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ZXB errores mios de sintaxis o incompatible con SinclairBas?
tachuelita Wrote:Right, I don't know the compiler option --string-base=1 ... How do you apply?
Now understand that my mistake was not having subtracted 1 to index of (x$). that's right?
Anyway, I have to get used to start with zero index of the strings. I guess it has its advantages.

Then, still posing routines that are not properly compiled.

The next routine, try to copy a movie of frames at ATTR address on the screen.
But The variable 'ymalo' ( " y " coordinate) does not work because it always stays at 0. i dont know why Cry:
'         EXPLOSION (prueba)
'    cargar explosionATTR.bin en 62000

600    LET ymalo=10     ' IT"S  =10  NOT =0  !!!!@#$^& GRRRR
    LET xmalo=15

3000     BORDER 0
    LET expd=62000
    LET pijota=22528
3010    '----- movie -------
3059    FOR d=(0+ymalo) to (9+ymalo)
3060    FOR q=(0+xmalo) to (6+xmalo)
    LET cod=pijota+(32*d)+q
    LET codi= PEEK expd
    IF cod > 22528 AND cod < 23296 THEN
        POKE cod,codi
    END IF
3085    LET expd=expd+1
3086    NEXT q
3088    NEXT d

3090    IF expd > 63050 THEN
        GOTO 3000
    END IF

3100    GOTO 3010
the corresponding compiled file:

in this case I don't need upload the file attributes, because you can see the attr-movie-frames like a black window

GRACIAS NUEVAMENTE!!! (me esta gustando esto de escribir en ingles, solo que no se si es la sintaxis correcta)

To apply the compiler options, just call the compiler with this option...
zxb.exe "D:\temp.bas" -S 24200 -t "D:\output.tap" --string-base=1
Your new problem lies in missing variable declaration. Add this at beginn:
dim ymalo,xmalo,d,q,expd,pijota,codi,cod as Uinteger
This declares all your variables as Uinteger. You should allways declare your variables, but the line numbers are not needed.
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