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WindowScrollUp (x1, y1, x2, y2, num_chars)
hola compañero.

primero decirte que tu herramienta zxb es una maravilla y le está dando una nueva vida al spectrum.

He estado practicando con las funciones scrollup, scrolldown, ...left, right de pixel a pixel y son una maravilla.

Sé que tienes otras prioridades, tal como dijiste en otro hilo, pero yo te pediría implementar un windowscroll que desplaze al menos un cuadro (x1,y1,x2,y2) en las 4 direcciones, con atributos incluidos. Estoy con un juego que requiere scroll y me ayudaría muchísimo a tener un scroll en buenas condiciones y estoy seguro de que muchas personas lo están esperando para sus creaciones. Imagino que otras personas apoyarán mi petición.

mil gracias.

Dejo por aquí una traducción de andar por casa por respeto a todo el mundo:

Hello mate.

first tell you that your zxb tool is a wonder and it is giving a new life to the spectrum (and what I am is / was from amstrad).I know you have other priorities, as you said in another thread, but I would ask you to implement a windowscroll that moves at least one box (x1, y1, x2, y2) in all 4 directions, with attributes included? I am with a scroll type game and it would help me a lot to have a scroll in good condition and I am sure that many people are waiting for it. I imagine other people will support my request.

thank you.
I have created a beta version for you with a library for this. Please test it and tell me if it's ok for you.

You use it with:
#include <winscroll.bas>

WinScrollUp(row, col, witdth, height) : REM Scroll up a window at row, col

See the example program in examples/winscroll.bas

Download version 1.12.0 and tell me if it works:
(07-25-2020, 04:32 PM)boriel Wrote: I have created a beta version for you with a library for this. Please test it and tell me if it's ok for you.
I have tested version 1.12 and also your example .. It works like lightning. now you can scroll text with attributes with quality.

I have created another example where you can see the scroll in the box that you want so that you can see the power of the functions

Many thanks friend

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.txt   scroll.txt (Size: 1.77 KB / Downloads: 658)
Glad to hear it works!!

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