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Chessboard Attack + Source code
"Chessboard Attack" is finally out. You can download it from my website or WOS now.
[Image: cba_shot.png]
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... id=0026121</a><!-- m -->
If someone want to peek at the code:
(Please note, song was linked externaly, so it os not included here)
' Chessboard Attack (c) 2011 By LCD, written using BorIDE, Retro-X and ZXBC
' Based on my "Blind King" unfinished game
dim x,y,x1,y1,col,a,scan,posx,posy,xpos,ypos,white,black,px,py,orgx,orgy,won,sets as ubyte
dim counter,figures,lives,oldtime,maxtime,multiplier as integer
dim key$ as string
dim scr,adr,score,actual as uinteger

function Lset(strg$ as string,fill$ as string,length as Ubyte) as string
    while len(strg$)<length
    return strg$
end function
FUNCTION attrAddress(x as uByte, y as uByte) as uInteger              
';; This function returns the memory address of the Character Position
';; x,y in the attribute screen memory.
';; Adapted from code by Jonathan Cauldwell - Adapted for ZX BASiC by Britlion from Na_TH_AN's fourspriter
    ld      a,(IX+7)        ;ypos
    rrca               ;' Multiply by 32
    ld      l,a        ;' Pass to L
    and     3          ;' Mask with 00000011
    add     a,88       ;' 88 * 256 = 22528 - start of attributes.
    ld      h,a        ;' Put it in the High Byte
    ld      a,l        ;' We get y value *32
    and     224        ;' Mask with 11100000
    ld      l,a        ;' Put it in L
    ld      a,(IX+5)   ;' xpos
    add     a,l        ;' Add it to the Low byte
    ld      l,a        ;' Put it back in L, and we're done. HL=Address.
end asm
FUNCTION scrAddress(x as uByte, y as uByte) as Uinteger
;' This fn returns the address into HL of the screen address
;' x,y in character grid notation.
;' Original code was extracted by BloodBaz - Adapted for ZX BASiC by Britlion from Na_TH_AN's fourspriter

         ; x Arrives in A, y is in stack.
         and     31
         ld      l,a
         ld      a,(IX+7) ; Y value
         ld      d,a
         and     24
         add     a,64
         ld      h,a
         ld      a,d
         and     7
         or      l
         ld      l,a
end asm
sub putblock(x as Ubyte,y as ubyte,wid as ubyte,hgt as ubyte,adr as Uinteger)
    dim scr,attribute as Uinteger
    dim y1 as Ubyte
    dim a as Ubyte
    poke uinteger @putblock1+7,wid
    poke uinteger @putblock2+7,wid
    for y1=0 to hgt-1
        for a=0 to 7
            poke uinteger @putblock1+1,adr
            poke uinteger @putblock1+4,scr
                ld hl,1
                ld de,2
                ld bc,3
            end asm
        next a
    next y1
    for y1=0 to hgt-1
        poke uinteger @putblock2+1,adr
        poke uinteger @putblock2+4,attribute
            ld hl,4
            ld de,5
            ld bc,6
        end asm
    next y1
End sub
function ScanField(x as integer,y as integer,mask as ubyte) as ubyte
    dim result as ubyte
    dim adr as uinteger
    if x>=0 and x<8 and y>=0 and y<8 then
        result=peek adr&mask
    end if
    return result
end function
sub SetField(x as uinteger,y as uinteger,fig as ubyte)
    dim adr as uinteger
    poke adr,(peek adr)|fig
end sub
sub PutField(x as uinteger,y as uinteger,fig as ubyte) 'Not BORedwith figure
    poke @chessboard+x+(y<<3),fig
end sub

