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Tutorial: How to put inline assembly functions into ZX Basic
britlion Wrote:Yes - that looks like it would work, but it's a LOT harder to understand. I deliberately kept it as easy to read for Sinclair Basic users as possible, such as keeping "REM" rather than ' and using LET everywhere...

Also stuck to using BAND rather than & - and the basic and the machine code use very very nearly the same algorithm, so it's easier to see what the assembly is using.

Thats why I wrote its off Topic. Thats my art of coding, hard to understand, not suitable for tutorials, but working and very fast.
I do not use the LET command, but you are right, BAND is easier to understand for novices than &, I just used it because it is shorter and fits better in a line of code.
You inspired me to learn a bit more assembly.
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