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Fourspriter: Sprite Engine from the Mojon Twins
As I promissed, here I am with an adaptation for the Mojon Twins "Fourspriter". Well, in fact I promissed just the opposite (skip this one and post the other sprite routine I'm working in), but I think this one is more suited to a basic enviroment and the other one is just great for a crap game (see my game Colour Clash of the Titans in the CSSCGC 2010 thread within the WoS games forum) but not so good if you plan to do a polished game.

The engine itself comes in assembler, and all you have to do is POKE the right adresses to configure and move your sprites (up to 4). All I have done is adding 3 subroutines to make easier the poking part, and 4 labes so you can call the different subroutines of the engine via gosub.

Here goes the code you have to include in your library folder (I called it fourspriter.bas):

SUB fsprite (n as uByte, a as uByte, b as uByte, c as uByte, d as uByte)  'Initialite Sprite: n (sprite number 0-3);a,b,c,d (UDG number 0-20,99 means the sprite won't be printed)
POKE @fourspriter+48*n,a
POKE @fourspriter+1+48*n,b
POKE @fourspriter+2+48*n,c
POKE @fourspriter+3+48*n,d
END sub

SUB fspritecoord (n as uByte, x as uByte, y as uByte)   'Set sprite coords: n (sprite number);x,y (vertical,horizontal coords)
POKE @fourspriter+4+48*n,x
POKE @fourspriter+5+48*n,y
POKE @fourspriter+6+48*n,x
POKE @fourspriter+7+48*n,y

SUB fspriteattr (n as uByte, attra as uByte, attrb as uByte, attrc as uByte, attrd as uByte) 'Set sprite attrs: n (sprite number);a,b,c,d (UDG attrs)
POKE @fourspriter+40+48*n,attra
POKE @fourspriter+41+48*n,attrb
POKE @fourspriter+42+48*n,attrc
POKE @fourspriter+43+48*n,attrd


;; 16x16 Sprites moving a character each frame

;; Copyleft 2009 The Mojon Twins.
;; Pergreñado por na_th_an

;; Uses UDGs (it reads the address from the system variables).

;; It moves up to 4 sprites, preserving the backgrounds.

datap:                                ; each block is 40 bytes long.

;; Sprite 1

udgs1:        defb    0, 0, 0, 0        ; Four UDGs of the first sprite.
x_pos1:        defb    0                ; X position in chars.
y_pos1:        defb    0                ; Y position in chars.
cx_pos1:    defb    0                ; Previous X position in chars.
cy_pos1:    defb     0                ; Previous Y position in chars.
buffer1:    defb    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0            ; Gfx buffer.
attrs1:        defb    7, 7, 7, 7        ; Sprite ATTRs
buffatrs1:    defb    0,0,0, 0            ; Attr's buffer

;; Sprite 2

udgs2:        defb    0, 0, 0, 0        ;
x_pos2:        defb    0                ;
y_pos2:        defb    0                ;
cx_pos2:    defb    0                ;
cy_pos2:    defb     0                ;
buffer2:    defb    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0            ;
attrs2:        defb    7, 7, 7, 7        ;
buffatrs2:    defb    0,0,0, 0            ;

;; Sprite 3

udgs3:        defb    0, 0, 0, 0        ;
x_pos3:        defb    0                ;
y_pos3:        defb    0                ;
cx_pos3:    defb    0                ;
cy_pos3:    defb     0                ;
buffer3:    defb    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0            ;
attrs3:        defb    7, 7, 7, 7        ;
buffatrs3:    defb    0,0,0, 0            ;

;; Sprite 4

udgs4:        defb    0, 0, 0, 0        ;
x_pos4:        defb    0                ;
y_pos4:        defb    0                ;
cx_pos4:    defb    0                ;
cy_pos4:    defb     0                ;
buffer4:    defb    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0            ;
attrs4:        defb    7, 7, 7, 7        ;
buffatrs4:    defb    0,0,0, 0            ;

;; General use coordinates

xpos:        defb     0
ypos:        defb     0
cxpos:        defb    0
cypos:        defb     0

;; Sprite control is done writing a certain number
;; in the Sprite's first UDG
;; If the first UDG is 99, it won't be printed

