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As BorIDE progresses...
Hallo my friends...

Currently the BorIDE is progressing very good. But Multitab coding is not working yet. I just want to ask if I added ALL available keywords, or are there some missing? Or are some not working?
"And As Asm At Bold Beep Border Bright ByRef ByVal Cast Circle Cls Code Const Continue Dim Do Draw Else Elseif End Exit Fastcall Flash For Function Go Gosub Goto If Ink Inverse Italic Let Loop Malloc Multikeys Next Not Or Out Over Paper Pause Pi Plot Poke Print Randomize Realloc Return Stdcall Sub Then To Until Wend While"
Okay, I know! Pi is a constant and not a command.
"Abs Acs Asn Atn Chr Chr$ Cos Exp Getkeyscancodes Hex Hex16 In Inkey Inkey$ Input Int Len Ln Mod Peek Point Rnd Sgn Shl Shr Sin Sqr Str Str$ Tan Val"
Assembler (I think, this is complete):
"adc add and bit call ccf cp cpd cpdr cpi cpir cpl daa dec di ei ex exx im in inc ind indr ini inir jp jr ld ldd lddr ldi ldir neg nop or outd outi pop push res ret reti retn rl rlc rlca rld rr rrc rrca rrcb rrcc rrcd rrce rrch rrcl rrd rst sbc scf set sla sra srl xor org defb defw defs defm equ"
"#Include Once"
"Byte Float Integer Long String Ubyte Uinteger Ulong"
"Rem ' "
The latest version recognises now two-word commands like "Continue Do" and allow code folding. There are also different syntax coloring styles for commands, functions, comments and so. Unfortunally SUB clashes because it is available in ASM and in BASIC. Maybe changing the name from SUB to PROC will help, but then it goes away from FreeBasic names...
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