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Weirdness 3
Good to see that I'm not the only person having frustrations with code suddenly not working in strange and unexplained ways that was working perfectly beforehand.

I've got one routine in there that works perfectly the first 12 times it's called - so it does about 1.5 characters, and then locks up.

Baffles me, that.

What I was originally trying to do was algorithmically come up with something that is readable without actually storing a font - that is take the character "A" from the system font (or from a user defined one) and halve it by algorithm.

I'm pretty convinced by now that I should give that up as a bad job. No fixed algorithm seems to come up with a good result in all cases. There's always something that looks bad.

Best so far? Sending in a line of 8 pixels, send out 4 that are the results of a logical or of each pair. [SO the result is (0 OR 1),(2 OR 3),(4 OR 5),(6 OR 7)]. You'd think that would set too many pixels, but it seems to work pretty well for most cases. Most 64 char printing systems use 3 pixel characters, though.

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