;; Routine to save the background to the buffer
end asm

; pointer = datap
; for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
;    X = *(pointer + 4);                                    // A
;    Y = *(pointer + 5);
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X, Y);                    // B
;     for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 8 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X+1, Y);                // C
;     for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 16 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X, Y+1);                // D
;     for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 24 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (X+1, Y+1);                // E
;     for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;       *(pointer + 32 + j) = *scraddress;
;       scraddress += 256;
;    }
;    pointer = pointer + 40;
; }

            ld         de, datap        ;

            ld        b,    4            ;
i4chars:    push    bc
            ld        a,    (de)
            cp        99
            jr        z,    nxt1

            ;; A

            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de

            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl,    xpos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            inc     de
            inc     de
            ;; B
            call    copia_char
            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; C
            call     copia_char

            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos ++
            ld        hl, ypos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; D
            call     copia_char

            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; E
            call    copia_char

            ;; Now we point to the ATTR buffer,adding 4:
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos --
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            call    get_attr_address
            ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b
            ld        bc, 31
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a            ; Primer carácter
            inc        hl
            inc        de
            ld        a,     (hl)    
            ld        (de), a            ; Segundo carácter
            add        hl,    bc
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a            ; Tercer carácter
            inc        hl
            inc        de
            ld        a,     (hl)
            ld        (de), a            ; Cuarto carácter
            inc        de                

            ; Fin del bucle
nxt1:        pop        bc
            djnz     i4chars
            call    get_scr_address    ;
            ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b            ;
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (hl)
            ld        (de), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
;; Routine to move the sprites:

end asm
    call borra_sprites                ; Erase the sprites
    call init_sprites               ; Save background
    call draw_sprites                ; print sprites
    call update_coordinates            ; update coordinates :)

;; Routine to erase the sprites:
end asm

; pointer = datap
; for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
;     CX = *(pointer + 6)
;     CY = *(pointer + 7)
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX, CY);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;        *scr_address = *(pointer + 8 + j);
;        scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX+1, CY);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;        *scr_address = *(pointer + 16 + j);
;        scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX, CY+1);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;        *scr_address = *(pointer + 24 + j);
;        scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    scr_address = get_scr_address (CX+1, CY+1);
;    for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
;        *scr_address = *(pointer + 32 + j);
;        scr_address += 256;
;    }
;    pointer += 40;
; }

            ld         de, datap        ;
            ld        b,    4            ;
i4chars2:    push    bc
            ld        a,    (de)
            cp        99
            jr        z,    nxt2

            ;; A

            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            ; Obtenemos xpos = CX
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl,    xpos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            ; Obtenemos ypos = CY
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            ;; B
            ; Pintamos el primer char
            call    borra_char
            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; C
            ; Pintamos el segundo char
            call    borra_char

            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos ++
            ld        hl, ypos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; D
            ; Pintamos el tercer char
            call     borra_char

            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ;; E

            ; Pintamos el cuarto char
            call    borra_char
            ;; attr
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos --
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            call    get_attr_address
            call    copyattrs
nxt2:        pop        bc
            djnz     i4chars2            

            call    get_scr_address    ;
            ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b            ;
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de

;; Print sprites routine

;; UDGs are labeled from  0 to 21. The addres of the UDG is:

;; *(23675) + 256 * *(23676) + 8 * N
bufchars:    defb    0,0,0, 0        ;
end asm

            ld         de, datap        ;

            ld        b,    4            ;
i4chars3:    push    bc

            ld        a,    (de)
            cp        99
            jr        z,    nxt3

            ;; copiar aquí "de" a un buffer

            call    charsabuff
            ; Obtenemos xpos
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl,    xpos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            ; Obtenemos ypos
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        (hl), a
            inc     de
            inc     de
            inc     de
            push     de
            ld        hl, bufchars
            call    getde
            call    docopy