function ScanDiagonal(x as integer,y as integer) as ubyte
'This scans diagonal fields from x,y until figure or end of field for queen or bishop
    dim dist,f1,f2,f3,f4,d as Integer
    dim hidden,result as ubyte
    while dist<8 and hidden=0
        if d=0 then
        elseif d=5 then
        elseif d=4 then
        end If
    result=result bor f1
    while dist<8 and hidden=0
        if d=0 then
        elseif d=5 then
        elseif d=4 then
        end If
    result=result bor f2
    while dist<8 and hidden=0
        if d=0 then
        elseif d=5 then
        elseif d=4 then
        end If
    result=result bor f3
    while dist<8 and hidden=0
        if d=0 then
        elseif d=5 then
        elseif d=4 then
        end If
    result=result bor f4
    return result
end Function
function ScanStraight(x as integer,y as integer) as ubyte
'This scans straight fields until figure or end of field for queen or rook
  dim dist,f1,f2,f3,f4,d as integer
    dim hidden,result as ubyte
    while dist<8 and hidden=0
        if d=0 then
        elseif d=5 then
        elseif d=2 then
        end If
    result=result bor f1
    while dist<8 and hidden=0
        if d=0 then
        elseif d=5 then
        elseif d=2 then
        end If
    result=result bor f2
    while dist<8 and hidden=0
        if d=0 then
        elseif d=5 then
        elseif d=2 then
        end If
    result=result bor f3
    while dist<8 and hidden=0
        if d=0 then
        elseif d=5 then
        elseif d=2 then
        end If
    result=result bor f4
    return result
end Function
function ScanNear(x as ubyte,y as ubyte) as ubyte
'This scans next fields of x,y until figure for king or pawn
  dim result as ubyte
  if ScanField(x-1,y-1,7)=1 or ScanField(x+1,y-1,7)=1 then result=1:end if
    if ScanField(x-1,y-1,7)=6 or ScanField(x,y-1,7)=6 or ScanField(x+1,y-1,7)=6 or ScanField(x-1,y,7)=6 or ScanField(x+1,y,7)=6 or ScanField(x-1,y+1,7)=6 or ScanField(x,y+1,7)=6 or ScanField(x+1,y+1,7)=6 then result=result bor 32:end if
    return result
end Function
function ScanKnight(x as ubyte,y as ubyte) as ubyte
'This scans field x,y if attacked by knight
    dim result as ubyte
    if ScanField(x-1,y-2,7)=3 or ScanField(x+1,y-2,7)=3    or ScanField(x-1,y+2,7)=3 or ScanField(x+1,y+2,7)=3    or ScanField(x-2,y-1,7)=3 or ScanField(x+2,y-1,7)=3    or ScanField(x-2,y+1,7)=3 or ScanField(x+2,y+1,7)=3 then result=4:end if
    return result    
end Function
function ScanFields(x as ubyte,y as ubyte) as ubyte
    dim scan,fig1,fig2,fig3,fig4,fig5,fig6 as ubyte
    fig1=scan band 1
    fig6=scan band 32
    fig3=scan band 4
    fig2=scan band 2
    fig4=scan band 8
    fig5=scan band 16

    if fig1 then print at 2,25;"\APawn";:else print at 2,25;"       ";:end If
    if fig2 then print at 3,25;"\BRook";:else print at 3,25;"       ";:end If
    if fig3 then print at 4,25;"\CKnight";:else print at 4,25;"       ";:end If
    if fig4 then print at 5,25;"\DBishop";:else print at 5,25;"       ";:end If
    if fig5 then print at 6,25;"\EQueen";:else print at 6,25;"       ";:end If
    if fig6 then print at 7,25;"\FKing";:else print at 7,25;"       ";:end If
end Function
sub ScoreBoard()
    print at 0,24;"\{p1}\{b1}\{i7}Attacked";
    print at 8,24;"\{p2}\{i7}\{b1}Pieces: ";
    print at 11,24;"\{p4}\{i7}\{b1} Lifes: ";
    print at 14,24;"\{p6}\{i0}\{b1} Time:  ";
    print at 17,24;"\{p3}\{i7}\{b1} Score: ";
end sub
sub waitnokey()
    while inkey$<>""
end sub
sub DisplaySinglePiece(x as ubyte,y as ubyte)
    dim scan,a,x1,y1,white,black as ubyte
    a=scan band 7
    white=scan band 32
    black=scan band 64
    if scan band 128 then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@HiddenGFX)
    elseif a=1 and white then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@PawnGFX1)
    elseif a=1 and black then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@PawnGFX2)
    elseif a=2 and white then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@TowerGFX1)
    elseif a=2 and black then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@TowerGFX2)
    elseif a=3 and white then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@KnightGFX1)
    elseif a=3 and black then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@KnightGFX2)
    elseif a=4 and white then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@LaeuferGFX1)
    elseif a=4 and black then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@LaeuferGFX2)
    elseif a=5 and white then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@QueenGFX1)
    elseif a=5 and black then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@QueenGFX2)
    elseif a=6 and white then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@KingGFX1)
    elseif a=6 and black then putblock(x1,y1,3,3,@KingGFX2)
    end if
end sub
sub ShowPieces()
    dim x,y as ubyte
    for y=0 to 7
        for x=0 to 7
        next x
    next y
end sub
sub AttrSquare(x as ubyte,y as ubyte,col as ubyte)
    dim adr as uinteger
    poke adr,col:poke adr+1,col:poke adr+2,col
    poke adr+32,col:poke adr+33,col:poke adr+34,col
    poke adr+64,col:poke adr+65,col:poke adr+66,col
end sub
sub StoreAttr(x as ubyte,y as ubyte)
    dim adr,adr1 as uinteger
    poke adr1,peek adr:poke uinteger adr1+1,peek (uinteger,adr+1)
    poke adr1+3,peek (adr+32):poke uinteger adr1+4,peek (uinteger,adr+33)
    poke adr1+6,peek (adr+64):poke uinteger adr1+7,peek (uinteger,adr+65)
end sub
sub RestoreAttr(x as ubyte,y as ubyte)
    dim adr,adr1 as uinteger
    poke adr1,peek adr:poke uinteger adr1+1,peek (uinteger,adr+1)
    poke adr1+32,peek (adr+3):poke uinteger adr1+33,peek (uinteger,adr+4)
    poke adr1+64,peek (adr+6):poke uinteger adr1+65,peek (uinteger,adr+7)
end sub

sub EmptyField(x as ubyte,y as ubyte)
    dim scan as ubyte
    dim adr as uinteger
    if scan & 32 then adr=@EmptyGFX1
    elseif scan & 64 then adr=@EmptyGFX2
    end if
end sub

function Clock(tim as uinteger) as String
    dim mins,sec,secs as uinteger
    dim s$,m$,f$ as String
    if secs<16 then
    end if
    sec=secs mod 60
    if len(m$)=1 then
    end if
    if len(s$)=1 then
    end if
    return f$+m$+":"+s$
    'return str(int(tim/50))+" "
end function
function timer(limit as uinteger) as uinteger
    dim time1 as uinteger
    if time1<>int(oldtime/50) then
        print ink 7;at 15,25;Clock(time)
    end if
    return time1
end Function
sub SetFigures(counter as byte,figure as ubyte)
    while counter>0
        if ScanField(x,y,7)=0 then
        end If
    end while
end sub

' randomize usr 24576 'Init Sound (not included in this source code)
' randomize usr 33026 'Start interrupts (not included in this source code)

' Copy reseted board to board work-buffer
for a=0 to 63
    poke @chessboard+a,peek (@chessboard1+a)
next a

'Init screen, prepare fonts and UDG
paper 0:ink 6:bright 1:flash 0:border 0:cls
Dim font (767) As uByte => { _
      0,0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, _
     16, 16, 16, 16, 16,  0, 16,  0, _
     40, 40, 40,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, _
     40, 40,254, 40,254, 40, 40,  0, _
     16,124,144,124, 18,252, 16,  0, _
     66,164, 72, 16, 36, 74,132,  0, _
     32, 80, 32, 82,148,136,118,  0, _
     32, 64,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, _
      8, 16, 32, 32, 32, 16,  8,  0, _
     32, 16,  8,  8,  8, 16, 32,  0, _
     16, 84, 56,254, 56, 84, 16,  0, _
     16, 16, 16,254, 16, 16, 16,  0, _
      0,  0,  0,  0, 32, 32, 64,  0, _
      0,  0,  0,254,  0,  0,  0,  0, _
      0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 96, 96,  0, _
      2,  4,  8, 16, 32, 64,128,  0, _
    124,134,138,146,162,194,124,  0, _
     16, 16,112, 16, 16, 16,124,  0, _
    124,130,  2,124,128,130,254,  0, _
    124,130,  2, 60,  2,130,124,  0, _
      8, 24, 40, 72,136,254,  8,  0, _
    254,128,128,252,  2,130,124,  0, _
    124,130,128,252,130,130,124,  0, _
    254,130,  2,  4,  8, 16, 16,  0, _
    124,130,130,124,130,130,124,  0, _
    124,130,130,126,  2,130,124,  0, _
      0, 32, 32,  0,  0, 32, 32,  0, _
      0, 32, 32,  0, 32, 32, 64,  0, _
     12, 16, 32, 64, 32, 16, 12,  0, _
      0,  0,254,  0,254,  0,  0,  0, _
     96, 16,  8,  4,  8, 16, 96,  0, _
    124,130,  4,  8, 16,  0, 16,  0, _
    124,130,154,170,158,128,124,  0, _
     56, 68,130,254,130,130,130,  0, _
    252, 34, 34, 60, 34, 34,252,  0, _
