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Another optimizer bug (*solved*)
Ouch! This bug gave me a headache! It took me some time to figure out the reason my game was crashing...

Take a look at this sample:

sub test()
        call    $fc12
        ld      a, $fe
        ld      i, a
        im      2
    end asm
end sub


Try compiling this sample above using:

zxb.exe -A -O2 prog.bas

And it will produce the expected result:

    push ix
    ld ix, 0
    add ix, sp
#line 1
        call    $fc12
        ld      a, $fe
        ld      i, a
        im      2
#line 7
    ld sp, ix
    pop ix

However try compiling it again using:

zxb.exe -A -O3 prog.bas

Now the result won't make sense anymore:

    push ix
    ld ix, 0
    add ix, sp
#line 1
    call    $fc12
    im      2
#line 7
    ld sp, ix
    pop ix

The problem is, the optimizer is supposed to try to optimize its own generated code only, not someone else's assembly code that it doesn't have enough information to understand!

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