Optimisation level 3 Bug (*solved*) - Printable Version

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Optimisation level 3 Bug (*solved*) - LCD - 04-10-2009

Hi Boriel,

I wrote the following little game (which is supposed to become a "Jewel Quest" clone one day :-):
dim a as uinteger
dim x as ubyte
dim y as ubyte
dim solv as ubyte
dim posx as uinteger
dim posy as uinteger

sub field(x as uinteger,y as uinteger,obj as ubyte)
  dim adr as uinteger
  dim adr1 as uinteger
  dim col as ubyte
  if obj=0 then col=2:end if
  if obj=1 then col=3:end if
  if obj=2 then col=4:end if
  if obj=3 then col=5:end if
  if obj=4 then col=6:end if
  if obj=5 then col=7:end if
  if obj=64 then col=48:end if
  if peek adr1 then col=col+8:end if
  poke adr,col:poke adr+1,col:poke adr+2,col
  poke adr+32,col:poke adr+33,col:poke adr+34,col
  poke adr+64,col:poke adr+65,col:poke adr+66,col
end sub
sub DisplayField()
  for y=0 to 7
    for x=0 to 7
    next x
  next y
end sub
sub ClearField(x as uinteger,y as uinteger)
  poke 50000+x+y*8,64
  poke 50064+x+y*8,1
end sub

function GetFieldObj(x as uinteger,y as uinteger) as ubyte
  return peek (50000+x+y*8)
end function
sub SetFieldObj(x as uinteger,y as uinteger,obj as ubyte)
  poke 50000+x+y*8,obj
end sub

function CheckBoard(x as integer,y as integer)
  dim current as ubyte
  dim c1 as ubyte
  dim c2 as ubyte
  if x>3 then
    if c1=current and c2=current and GetFieldObj(x-3,y)=current and GetFieldObj(x-4,y)=current then for a=0 to 4:ClearField(x-a,y):next a:solved=solved+1:end if
  end if
  if x>2 then
    if c1=current and c2=current and GetFieldObj(x-3,y)=current then for a=0 to 3:ClearField(x-a,y):next a:solved=solved+1:end if
  end if
  if x>1 then
    if c1=current and c2=current then for a=0 to 2:ClearField(x-a,y):solved=solved+1:next a:end if
  end if
  if y>3 then
    if c1=current and c2=current and GetFieldObj(x,y-3)=current and GetFieldObj(x,y-4)=current then for a=0 to 4:ClearField(x,y-a):next a:solved=solved+1:end if
  end if
  if y>2 then
    if c1=current and c2=current and GetFieldObj(x,y-3)=current then for a=0 to 3:ClearField(x,y-a):next a:solved=solved+1:end if
  end if
  if y>1 then
    if c1=current and c2=current then for a=0 to 2:ClearField(x,y-a):solved=solved+1:next a:end if
  end if
  return solved
end function
sub fieldupdate()
  for x=0 to 7
    for y=0 to 7
      if GetFieldObj(x,y)=64 then
        while ypos>0
        end while
      end if
    next y
  next x
end sub
function SolveField() as ubyte
  for y=0 to 7
    for x=0 to 7
    next x
  next y
  return solv
end function
sub PutCoin(x as uinteger,y as uinteger)
  print at y,x;"\  \..\  "
  print at y+1,x;"\ :\::\: "
  print at y+2,x;"\  \''\  "
end sub

sub DisplayCursor(x as integer,y as integer,mode as byte)
  dim adr as uinteger
  dim newcol as ubyte
  poke 65535,peek adr
    ld a,(65535)
    and 7
    ld (65535),a
  end asm
  if mode then
    poke 65535,(peek 65535)+56
    if peek adr1 then
      poke 65535,peek 65535+8
    end if
  end if
  newcol=peek 65535
  poke adr,newcol
  poke adr+1,newcol
  poke adr+2,newcol
  poke adr+32,newcol
  poke adr+33,newcol
  poke adr+34,newcol
  poke adr+64,newcol
  poke adr+65,newcol
  poke adr+66,newcol
end sub


for a=0 to 63
  poke 50000+a,rnd*5
  poke 50064+a,0
next a
  ld hl,50000
  ld de,50128
  ld bc,64
end asm

paper 0:ink 7:border 0:cls
'poke 23607,127
'poke 23606,16

print at 2,0;"Controls"
print at 4,0;"1) Keyboard"
print at 5,0;"2) Sinclair Joystick"

if inkey$="1" then
  goto controls2
end if
if inkey$="2" then
  goto controls2
end if
goto controls1

for y=0 to 7
  for x=0 to 7
  next x
next y

  if solv then goto solveboard:end if
for a=0 to 5:pause 1:next a

if inkey$=up$ and posy>0 then DisplayCursor(posx,posy,0):posy=posy-1:DisplayCursor(posx,posy,1):goto controlloop0:end if
if inkey$=dw$ and posy<7 then DisplayCursor(posx,posy,0):posy=posy+1:DisplayCursor(posx,posy,1):goto controlloop0:end if
if inkey$=le$ and posx>0 then DisplayCursor(posx,posy,0):posx=posx-1:DisplayCursor(posx,posy,1):goto controlloop0:end if
if inkey$=ri$ and posx<7 then DisplayCursor(posx,posy,0):posx=posx+1:DisplayCursor(posx,posy,1):goto controlloop0:end if
if inkey$=fi$ then gosub activate:end if