     60, 66,128,128,128, 66, 60,  0, _
    248, 36, 34, 34, 34, 36,248,  0, _
    254, 34, 40, 56, 40, 34,254,  0, _
    254, 34, 40, 56, 40, 32,112,  0, _
     60, 66,128,128,142, 66, 60,  0, _
    238, 68, 68,124, 68, 68,238,  0, _
    254, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,254,  0, _
     14,  4,  4,  4,132,132,120,  0, _
    238, 68, 72,112, 72, 68,238,  0, _
    112, 32, 32, 32, 32, 34,254,  0, _
    198,108, 84, 84, 84, 68,238,  0, _
    238, 68,100, 84, 76, 68,238,  0, _
     56, 68,130,130,130, 68, 56,  0, _
    252, 34, 34, 60, 32, 32,112,  0, _
     56, 68,130,146,138, 68, 58,  0, _
    252, 34, 34, 60, 40, 36,114,  0, _
    124,130,128,124,  2,130,124,  0, _
    254,146, 16, 16, 16, 16, 56,  0, _
    238, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 56,  0, _
    238, 68, 68, 68, 68, 40, 16,  0, _
    238, 68, 68, 84, 84, 84, 40,  0, _
    238, 68, 40, 16, 40, 68,238,  0, _
    238, 68, 40, 16, 16, 16, 56,  0, _
    254,132,  8, 16, 32, 66,254,  0, _
     56, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 56,  0, _
    128, 64, 32, 16,  8,  4,  2,  0, _
     56,  8,  8,  8,  8,  8, 56,  0, _
     16, 56, 84,146, 16, 16, 16,  0, _
      0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,255,  0, _
     28, 34, 32,120, 32, 34,254,  0, _
      0,112,  8,120,136,136,124,  0, _
    224, 64, 64,120, 68, 68,248,  0, _
      0, 56, 68,128,128, 68, 56,  0, _
     28,  8,  8,120,136,136,124,  0, _
      0,120,132,132,248,128,124,  0, _
     24, 32, 32,112, 32, 32,112,  0, _
      0,120,132,132,124,  4,120,  0, _
    224, 64, 64,120, 68, 68,238,  0, _
      0, 16,  0, 48, 16, 16,124,  0, _
      8,  0, 24,  8,  8, 72, 48,  0, _
    224, 72, 80, 96, 80, 72,228,  0, _
     64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 72, 48,  0, _
      0,104, 84, 84, 84, 68,238,  0, _
      0,120, 68, 68, 68, 68,238,  0, _
      0, 48, 72,132,132, 72, 48,  0, _
      0,248, 68, 68,120, 64,224,  0, _
      0,124,136,136,120,  8, 28,  0, _
      0,248, 68, 68, 64, 64,224,  0, _
      0,120,128,120,  4,132,120,  0, _
    192, 64,112, 64, 68, 68, 56,  0, _
      0,238, 68, 68, 68, 68, 56,  0, _
      0,238, 68, 68, 68, 40, 16,  0, _
      0,238, 68, 84, 84, 84, 40,  0, _
      0,204, 72, 48, 48, 72,204,  0, _
      0,238, 68, 68, 60,  4,120,  0, _
      0,252,136, 16, 32, 68,252,  0, _
     60, 32, 32,192, 32, 32, 60,  0, _
     16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,  0, _
    240, 16, 16, 12, 16, 16,240,  0, _
    136, 84, 34,  0,  0,  0,  0, 60, _
     66,153,161,161,153, 66, 60 _
Poke uInteger 23606, (@font (0)) - 256 'Pointer to Font
Poke uInteger 23675,@UDGs 'Pointer to UDG

