: LD C, L             ; FF08 4D
    LD B, H             ; FF09 44
    LD HL, $0000         ; FF0A 21 00 00
    LD A, $0F         ; FF0D 3E 0F
L_FF0F: SLA E             ; FF0F CB 23
    RL D             ; FF11 CB 12
    JR NC, L_FF16         ; FF13 30 01
    ADD HL, BC         ; FF15 09
L_FF16: ADD HL, HL         ; FF16 29
    DEC A             ; FF17 3D
    JR NZ, L_FF0F         ; FF18 20 F5
    OR D             ; FF1A B2
    RET P             ; FF1B F0
    ADD HL, BC         ; FF1C 09
    RET             ; FF1D C9
L_FF1E: XOR A             ; FF1E AF
    LD E, A             ; FF1F 5F
    LD D, L             ; FF20 55
    LD C, H             ; FF21 4C
    LD B, A             ; FF22 47
    JP $2AB6         ; FF23 C3 B6 2A
L_FF26: LD HL, ($5C65)         ; FF26 2A 65 5C
    LD BC, $FFFB         ; FF29 01 FB FF
    ADD HL, BC         ; FF2C 09
    LD D, H             ; FF2D 54
    LD E, L             ; FF2E 5D
    ADD HL, BC         ; FF2F 09
    RET             ; FF30 C9
L_FF31: LD A, $02         ; FF31 3E 02
    JP $1601         ; FF33 C3 01 16
L_FF36: LD D, H             ; FF36 54
    LD E, L             ; FF37 5D
    LD (HL), A         ; FF38 77
    INC DE             ; FF39 13
    LDIR             ; FF3A ED B0
    RET             ; FF3C C9
L_FF3D: RLA             ; FF3D 1
Okay, I've reverse engineered the hisoft CM you put above (see attached file).
The routine is fair, and it's doing even an array initialization on *each pass* :!: :o

The bad news first: it's effectively working on a vector. Doing this might break the ZX BASIC compiler, since it's supposed to be multi-architectural.
The good news: Most of the time is gone in the 16bit multiplication used for array accesses. Since most of the arrays and element sizes are near 0, this routine uses it's own array-multiplication (HISoft Basic is doing the same for some multiplications). This will reduce the execution time down to 1.11 segs.
Even better, using multidimensional arrays does only add a little overhead (about 1.39 for 2 dims).

The FOR...NEXT does the comparison at the reverse. This is 10 T-states faster, so I change the FOR...NEXT scheme that way to. Tongue

Now this REALLY needs intensive testing (array and FOR...NEXT loops). I'm uploading a new 1.2.6 beta-r1571, if someone is interested.

Attached Files
.asm   hisoft.asm (Size: 5.17 KB / Downloads: 575)
Cool! I'll look into trying to break that. Shaving most of a second off a 2 second benchmark is still impressive.

Curiously, I can see the odd optimization in Hisoft routines too:

LD DE, $0005      
   AND A              
   SBC HL, DE         ; HL = k / 2 * 3 + 4 - 5

Is probably better done as:
LD DE, -5

Which doesn't need the AND A so shaves one byte and 4 T states off every fixed 16 bit subtract.
Oh yes - this:
LD HL, $2758      ; ??

I'm pretty sure this is setting HL' to the required value for BASIC before exiting. The Basic interpreter (and in particular the Interrupt service routine) assume that IY is pointed at the system variables and HL' is set to a specific value. I assume this one. Otherwise the spectrum can crash hard when dropping to BASIC from machine code.
britlion Wrote:Oh yes - this:
LD HL, $2758      ; ??

I'm pretty sure this is setting HL' to the required value for BASIC before exiting. The Basic interpreter (and in particular the Interrupt service routine) assume that IY is pointed at the system variables and HL' is set to a specific value. I assume this one. Otherwise the spectrum can crash hard when dropping to BASIC from machine code.
Yes, I guess it's just that. If you look to ZX BASIC generated code, it stores IX (not needed), IY and HL', and recovers them on exit (unless returning with an error, RST #8). It's a pity IY is used for TIME interrupt, because IY could be very handy for managing data structures like Objects and structs. I think It would be a good idea to use IM2 for people wanting time-frames counting, without using IY.
britlion Wrote:Cool! I'll look into trying to break that. Shaving most of a second off a 2 second benchmark is still impressive.

