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How to create and draw graphics
Quote:70 REM UDG
71 DIM udg(1, 7) AS uByte => { {60, 66, 129, 129, 129, 129, 66, 60}, _
{24, 60, 60, 60, 126, 251, 247, 126}}
73 POKE UINTEGER 23675, @udg(0, 0): REM Sets UDG variable to first element
74 LET S$ = CHR$(144): LET F$ = CHR$(145)

Is CHR(144) the first user defined graphic ?
what is the last one you can have? CHR(?)

and talking of graphics should I investigate the 4sprite library?

also, if I create an image and import it as a BIN, does the sprite go into UDG memory or general memory?

also, is there a script or library that replaces the spectrum font with something nicer?

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