print at 0,0;"\{i7}\{p1}\{b1} Chessboard Attack 2011 by LCD ";
print at 2,1;"Software used:";
print at 3,2;"*) ZX BASIC Compiler (Boriel)";
print at 4,2;"*) Retro-X";
print at 5,2;"*) BorIDE";
print at 6,2;"*) ZX Spin Emulator";
print at 9,1;"Setup:";
print at 10,1;"[1] 2-Minutes game (profi)";
print at 11,1;"[2] 5-Minutes game (normal)";
print at 12,1;"[3] 10-Minutes game (easy)";
print at 13,1;"[D] Double chess pieces";

print at 15,1;"Use keys: Q,A,O,P,M/Space & H";
print at 16,1;"or Sinclair Joystick";
print at 18,1;"Written for Scene+ Disczine";
print at 19,1;"Code&GFX by Leszek Chmielewski"
print at 20,1;"Music by Kriss"

print at 22,1;"Press S to Start the game";

'Set Maximal time until game over, in frames
multiplier=1 'Bonus Multiplicator
print at 12,2;"\{f1}3"
if sets=1 then
    print at 13,2;"\{f0}D";
    print at 13,2;"\{f1}D";
end If

while a=0
    if key$="3" then maxtime=30050:multiplier=1:print at 10,2;"\{f0}1";at 11,2;"\{f0}2";at 12,2;"\{f1}3";:end If
    if key$="2" then maxtime=15050:multiplier=2:print at 10,2;"\{f0}1";at 11,2;"\{f1}2";at 12,2;"\{f0}3";:end If
    if key$="1" then maxtime=6050:multiplier=5:print at 10,2;"\{f1}1";at 11,2;"\{f0}2";at 12,2;"\{f0}3";:end If
    if key$="s" then a=1:end if
    if key$="d" and sets=1 then
        print at 13,2;"\{f1}D";
    elseif key$="d" and sets=2 then
        print at 13,2;"\{f0}D";
    end If

'Set random seed and reset timer
poke Uinteger 23672,0 'Reset the Seed system variable

'Setup pieces on field
SetFigures(8*sets,1) 'Pawn
SetFigures(2*sets,2) 'Rook
SetFigures(2*sets,3) 'Knight
SetFigures(2*sets,4) 'Bishop
SetFigures(1*sets,5) 'Queen
SetFigures(1*sets,6) 'King

'Set variables
figures=16*sets 'figures to find
lives=5 'how often you can point an unoccupied field
won=0 'Win-condition flag
ShowPieces() 'Display the pieces

posx=7:posy=7 'Position of my king piece
ScanFields(posx,posy) 'Scan which pieces are in attacking position

print at 12,26;lives;" ";
print at 9,25;figures;" ";
print at 18,25;"\{p0}\{i2}\{b1}000000";
gosub DisplayMyKing
'Check controls keys and move my king around

if (key$="o" or key$="6") and posx>0 then EmptyField(posx,posy):posx=posx-1:goto move:end if
if (key$="p" or key$="7") and posx<7 then EmptyField(posx,posy):posx=posx+1:goto move:end if
if (key$="q" or key$="9") and posy>0 then EmptyField(posx,posy):posy=posy-1:goto move:end if
if (key$="a" or key$="8") and posy<7 then EmptyField(posx,posy):posy=posy+1:goto move:end if
'Check for fire key
if key$=" " or key$="m" or key$="0" then waitnokey():gosub search:waitnokey():end if
if key$="h" then gosub hold:end if
'If moved into the field occupied by another chess piece, it is game over. All lifes are lost and display where the figures are
if ScanField(posx,posy,7) or lives=0 then
    goto PlayerLoss
end if
if won then
    goto PlayerWins
end If
gosub Checktime
goto KeyLoop

ScanFields(posx,posy):gosub DisplayMyKing:waitnokey():goto Mainloop

'Cursor movement
    if (key$="o" or key$="6") and px>0 then RestoreAttr(px,py):px=px-1:gosub move1:end If
    if (key$="p" or key$="7") and px<7 then RestoreAttr(px,py):px=px+1:gosub move1:end If
    if (key$="q" or key$="9") and py>0 then RestoreAttr(px,py):py=py-1:gosub move1:end If
    if (key$="a" or key$="8") and py<7 then RestoreAttr(px,py):py=py+1:gosub move1:end If
    if key$="h" then gosub hold:end if
    gosub Checktime
loop until key$=" " or key$="m" or key$="0"
if (px=orgx and py=orgy) or (scan band 128)=0 then
    goto searchEnd
end if
if (scan band 15)=0 then
    print at 12,26;lives;" ";
    PutField(px,py,scan band 127)
    for a=0 to 15 'Flashing square
        pause 2
        pause 2
    next a
    PutField(px,py,scan band 96)
    if figures=0 then won=1:end if
    print at 9,25;figures;" ";
    print at 18,25;"\{p0}\{i2}\{b1}"+Lset(str(score),"0",6);
end if

