04-14-2013, 12:53 AM
Apparently the file pathfind.bas is entirely commented, because it starts with a block comment /' at the beginning.
I tried closing that block comming just before the FindPath funcion declaration and your program was correctly compiled :!:
Included are done by the preprocessor. So you can always try
zxbpp wars.bas and see the resulting souce file, as a first test to discard posible mistakes before going further.
Try removing /' in the pathfinding.bas file and tell me. :roll:
I tried closing that block comming just before the FindPath funcion declaration and your program was correctly compiled :!:
Included are done by the preprocessor. So you can always try
zxbpp wars.bas and see the resulting souce file, as a first test to discard posible mistakes before going further.
Try removing /' in the pathfinding.bas file and tell me. :roll: