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ZXB errores mios de sintaxis o incompatible con SinclairBas?
Copio el codigo entero nuevamente, porque me equivoque al copiarlo en este if
I copy the entire code again, because I'm wrong to copy this if

IF f=0 OR f=4 OR f=8 OR f=12 OR f=16 THEN

9550 '+-----------------------------+
     '|     IMPRIME PATTERN     |
    PAUSE 0    ' load here  .BIN at address 50000
    BRIGHT 0
    FOR f= 0 TO 15
        PAPER 7
        IF f=0 OR f=4 OR f=8 OR f=12 OR f=16 THEN
            PAPER 3
        END IF
        LET fil     = 8 + f
        LET col     = 1
        LET numero    = f
        LET decimales     = 2
        GOSUB 9605
    NEXT f


    '\                                                                             /
    ' |     INPRESION DE NUMEROS EN 64 COLUMNAS         |
    '/                                                                             \
    'enviar a esta sub rutina:
    '    fil = fila
    '    col = columna
    '    numero
    '    decimales = 1-unidades
    '            2-decenas
    '            3-centenas
    '            4-mil
    '            5-decenas de mil

9606    LET X$=STR$ (numero)
9607    while LEN(X$)<decimales
        end while
    FOR z=0 TO LEN(X$)-1 STEP 2
        POKE 23607,194
        POKE 23606,80
        PRINT AT fil,col+(z/2); X$(z)
        IF z+1 <= LEN X$ THEN
            POKE 23607,197
            POKE 23606,80
            PRINT AT fil,col+(z/2) ; OVER 1 ; X$(z+1)
        END IF    
        IF z+col > 31 THEN
            LET col = 0
             LET fil = fil + 1
        END IF
    NEXT z
    POKE 23606,0
    POKE 23607,60
    OVER 0

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