if white then adr=@OKingGFX1
elseif black then adr=@OKingGFX2
end if

print at 10,7;"\{f1}Yess! Yes! Yeeees!!!";
print at 12,1;"\{f1}Congratulations, you did it!!!";
print at 14,1;"\{f1}Score: ";score;" Points";
while inkey$<>" ":wend
goto beginn
for a=0 to 63
poke adr+a,peek(adr+a) band 127
next a
print at 10,9;"\{f1}Oh noooooo!!!";
print at 12,1;"\{f1}Sorry, but it is not your day!";
print at 14,1;"\{f1}Score: ";score;" Points";
while inkey$<>" ":wend
goto beginn
    if timer(maxtime)=0 then
        goto PlayerLoss
    end if

    print ink 7;flash 1;at 15,25;"Pause"
    while inkey$="":wend
    poke uinteger 23672,actual

    defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
end asm
    defb 160,192,160,192,160,192,160,192
    defb 192,160,192,160,192,160,192,160
    defb 160,192,160,192,160,192,160,192
    defb 192,160,192,160,192,160,192,160
    defb 160,192,160,192,160,192,160,192
    defb 192,160,192,160,192,160,192,160
    defb 160,192,160,192,160,192,160,192
    defb 192,160,192,160,192,160,192,32
end asm

'1=Bauer (1)
'2=Turm (2)
'3=Springer (4)
'4=Läufer (8)
'5=Königin (16)
'6=König (32)

'+64=White field
'+32=Black field
    defb 111,079,111,079,111,079,111,079
    defb 079,111,079,111,079,111,079,111
    defb 111,079,111,079,111,079,111,079
    defb 079,111,079,111,079,111,079,111
    defb 111,079,111,079,111,079,111,079
    defb 079,111,079,111,079,111,079,111
    defb 111,079,111,079,111,079,111,079
    defb 079,111,079,111,079,111,079,111
end asm
' Graphics:
    DEFB    000,000,016,056,056,016,124,000
    DEFB    000,084,124,056,056,124,124,000
    DEFB    000,016,056,120,024,056,124,000
    DEFB    000,016,048,108,124,056,124,000
    DEFB    000,084,040,016,108,124,124,000
    DEFB    000,016,056,016,056,068,124,000
end asm
    defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
end asm

    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,060,000,000,126,000,000
    DEFB    255,000,000,255,000,000,255,000
    DEFB    000,255,000,000,126,000,001,255
    DEFB    128,000,126,000,000,060,000,000
    DEFB    060,000,000,060,000,000,126,000
    DEFB    000,126,000,000,126,000,000,255
    DEFB    000,003,129,192,007,255,224,007
    DEFB    255,224,003,255,192,000,000,000
    DEFB    111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111
    DEFB    111
end asm
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    DEFB    000,000,060,000,000,126,000,000
    DEFB    255,000,000,255,000,000,255,000
    DEFB    000,255,000,000,126,000,001,255
    DEFB    128,000,126,000,000,060,000,000
    DEFB    060,000,000,060,000,000,126,000
    DEFB    000,126,000,000,126,000,000,255
    DEFB    000,003,129,192,007,255,224,007
    DEFB    255,224,003,255,192,000,000,000
    DEFB    079,079,079,079,079,079,079,079
    DEFB    079
end asm

    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,015,060,240,015,060,240,015
    DEFB    060,240,015,255,240,015,255,240
    DEFB    007,255,224,002,000,064,003,255
    DEFB    192,003,255,192,003,255,192,003
    DEFB    255,192,003,255,192,003,255,192
    DEFB    003,255,192,003,255,192,007,255
    DEFB    224,014,000,112,031,255,248,031
    DEFB    255,248,015,255,240,000,000,000
    DEFB    111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111
    DEFB    111
end asm
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,015,060,240,015,060,240,015
    DEFB    060,240,015,255,240,015,255,240
    DEFB    007,255,224,002,000,064,003,255
    DEFB    192,003,255,192,003,255,192,003
    DEFB    255,192,003,255,192,003,255,192
    DEFB    003,255,192,003,255,192,007,255
    DEFB    224,014,000,112,031,255,248,031
    DEFB    255,248,015,255,240,000,000,000
    DEFB    079,079,079,079,079,079,079,079
    DEFB    079
end asm

