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SPECTRA Advanced Graphics
Hi boriel,
Here I show you the SPECTRA routines.
function SetSpectraMode(LineHeight as Ubyte,ExtraColours as ubyte,DoubleByteColour as ubyte,EnhancedBorder as ubyte,DisplayBank as ubyte,ShadowBank as ubyte,HalfCell as ubyte) as ubyte
    dim mode,r as ubyte
    out $7fdf,mode
    if in($7fdf)<>mode
    end if
    return r
end function
Selfexplaining... Line Height is the code for Attribute height: 0=8 pixel, 1=4 pixel, 2=2 pixel, 3=1 Pixel (unusable because attribute will overwrite system variables and not all attributes can have 1 line height, same problem with double byte flag and 2 pixel height)
It returns 1 if mode is available (SPECTRA present) or 0 if not

sub ExtendedBorder(red as ubyte,green as ubyte,blue as ubyte)
    dim r,g,b as ubyte
    out $fe,r|g|b
end sub
This set the Border (64 colour mode) based on RGB values (0-3 for each channel)
Should be easy to convert to inline Assembly
if SetSpectraMode(0,1,0,1,0,0,0) 'Enable Enhanced Border with 64 Colours
    BorderTest: 'Change Border Colours
    print at 0,0;"Grey "
    for a=0 to 3
        pause 50
    next a
    for a=0 to 3
        pause 50
    next a
    print at 0,0;"Red  "
    for a=0 to 3
        pause 50
    next a
    for a=0 to 3
        pause 50
    next a
    print at 0,0;"Green"
    for a=0 to 3
        pause 50
    next a
    for a=0 to 3
        pause 50
    next a
    print at 0,0;"Blue "
    for a=0 to 3
        pause 50
    next a
    for a=0 to 3
        pause 50
    next a
    if inkey$<>" ":goto BorderTest:end if
end if

Enhanced Border (15 Colour mode):
sub ZXBorderEnhanced(BorderColor as ubyte,FlashWhite as ubyte,Bri as ubyte,Fla as ubyte)
    out $fe,BorderColor|(FlashWhite<<5)|(Bri<<6)|(Fla<<7)
end sub
Also very easy to convert to inline Assembly
if SetSpectraMode(0,0,0,1,0,0,0) 'Enable Enhanced Border with 15 Colours
    print at 0,0;"Normal Colours"
    for a=0 to 7
        pause 25
    next a
    print at 0,0;"Bright Colours"
    for a=0 to 7
        pause 25
    next a
    print at 0,0;"Flash Bright Colours with black"
    for a=0 to 7
        pause 100
    next a
    print at 0,0;"Flash Normal Colours with white"
    for a=0 to 7
        pause 100
    next a
    print at 0,0;"And now to the 64 colours border"
    pause 50
end if
More will come later.
Together with at least two games.
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