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aplib decompressor for ZX Basic.
1. Download the compressor -> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
2. Pack your binaries using it:
> apack.exe input.bin output.bin
3. Include your packed binaries in your program
   Binary "output.bin"
End Asm
4. Include the aplib decompressor (by dwedit/metalbrain/utopian) in your program
#include once "aplib.bas"
5. Call the depacker to decompress your binary to somewhere else (source, destination):
aplibUnpack (@packed, 16384)

Here's aplib.bas:
'' aplib.bas

Sub aplibDummyContainer
    ; aPPack decompressor
    ; original source by dwedit
    ; very slightly adapted by utopian
    ; optimized by Metalbrain
    ; Adapted for ZX Basic by na_th_an
    ;hl = source
    ;de = dest

            ld    ixl,128
            ld    ixh,1        ;LWM = 0
            call     ap_getbit
            jr     nc,apbranch1
            call     ap_getbit
            jr     nc,apbranch2
            ld     b,0
            call     ap_getbit
            jr     nc,apbranch3
            ld    c,16        ;get an offset
            call     ap_getbit
            rl     c
            jr    nc,apget4bits
            jr     nz,apbranch4
            ld     a,b
            ld     (de),a        ;write a 0
            inc     de
            jr    aploop0
            and    a
            ex     de,hl         ;write a previous byte (1-15 away from dest)
            sbc     hl,bc
            ld     a,(hl)
            add    hl,bc
            ex     de,hl
            jr    apwritebyte
            ld     c,(hl)        ;use 7 bit offset, length = 2 or 3
            inc     hl
            rr     c
            ret     z        ;if a zero is encountered here, it is EOF
            ld    a,2
            adc    a,b
            push     hl
            ld    iyh,b
            ld    iyl,c
            ld     h,d
            ld     l,e
            sbc     hl,bc
            ld     c,a
            jr    ap_finishup2
            call     ap_getgamma    ;use a gamma code * 256 for offset, another gamma code for length
            dec     c
            ld    a,c
            sub    ixh
            jr     z,ap_r0_gamma        ;if gamma code is 2, use old r0 offset,
            dec     a
            ;do I even need this code?
            ;bc=bc*256+(hl), lazy 16bit way
            ld     b,a
            ld     c,(hl)
            inc     hl
            ld    iyh,b
            ld    iyl,c
            push     bc
            call     ap_getgamma
            ex     (sp),hl        ;bc = len, hl=offs
            push     de
            ex     de,hl
            ld    a,4
            cp    d
            jr     nc,apskip2
            inc     bc
            or    a
            ld     hl,127
            sbc     hl,de
            jr     c,apskip3
            inc     bc
            inc     bc
            pop     hl        ;bc = len, de = offs, hl=junk
            push     hl
            or     a
            sbc     hl,de
            pop     de        ;hl=dest-offs, bc=len, de = dest
            pop     hl
            ld    ixh,b
            jr     aploop
            call     ap_getgamma        ;and a new gamma code for length
            push     hl
            push     de
            ex    de,hl
            ld    d,iyh
            ld    e,iyl
            jr     ap_finishup
            ld    a,ixl
            add    a,a
            ld    ixl,a
            ret    nz
            ld    a,(hl)
            inc    hl
            ld    ixl,a
            ld     bc,1
            call     ap_getbit
            rl     c
            rl     b
            call     ap_getbit
            jr     c,ap_getgammaloop
    End Asm
            defw 0
            defw 0
    End Asm
End Sub

Sub aplibUnpack (source as uInteger, destination as uInteger)
    Poke uInteger @apDataPool, source
    Poke uInteger 2 + @apDataPool, destination
        ld hl, (ap__source)
        ld de, (ap__destination)
        push ix
        push iy
        call depack
        pop iy
        pop ix
    End Asm
End Sub

Happy coding!

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