    DEFB    000,000,000,000,003,128,000,031
    DEFB    128,000,127,000,001,191,000,007
    DEFB    255,128,031,255,128,031,255,128
    DEFB    007,255,192,015,191,192,000,127
    DEFB    192,000,255,224,001,255,224,003
    DEFB    255,224,007,255,224,007,255,224
    DEFB    003,255,192,000,255,000,001,255
    DEFB    128,003,000,192,015,255,240,015
    DEFB    255,240,007,255,224,000,000,000
    DEFB    111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111
    DEFB    111
end asm
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    DEFB    128,000,127,000,001,191,000,007
    DEFB    255,128,031,255,128,031,255,128
    DEFB    007,255,192,015,191,192,000,127
    DEFB    192,000,255,224,001,255,224,003
    DEFB    255,224,007,255,224,007,255,224
    DEFB    003,255,192,000,255,000,001,255
    DEFB    128,003,000,192,015,255,240,015
    DEFB    255,240,007,255,224,000,000,000
    DEFB    079,079,079,079,079,079,079,079
    DEFB    079
end asm

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    DEFB    000,000,060,000,000,038,000,000
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    DEFB    224,007,255,224,007,255,224,003
    DEFB    255,192,001,255,128,000,255,000
    DEFB    000,255,000,001,255,128,003,255
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    DEFB    255,240,007,255,224,000,000,000
    DEFB    111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111
    DEFB    111
end asm
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    DEFB    000,000,060,000,000,038,000,000
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    DEFB    003,247,192,007,255,224,007,255
    DEFB    224,007,255,224,007,255,224,003
    DEFB    255,192,001,255,128,000,255,000
    DEFB    000,255,000,001,255,128,003,255
    DEFB    192,007,000,224,015,255,240,015
    DEFB    255,240,007,255,224,000,000,000
    DEFB    079,079,079,079,079,079,079,079
    DEFB    079
end asm

    DEFB    000,000,000,000,024,000,000,060
    DEFB    000,000,060,000,000,102,000,001
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    DEFB    076,153,050,097,195,134,063,255
    DEFB    252,031,255,248,015,255,240,007
    DEFB    255,224,003,255,192,002,000,064
    DEFB    015,255,240,011,102,208,031,255
    DEFB    248,024,000,024,063,255,252,063
    DEFB    255,252,031,255,248,000,000,000
    DEFB    111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111
    DEFB    111
end asm
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,024,000,000,060
    DEFB    000,000,060,000,000,102,000,001
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    DEFB    076,153,050,097,195,134,063,255
    DEFB    252,031,255,248,015,255,240,007
    DEFB    255,224,003,255,192,002,000,064
    DEFB    015,255,240,011,102,208,031,255
    DEFB    248,024,000,024,063,255,252,063
    DEFB    255,252,031,255,248,000,000,000
    DEFB    079,079,079,079,079,079,079,079
    DEFB    079
end asm

    DEFB    000,000,000,000,126,000,000,102
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    DEFB    095,102,250,095,060,250,079,153
    DEFB    242,103,219,230,055,219,236,019
    DEFB    219,200,027,219,216,008,000,016
    DEFB    015,255,240,011,102,208,031,255
    DEFB    248,024,000,024,063,255,252,063
    DEFB    255,252,031,255,248,000,000,000
    DEFB    111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111
    DEFB    111
end asm
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    DEFB    095,102,250,095,060,250,079,153
    DEFB    242,103,219,230,055,219,236,019
    DEFB    219,200,027,219,216,008,000,016
    DEFB    015,255,240,011,102,208,031,255
    DEFB    248,024,000,024,063,255,252,063
    DEFB    255,252,031,255,248,000,000,000
    DEFB    079,079,079,079,079,079,079,079
    DEFB    079
end asm

