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Unexpected end of file error
The problem is on lines 1790..1820:

These lines have two *nested* if (one if inside another one). So a 2nd END IF is needed at the end of every line. That is, there are two ifs in those lines, so close them with END IF: END IF.
1790 IF dp = 4 AND c(ox+1, oy)>0 AND c(ox+1, oy)<10 THEN LET dpf=dpf+1: IF dpf=8 THEN LET fpf = 0: LET oy=oy -1: END IF: END IF
Remember you can break lines for better clarification:
1790 IF dp = 4 AND c(ox+1, oy)>0 AND c(ox+1, oy)<10 THEN
        LET dpf=dpf+1
        IF dpf=8 THEN
            LET fpf = 0
            LET oy=oy -1
        END IF
     END IF : REM  <== this END IF is missing in your code! Add the missing :END IFs to fix it

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