goto controlloop1
    ld hl,50000
    ld de,50128
    ld bc,64
  end asm
  if inkey$=up$ and posy>0 then
    a=peek adr
    b=peek (adr-8)
    poke adr,b
    poke adr-8,a
    gosub check
  end if
  if inkey$=dw$ and posy<7 then
    a=peek adr
    b=peek (adr+8)
    poke adr,b
    poke adr+8,a
    gosub check
  end if
  if inkey$=le$ and posx>0 then
    a=peek adr
    b=peek (adr-1)
    poke adr,b
    poke adr-1,a
    gosub check
  end if
  if inkey$=ri$ and posx>0 then
    a=peek adr
    b=peek (adr+1)
    poke adr,b
    poke adr+1,a
    gosub check
  end if

  for a=0 to 63
    if peek(50064+a) then complete=complete+1:end if
  next a
  if complete=64 then
    goto won
  end if

goto activate
  if solv then
    goto solveboard
      ld hl,50128
      ld de,50000
      ld bc,64
    end asm
    goto controlloop0
  end if

print "Congratulations"

The Problem is:
It works with Optimisation Level 2, but on Optimisation level 3 it throws "Unexpected tokem IX [IX] at line 1208"

Re: Optimisation level 3 Bug - boriel - 04-13-2009

LCD Wrote:Hi Boriel,

I wrote the following little game (which is supposed to become a "Jewel Quest" clone one day :-):
dim a as uinteger
dim x as ubyte
dim y as ubyte
dim solv as ubyte
dim posx as uinteger
dim posy as uinteger

print "Congratulations"

The Problem is:
It works with Optimisation Level 2, but on Optimisation level 3 it throws "Unexpected tokem IX [IX] at line 1208"
Thanks, LCD. I've detected the problem and will fix it today! Wink

Re: Optimisation level 3 Bug - boriel - 04-14-2009

I was a bit tough! :| In part, because once fixed that bug I discovered several ones more that were a little difficult to fix. Thanks again! Wink
Optimizations haven't been tested on FUNCTIONS (that's the problem). So please, keep using them to detect possible bugs. Basically:

Compile your program with -O3 and test it. Compile it with -O3 and test it again. If it behaves in a different way, then you have catched a bug. :!:

Thanks a lot for your help. You can download the latest version 1.1.6 which fix the bugs.

Re: Optimisation level 3 Bug - LCD - 04-15-2009

boriel Wrote:I was a bit tough! :| In part, because once fixed that bug I discovered several ones more that were a little difficult to fix. Thanks again! Wink
Optimizations haven't been tested on FUNCTIONS (that's the problem). So please, keep using them to detect possible bugs. Basically:
I plan to use functions, so no problem after all. Today is a bit late now, as I spent half of the day to rewrite 50% of my lexer in Retro-X XIDE because it was just a prototype. It is still not finished... It does yet lex only actual line. I will check it then a little bit later.

Quote:Compile your program with -O3 and test it. Compile it with -O3 and test it again. If it behaves in a different way, then you have catched a bug. :!:
??? You surely mean to compile it with -O2 and then -O3 again... No problem, I will do so.

Quote:Thanks a lot for your help. You can download the latest version 1.1.6 which fix the bugs.
No problem, I like your compiler very much, so helping you is a honour for me. I'm downloading 1.1.6 now...

Re: Optimisation level 3 Bug - boriel - 04-15-2009

??? You surely mean to compile it with -O2 and then -O3 again... No problem, I will do so.
Sorry, I didn't explain very well. I meant: use -O2 at first and test your program. Then recompile with -O3 and test your program again. Both version should behave the same way. Wink

I also forgot to mention that since version 1.1.5 the ELSEIF construct is also available. Wink So, you now can do:
IF <condition> THEN
ELSEIF <condition> THEN
ELSEIF <condition> THEN  : REM many times....
ELSE : REM ELSE is optional

Re: Optimisation level 3 Bug - LCD - 04-15-2009

boriel Wrote:
LCD Wrote:??? You surely mean to compile it with -O2 and then -O3 again... No problem, I will do so.
Quote:Sorry, I didn't explain very well. I meant: use -O2 at first and test your program. Then recompile with -O3 and test your program again. Both version should behave the same way. Wink

I also forgot to mention that since version 1.1.5 the ELSEIF construct is also available. Wink So, you now can do:
IF <condition> THEN
ELSEIF <condition> THEN
ELSEIF <condition> THEN  : REM many times....
ELSE : REM ELSE is optional
Okay, I understand...

I greatly welcome the arrival ELSEIF command!!! :-) Thanks!