    DEFB    000,000,000,000,126,000,000,102
    DEFB    000,000,090,000,030,090,120,051
    DEFB    102,204,097,255,134,076,102,050
    DEFB    095,102,250,095,060,250,079,153
    DEFB    242,103,219,230,055,219,236,019
    DEFB    219,200,027,219,216,008,000,016
    DEFB    015,255,240,011,102,208,031,255
    DEFB    248,024,000,024,063,255,252,063
    DEFB    255,252,031,255,248,000,000,000
    DEFB    110,106,104,110,106,104,110,106
    DEFB    104
end asm
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    DEFB    095,102,250,095,060,250,079,153
    DEFB    242,103,219,230,055,219,236,019
    DEFB    219,200,027,219,216,008,000,016
    DEFB    015,255,240,011,102,208,031,255
    DEFB    248,024,000,024,063,255,252,063
    DEFB    255,252,031,255,248,000,000,000
    DEFB    078,074,072,078,074,072,078,074
    DEFB    072
end asm

    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    104,104,104,104,104,104,104,104
    DEFB    104
end asm
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DEFB    072,072,072,072,072,072,072,072
    DEFB    072
end asm

    DEFB    255,255,254,213,085,084,170,190
    DEFB    170,213,097,084,170,128,170,213
    DEFB    028,084,171,042,106,214,086,084
    DEFB    170,108,106,213,216,212,170,177
    DEFB    170,213,099,084,170,198,170,213
    DEFB    077,084,170,250,170,213,085,084
    DEFB    170,186,170,213,069,084,170,198
    DEFB    170,213,069,084,170,186,170,213
    DEFB    085,084,170,170,170,000,000,000
    DEFB    087,087,087,087,087,087,087,087
    DEFB    087
end asm
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Awesome! :o
I MUST do a game too! :oops:

You should give a tutorial on how to include sound (perhaps even a library). Many people are asking for this (remember the sound thread). Or even a library.
boriel Wrote:Awesome! :o
I MUST do a game too! :oops:

You should give a tutorial on how to include sound (perhaps even a library). Many people are asking for this (remember the sound thread). Or even a library.

In the BorIDE the Interruptmaker is included now, but I'm not decided how to link the code with compiled program.
I think about two methods:
1). Make a binary and inject it into TAP after compilation. This is the easiest way for me, but disadvantages are that the source will not contain these code, and it will work only for TAP and TZX output, and the user must modify the loader by hand.
2). Create ASM code in Clipboard, so the user will be able to put it into the source. This is much harder to do because the Interrupt vectors will not work from any address, so I must ALIGN them (not automaticaly because Interrupt vector must not be set below 128). Maybe a mix of ORG and ALIGN? This must be placed at the end of code.
3). Library: Very hard to do because of the adressing limitations of interrupts.
I think, the second solution is better, but I must also make a TAP 2 ASM decoder to put the music from TAP into source code.
My interruptmaker 1.2+ (available now from WOS) is also able to switch to a different memory bank of Spectrum 128 to play music stored at this place, and also keeps track which screen is displayed. Until the Interruptmaker is fully integrated into BorIDE, anyone can use Interruptmaker.
It produces multiple chunks of code that must be hand-saved:
Vectortable: 256 Byte boundary in memory, has 257 bytes of same value (due to the problem with "floating Bus", two bytes combile the H/L bytes of address to interrupt controll routine.
Vectorjump address (257 bytes boundary): This is the start of intterrupt handling routine which save all important registers (AF, BC, DE, HL and IX + IY to be compatible with some disc drives) and restore them again (never change Stack pointer while interrupts are running).
On/Off code: Code to switch interrupts on and off.
Interrupt call address defines which address will be used in vectorjump routine to be called 50 times per second. In soundtracker this is Startaddress of compiled song with player plus 6 bytes (This info will be displayed at compilation time).
All you need is now to init the song and switch interrupts on using RANDOMIZE USR InterruptsOn.

I'm really curious what kind of game you would write with this tool, Boriel.
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New Version of Chessboard Attack surfaced. It is the version 1.1 with many improvments. New source code will be uploaded with the game at WOS, but anyone can download the new version from my website, but without sources. I announce also the work on "Chessboard Attack II" has begunn. At moment designing the game mechanics without coding anythin yet. But the game will be very different from the first part. It is again a mix between Chess and an other game genere that has not been done on the Spectrum because of its imense amount of mathematics (crossing it with chess rules will reduce the amount).
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