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Parser bug (*solved*)
Trying to compile the following code:
#define BIFROSTstop() \
    asm               \
        call 65012    \
    end asm

10 PAUSE 0 : BIFROSTstop() : PAUSE 0
Produces the following error message:
Quote:illegal character ':'
However the following code compiles just fine:
#define BIFROSTstop() \
    asm               \
        call 65012    \
    end asm

10 PAUSE 0 : BIFROSTstop()
   PAUSE 0
This bug is relevant because BIFROST* interface library for ZX BASIC makes extensive use of defines as above, for performance reasons. I'm sure this is not the only case. Therefore I'm concerned about users getting confused by weird errors like this.

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