05-19-2009, 07:42 PM
I think string slicing still has bugs in it. Not quite sure why this fails, but it produces code that runs briefly and crashes, running in Spectaculator:
(fails with or without the DIM statements, but crashes differently in each case)
Correcting the 1 to Zero (Since in compiled code the strings begin slicing at zero) has no effect other than change the way it crashes:
(fails with or without the DIM statements, but crashes differently in each case)
DIM A$,p$ as string
DIM start,fin as integer
10 LET a$="This is a very long scrolly string that I am going to print"
20 LET start=1
30 LET fin=32
40 LET p$=a$(start TO fin)
50 LET start=start+1
60 LET fin=fin+1
70 IF fin>LEN a$ THEN LET fin=1 : END IF
80 IF start>LEN a$ THEN LET start=1 : END IF
90 PRINT AT 0,0;p$
100 IF start<fin THEN GO TO 40 : END IF
110 LET p$=a$(start TO )+a$( TO fin)
120 GO TO 50
Correcting the 1 to Zero (Since in compiled code the strings begin slicing at zero) has no effect other than change the way it crashes:
DIM A$,p$ as string
DIM start,fin as integer
10 LET a$="This is a very long scrolly string that I am going to print"
20 LET start=0
30 LET fin=31
40 LET p$=a$(start TO fin)
50 LET start=start+1
60 LET fin=fin+1
70 IF fin>LEN a$ THEN LET fin=0 : END IF
80 IF start>LEN a$ THEN LET start=0 : END IF
90 PRINT AT 0,0;p$
100 IF start<fin THEN GO TO 40 : END IF
110 LET p$=a$(start TO )+a$( TO fin)
120 GO TO 50