            ; xpos++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ; Dirección del gráfico
            ld        hl, bufchars
            inc        hl
            call    getde
            ; Pintamos el segundo char
            call    docopy
            ; xpos--
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos ++
            ld        hl, ypos
            inc        (hl)
            ; Dirección del gráfico
            ld        hl, bufchars
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            call    getde
            ; Pintamos el tercer char
            call    docopy
            ; xpos ++
            ld        hl, xpos
            inc        (hl)
            ; Dirección del gráfico
            ld        hl, bufchars
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            call     getde
            ; Pintamos el cuarto char
            call    docopy
            pop        de
            ; de = de + 32
            ld        bc, 32
            ld        h, d
            ld        l, e
            add        hl, bc
            ld        d, h
            ld        e, l
            ;; attr
            ; xpos --
            ld        hl, xpos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            ; ypos --
            ld        hl, ypos
            ld        a, (hl)
            dec        a
            ld        (hl), a
            call    get_attr_address
            call    copyattrs
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de                ;
nxt3:        pop        bc
            djnz     i4chars3

charsabuff: ld        hl,    bufchars
            ld        a, (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        de
            inc        hl
            ld        a, (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        de
            inc        hl
            ld        a, (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        de
            inc        hl
            ld        a, (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        de
            inc        hl
copyattrs:    ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b
            ld        bc, 31
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a            ; Primer carácter
            inc        hl
            inc        de                
            ld        a,     (de)    
            ld        (hl), a            ; Segundo carácter
            add        hl,    bc
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a            ; Tercer carácter
            inc        hl
            inc        de
            ld        a,     (de)
            ld        (hl), a            ; Cuarto carácter
            inc        de                ; Ahora de apunta a datap+48, o sea, al siguiente sprite.
end asm
            ld         de, datap        ; Apuntamos a la zona de datos
            ld        hl, datap        ; idem

            ld        b,    4            ; 4 iteraciones
i4chars4:    push    bc

            ;; Para cada sprite hay que hacer:
            ;; *(datap + 6) = *(datap + 4)
            ;; *(datap + 7) = *(datap + 5)
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            inc        de
            ld        a, (de)            ; a = X
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            inc     hl
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            inc        hl
            ld        (hl), a            ; CX = a
            inc     de
            ld        a, (de)            ; a = Y
            inc     hl
            ld        (hl), a            ; CY = a

            inc        hl
            ;; hl = hl + 40
            ld        bc, 40
            add        hl, bc
            ;; de = hl
            ld        d, h
            ld        e, l
            pop        bc
            djnz     i4chars4
;; Esta función calcula la posición en memoria del UDG apuntado por
;; el número que está en la dirección hl.
getde:        ld        a, (hl)
            ld        d, a
            ld        hl, 23676
            ld        a, (hl)
            ld        e, a
            ld        hl, 23675
            ld        a, (hl)
            ld        l, a
            ld        a, e
            ld        h, a
            ;;        HL = *(23675) + 256 * *(23676)
            ld        a, d
            rlca    ; a = N * 8
            ld        d, 0
            ld        e, a
            add        hl, de
            ld        d, h
            ld        e, l

            call    get_scr_address    ; Dirección (xpos, ypos) en BC
            ld        l,     c
            ld        h,     b            ; Dirección (xpos, ypos) en HL            
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
            ld        a,    (de)
            ld        (hl), a
            inc        h
            inc        de
;; Esta función devuelve en bc la dirección de memoria
;; de la posición (xpos, ypos) en carácteres. Extraído de código
;; por BloodBaz.

            push     de
            ld         a,    (xpos)
            and        31
            ld        c,    a
            ld        a,    (ypos)
            ld        d,    a
            and        24
            add        a,    64
            ld        b,     a
            ld        a,    d
            and        7
            or        c
            ld        c,     a
            pop        de
;; Esta función devuelve en bc la dirección de memoria
;; de la posición (xpos, ypos) dentro del archivo de atributos.
;; Adaptado de código por Jonathan Cauldwell.

;; 010110YY YYYXXXXX

            ld        a,     (ypos)        ; Cogemos y
            rrca                    ; La multiplicamos por 32
            ld        c,    a            ; nos lo guardamos en c
            and        3                ; ponemos una mascarita 00000011
            add        a,    88            ; 88 * 256 = 22528, aquí empieza el tema
            ld        b,    a            ; Hecho el bite superior.
            ld        a,    c            ; Nos volvemos a traer y * 32
            and        224                ; Mascarita 11100000
            ld        c,    a            ; Lo volvemos a poner en c
            ld        a,    (xpos)        ; Cogemos x
            add        a,     c            ; Le sumamos lo que teníamos antes.
            ld        c,    a            ; Listo. Ya tenemos en BC la dirección.
spare:        defb    85,85,85,85,85,85,85, 85
end asm

The subroutines are the following:

1) Define your sprites:

fsprite (n,a,b,c,d) ; where n is the sprite number (0 to 3) and a-d are the UDGs number that compose the sprite (0-21)

2) Set the atributes for each of the sprite's UDG:

fspriteattr (n,a,b,c,d) ; n=sprite number ; a-d=attr of each UDG

3) Set the initial coords for your spries:
fspritecoord (n,y,x) ; n= sprite number ; y=vertical coord ; x=horizontal coord

The labels to be called via gosub are:

borrasprites ; this will erase the sprites, restoring the background.

initsprites ; this will select wether a sprite will be printed or not. If you don't want a sprite to be printed, you have to poke 99 into the first value of the sprite udg (i.e. fsprite (1,99,0,0,0) won't print sprite 1)

drawsprites ; this will draw the sprites on the screen

updatecoordinates ; this will update the current coordinates of each sprite, while storing the old ones so you can restore the background.
Here goes a small example to see it working. It's really fast Smile

#include <sinclair.bas>
#include <memcopy.bas>
#include <keys.bas>

100 DIM gentle (0 to 3,0 to 7) AS uByte => {  { 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 13, 15} , _
      { 240, 144, 208, 208, 240, 240, 176, 240} , _
      { 15, 14, 63, 0, 0, 12, 26, 30} , _
      { 176, 112, 252, 0, 0, 48, 104, 120}}

110 POKE Uinteger 23675, @gentle(0,0)

    memcopy (0,16384,4092)
    LET gx=10:LET gy=10:let dx=3:let dy=3:let tx=6:let ty=6:let cx=18:let cy=18
    let dmx=1:let dmy=1:let tmx=-1:let tmy=-1:let cmx=1:let cmy=-1
    fsprite (0,0,1,2,3)
    fspritecoord (0,gy,gx)
    fsprite (1,0,1,2,3)
    fspritecoord (1,dy,dx)
    fsprite (2,0,1,2,3)
    fspritecoord (2,ty,tx)
    fsprite (3,0,1,2,3)
    fspritecoord (3,cy,cx)
    fspriteattr (0,31,31,31,31)
    fspriteattr (1,12,12,12,12)
    fspriteattr (2,26,26,26,26)
    fspriteattr (3,6,6,6,6)
gosub   initsprites
gosub drawsprites
gosub updatecoordinates


    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYO)<>0 and gx>0 THEN LET gx=gx-1: END IF
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYP)<>0 and gx<30 THEN LET gx=gx+1:END IF
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYQ)<>0 and gy>0 THEN LET gy=gy-1 :END IF
    IF MULTIKEYS(KEYA)<>0 and gy<22 THEN LET gy=gy+1: END IF

    let dx=dx+dmx:if dx=0 or dx=30 then let dmx=-dmx : END IF
    let dy=dy+dmy:if dy=0 or dy=22 then let dmy=-dmy: END IF
    let tx=tx+tmx:if tx=0 or tx=30 then let tmx=-tmx: END IF
    let ty=ty+tmy:if ty=0 or ty=22 then let tmy=-tmy: END IF
    let cx=cx+cmx:if cx=0 or cx=30 then let cmx=-cmx: END IF
    let cy=cy+cmy:if cy=0 or cy=22 then let cmy=-cmy: END IF
pause 2
gosub borrasprites
    fspritecoord (0,gx,gy)
    fspritecoord (1,dx,dy)
    fspritecoord (2,tx,ty)
    fspritecoord (3,cx,cy)
gosub   initsprites
gosub drawsprites
gosub updatecoordinates

goto bucle

#include <fourspriter.bas>

I'd downloaded this and was playing with translating it just yesterday :-)

Seems you beat me to it.

Personally, I probably would have sneaked a few more options into the pile - like a function to return ATTR values, based on ink/paper/bright/flash - because this is really meant for inexperienced programmers, and if we can insulate them from awkward stuff that can't hurt.

Also, when reading their code, I noticed a few times they could have written the code a little tighter, and I was itching to change the assembler. *heh* I'd probably save only a handful of T states *chuckle* So probably not much in the way of worth it though.

Things like:

ld        hl, xpos
ld        a, (hl)
dec        a
ld        (hl), a
is 28 T states.

I think
ld        hl, xpos
dec (hl)
at 21 T states Would be tighter.

