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ZXB errores mios de sintaxis o incompatible con SinclairBas?
Right, I don't know the compiler option --string-base=1 ... How do you apply?
Now understand that my mistake was not having subtracted 1 to index of (x$). that's right?
Anyway, I have to get used to start with zero index of the strings. I guess it has its advantages.

Then, still posing routines that are not properly compiled.

The next routine, try to copy a movie of frames at ATTR address on the screen.
But The variable 'ymalo' ( " y " coordinate) does not work because it always stays at 0. i dont know why Cry:
'         EXPLOSION (prueba)
'    cargar explosionATTR.bin en 62000

600    LET ymalo=10     ' IT"S  =10  NOT =0  !!!!@#$^& GRRRR
    LET xmalo=15

3000     BORDER 0
    LET expd=62000
    LET pijota=22528
3010    '----- movie -------
3059    FOR d=(0+ymalo) to (9+ymalo)
3060    FOR q=(0+xmalo) to (6+xmalo)
    LET cod=pijota+(32*d)+q
    LET codi= PEEK expd
    IF cod > 22528 AND cod < 23296 THEN
        POKE cod,codi
    END IF
3085    LET expd=expd+1
3086    NEXT q
3088    NEXT d

3090    IF expd > 63050 THEN
        GOTO 3000
    END IF

3100    GOTO 3010
the corresponding compiled file:

in this case I don't need upload the file attributes, because you can see the attr-movie-frames like a black window

GRACIAS NUEVAMENTE!!! (me esta gustando esto de escribir en ingles, solo que no se si es la sintaxis correcta)

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