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Fourspriter: Alternate Version
britlion Wrote:Also... looking closely at it, I'm pretty sure my version is faster. The Fourspriter 2 code has been changed in ways that look remarkably similar to my optimizations. (and, you know, if you are going to say "Úsalo y modifícalo como te de la gana, pero "porfa", menciónanos :-)" you could at least thank ME for some of those ideas in version 2!) It's clear that some of the code came from my updates - the redraw routine is to all intents and purposes identical to the fspredraw sub in my version.

Sorry, I've just read this. It is just not right. If I had used any of your code/ideas in v2, I would have credited you as I've credited everyone I've took ideas from. I coded v2 by myself way before you came with the optimizations from v1. I'm such a newbie (yeah, I am, no need to make fun of my horrible code, nobody is born knowing it all), so those optimizations are so obvious that it's not strange that we both came with the same ones. In fact, I completely recoded fsp2 from scratch, without looking at the code from fsp1. That's why sprite data is arranged differently, 'cause it was easier and faster to deal with it from code that way. I also added the obvious LDI optimizations, thanks to tips offered in the WOS and forums.

Look, I for one am the last person you could accuse to steal code without crediting. I think that was a really strong acusation. You could have contacted me if you have an issue instead of acusing me publicly of something I haven't done.

As I told you, I coded fsp2 from scratch, and that happened on late October, 2009, way before you even started your optimizations. I even made an announcement in our blog. It wasn't released 'cause we wanted to finish a game we were coding to demonstrate the library. If you still don't believe me, you can check the forums and you'll find me asking for optimization advice around that time.

I can't believe this. I already told you at WOS that my version was worked before you optimized v1. But it shows that you don't believe. Well, look this nice screenshot and have a nice day.

[Image: date.jpg]

Sorry for the tone, but being acused of stealing code feels quite bad. Specially when everything I do is open source and available for everyone.

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