Curiously, I can see the odd optimization in Hisoft routines too:

LD DE, $0005      
   AND A              
   SBC HL, DE         ; HL = k / 2 * 3 + 4 - 5

Is probably better done as:
LD DE, -5

Which doesn't need the AND A so shaves one byte and 4 T states off every fixed 16 bit subtract.
It is. Even funnier: ZX BASIC doesn't do that either for 16 bits :mrgreen: So I've just put it. :wink:

I've been looking at Z80 optimization pages lately.

Under math tricks at there are some good ones, including that one. I like the alternatives to using NEG - which is awkward, being an extended instruction:
;Instead of
    add a,N   ;you want to calculate N-A

;Do it this way:
    add a,N+1    ;neg is practically equivalent to cpl \ inc a
; -> save 1 byte and 4 T-states

And this one, when you learn it, is solid gold:

Looping with 16 bit counter

There are two ways to make loops with a 16bit counter :

* the naive one, which results in smaller code but increased loop overhead (24 * n T-states) and destroys a
ld bc, ...
  ; loop body here

  dec bc
  ld  a, b
  or  c
  jp  nz,loop

* the slightly trickier one, which takes a couple more bytes but has a much lower overhead (12 * n + 14 * (n / 16) T-states)
(This is harder to understand why it works, but is MUCH faster - almost as fast as djnz with an 8 bit counter (and oddly written, such that it uses B and D as loop counters; personally I'd use B and C, I think)
dec  de
  ld  b, e
  inc  b
  inc  d
  ; loop body here
  djnz loop2
  dec  d
  jp  nz,loop2

How it works is because if b=0 DJNZ will loop 256 times. So we start with B set to the number of loops past a multiple of 256, and then loop D lots of 256 times. It saves a lot of time over a reasonably large loop - for example, it's about half the overhead, just for something as small as a 1000 loop.

There are quite a few other similar tricks listed. You might find some are handy.
:o The last one is really nice :!: I could use it for string management, maybe...
I've improved the DRAW routine (slightly, but only a nano-bit faster).
Incidentally, Boriel - is the compiler correctly removing all the un-needed run time routines?

I noted that the Hisoft version of BM7 was around 350 bytes, and the ZX BASIC version was almost 1,800 bytes, with -O3 enabled.

I'm not sure if that's a problem or not, given that most of them would be needed for reasonably large programs; but if we're considering an option of a 45 byte overhead for a faster SQR function, for example, then not having the runtime packages we don't need becomes a little more important.
britlion Wrote:Incidentally, Boriel - is the compiler correctly removing all the un-needed run time routines?

I noted that the Hisoft version of BM7 was around 350 bytes, and the ZX BASIC version was almost 1,800 bytes, with -O3 enabled.

I'm not sure if that's a problem or not, given that most of them would be needed for reasonably large programs; but if we're considering an option of a 45 byte overhead for a faster SQR function, for example, then not having the runtime packages we don't need becomes a little more important.
It's OK. Because of the PRINT. Print routine is about 580bytes (ITALIC, BOLD, ATRIBUTES, etc...). But a --use-rom-print is on the way if you needn't ITALIC/BOLD nor speed (I wonder if the PRINT routine could be optimized more, BTW)
I think Hisoft optimized down to whether ink or paper changes were made, and didn't include code for them if not used.

I suppose you could arrange for the print routine to not include the BOLD and ITALIC (and INVERSE and OVER) routines, if it was made fairly modular?
britlion Wrote:I think Hisoft optimized down to whether ink or paper changes were made, and didn't include code for them if not used.

I suppose you could arrange for the print routine to not include the BOLD and ITALIC (and INVERSE and OVER) routines, if it was made fairly modular?

I just looked at the print.asm - and it looks like it IS modular. All those #includes at the start - could the compiler make them optional, if not needed?
britlion Wrote:
britlion Wrote:I think Hisoft optimized down to whether ink or paper changes were made, and didn't include code for them if not used.

I suppose you could arrange for the print routine to not include the BOLD and ITALIC (and INVERSE and OVER) routines, if it was made fairly modular?

I just looked at the print.asm - and it looks like it IS modular. All those #includes at the start - could the compiler make them optional, if not needed?
Because people asked me to support attribute control codes (e.g. CHR$(22, 1, 10) = AT 1, 10; etc...) Since PRINT a$ could also mean PRINT INVERSE 1; ITALIC 1; "xxx" in a single string, all must be included.

So only ROM print would fix that.

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