Oddly, they use the latter method for increasing a variable.
You're right about the ATTR values, I didn't think of that Smile

I also noticed there are repeated pieces of code in the routine, but my assembler knowledge isn't so high right now so if I dare to change it, I'll probably break something else. But if you want to do it and you have the time, go on Smile
I think your example is a little confusing, apenao.

It has lines like "gosub updatesprites" and I can't see where that code is...

wouldn't that be a SUB as part of the sprite library? So when you want to update the screen, do fspriteUpdate()
apenao Wrote:You're right about the ATTR values, I didn't think of that Smile

I also noticed there are repeated pieces of code in the routine, but my assembler knowledge isn't so high right now so if I dare to change it, I'll probably break something else. But if you want to do it and you have the time, go on Smile
Amazing work!! :o
I'm fixing compiler bugs at the moment. Once I release 1.2.5, if you like, I can add this library to the /library directory (they will preserve your name authoring), as I will do with Britlion's math f16 library
britlion Wrote:I think your example is a little confusing, apenao.

It has lines like "gosub updatesprites" and I can't see where that code is...

wouldn't that be a SUB as part of the sprite library? So when you want to update the screen, do fspriteUpdate()

That GOSUBs do jump to the sprite library, not to the actual example code, but as the library has to be included when compiling, it's the same as if you do it as a subroutine. But if you think it's confusing or find a way to do something better, please do it so when Boriel finally add this to the library it will be optimized Smile

To Boriel: Please add the library if you want, but the authoring must go to the Mojon Twins (or Nathan in this particular case, because he did the code I believe). All I did was add a couple of labels and subroutines.
Aha. I hadn't noticed the end asm label: asm hops.

Incidentally, when including asm code, you have to make sure it doesn't run automatically - one easy way to do that is to include it in a sub or a function:

FUNCTION  thingy (a as ubyte)
return value

end asm
end function

I've found that includes code in a decent library fashion, but it can't run - it's after the return.

As for how to do it - your way works just fine! I'd show you what I meant, in terms of how I'd put it together, but I'm snowed under with projects right now. Perhaps in a few days. There's nothing wrong with how you did it though - I'm just from the extensible language school of thought :-)
britlion Wrote:Aha. I hadn't noticed the end asm label: asm hops.

Incidentally, when including asm code, you have to make sure it doesn't run automatically - one easy way to do that is to include it in a sub or a function:

Yep, that's true. I found that the hard way. What I do to solve this is to #include the code at the end of the basic program, after an END statement.

But I agree your method would be more readable (and therefor more accesible). At first I tried to do it that way, but I think I encountered some problems as different routines share some code, so when I cut the code into subroutines I ruined some jumps.
apenao Wrote:
britlion Wrote:Aha. I hadn't noticed the end asm label: asm hops.

Incidentally, when including asm code, you have to make sure it doesn't run automatically - one easy way to do that is to include it in a sub or a function:

Yep, that's true. I found that the hard way. What I do to solve this is to #include the code at the end of the basic program, after an END statement.

But I agree your method would be more readable (and therefor more accesible). At first I tried to do it that way, but I think I encountered some problems as different routines share some code, so when I cut the code into subroutines I ruined some jumps.

It's a good idea. Alto have a look at the library/ directory. There's a library template to make .bas include files. Basically:
  • Use #ifdef... #endif to avoid recursive includes
  • Look at the pragmas (option push and option case insensitive). If you enable case insentive in your module, your functions might be callable with any letter case configuration:
    spriteattr(...) or SpriteATTR(...) or SpriteAttr(...) for example, will all be valid.

I can help both Britlion and you when 1.2.5 release is out, if you like.
I have to admit, I have no idea of the pragma options that the assembler deals with. I know it's deep under the hood, but some idea of those options might make for nicer library options!
apenao, I think you might be using it inorrectly - have you noticed how flickery it is at the top of the screen?

It's because there's a long time between erase and redraw. Each sprite has two locations - next and previous. You only need to update the next one, erase and redraw.

I've got a version that's much tighter there, but it still is flickery for the top 26 pixels. I'm trying to tighten (and perhaps shorten?) the code to make it faster to cover the shortfall, as well as look at their demo and find out why it doesn't have this issue at all.

If I can get the bugs out and make it even faster and smaller (one subroutine I got 30% faster!) then I'll post it up here.

The docopy routine is also duplicated, so I deleted one to save quite a few bytes.

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