Debugging - Printable Version

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Debugging - britlion - 06-26-2015

Is a pain.

Right now I've got a program that:

FOR n=40 to 50                                                                    
FastPlot (n,50)
next n

draws pixels in all the wrong places Sad So my fastplot is wrong?

FOR n=40 to 50                                                                    
FastPlot (n,50)
pause 0
next n

Ah! That fixed it. Now it plots all the pixels, with pauses, in all the right places.


Presumably fastplot is wrong. I think. But...huh? How does that make it work better?!?

SUB FastPlot (x as uByte, y as uByte)

ld HL,FastPlotYValue+1
LD E,(IX+7) ; y

call FastPlotASMStart

    ld      hl,BLtabpow2
    ld      (FastPlotSaveX+1),A
    and     7       ; x mod 8
    ;ld      b,0
    ;ld      c,a
    ;add     hl,bc
    add a,l
    ld l,a
    jr nc, FastPlotSkip1
       inc h
    ;ld      a,(hl)    ; optimize - load e with (hl) directly, not (hl) -> a -> e.
    ld      e,(hl)     ; e contains one bit set

    ld      hl,BLTabLinIdx
    ld      a,0 ; Self modding code that puts y value here
    ;ld      b,0
    ;ld      c,a
    ;add     hl,bc
    add a,l
    ld l,a
    jr nc, FastPlotSkip2
       inc h
    ld      a,(hl)      ; table lookup

    ;ld      h,0
    ;ld      l,a
    ;add     hl,hl
    ;add     hl,hl
    ;add     hl,hl
    ;add     hl,hl
    ;add     hl,hl       ; x32 (16 bits) (this multiply routine is 66 t states)

    ld h,a
    and %11100000
    xor h
    or %01000000
    ld h,a   ;- this is faster at 35 T states to do hl=a*32

    ;set     6,h         ; adds the screen start address (16384) (moved up to previous and %010 instruction)

    ld      a, 255 ; X Self Modifying - this is written into to save X earlier.
    ;srl     a
    ;srl     a
    ;srl     a           ; x/8 24 T states
    and %00011111        ;x / 8 19 T states
    or      l
    ld      l,a         ; + x/8.

    ld      a,(hl)
    or      e           ; or = superposition mode.
    ld      (hl),a      ; set the pixel.


#ifndef BLTabLineIdxPresent
#define BLTabLineIdxPresent
    ;; small screen lines lookup table

    defb    0,8,16,24,32,40,48,56,1,9,17,25,33,41,49,57
    defb    2,10,18,26,34,42,50,58,3,11,19,27,35,43,51,59
    defb    4,12,20,28,36,44,52,60,5,13,21,29,37,45,53,61
    defb    6,14,22,30,38,46,54,62,7,15,23,31,39,47,55,63

    defb    64,72,80,88,96,104,112,120,65,73,81,89,97,105,113,121
    defb    66,74,82,90,98,106,114,122,67,75,83,91,99,107,115,123
    defb    68,76,84,92,100,108,116,124,69,77,85,93,101,109,117,125
    defb    70,78,86,94,102,110,118,126,71,79,87,95,103,111,119,127

    defb    128,136,144,152,160,168,176,184,129,137,145,153,161,169,177,185
    defb    130,138,146,154,162,170,178,186,131,139,147,155,163,171,179,187
    defb    132,140,148,156,164,172,180,188,133,141,149,157,165,173,181,189
    defb    134,142,150,158,166,174,182,190,135,143,151,159,167,175,183,191

    ;; lookup table with powers of 2
    defb    128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1    


FOR n=40 to 50                                                                    
FastPlot (n,60)
next n

FOR n=40 to 50                                                                    
FastPlot (n,50)
pause 0
next n

Ideas accepted Smile

(Not sure any are in the right places, but the non pause version had them non-contiguous, which was very weird).

Re: Debugging - boriel - 07-01-2015

Hi, Britlion

Sorry for the delay! (as always)
Are you using this FastPlot implementation?

Ok. You're using the 2nd implementation (the Wiki one does not include the lookup table?)

Update: In the original code, even with PAUSE 0, the code plotted in the wrong region of the screen for me...
Update: I've fastcalled your routine. Now it does not hang, but still the plots are a bit odd

SUB Fastcall FastPlot (x as uByte, y as uByte)

    pop hl ; hl = RETURN ADDRESS
    ex (sp), hl ; Callee H = y
    ex de, hl   ; d = y

    ld HL,FastPlotYValue+1
    ld (hl), d

        ld      hl,BLtabpow2
        ld      (FastPlotSaveX+1),A
        and     7       ; x mod 8
        add a,l
        ld l,a
        jr nc, FastPlotSkip1
        inc h

        ld      e,(hl)     ; e contains one bit set
        ld      hl,BLTabLinIdx

        ld      a,0 ; Self modding code that puts y value here
        add a,l
        ld l,a
        jr nc, FastPlotSkip2
        inc h

        ld      a,(hl)      ; table lookup
        ; OR a      <= CLEAR CARRY FLAG missing??

        ld h,a
        and %11100000
        xor h
        or %01000000
        ld h,a   ;- this is faster at 35 T states to do hl=a*32

        ld      a, 255 ; X Self Modifying - this is written into to save X earlier.
        and %00011111        ;x / 8 19 T states
        or      l
        ld      l,a         ; + x/8.

        ld      a,(hl)
        or      e           ; or = superposition mode.
        ld      (hl),a      ; set the pixel.


    #ifndef BLTabLineIdxPresent
    #define BLTabLineIdxPresent
        ;; small screen lines lookup table

        defb    0,8,16,24,32,40,48,56,1,9,17,25,33,41,49,57
        defb    2,10,18,26,34,42,50,58,3,11,19,27,35,43,51,59
        defb    4,12,20,28,36,44,52,60,5,13,21,29,37,45,53,61
        defb    6,14,22,30,38,46,54,62,7,15,23,31,39,47,55,63

        defb    64,72,80,88,96,104,112,120,65,73,81,89,97,105,113,121
        defb    66,74,82,90,98,106,114,122,67,75,83,91,99,107,115,123
        defb    68,76,84,92,100,108,116,124,69,77,85,93,101,109,117,125
        defb    70,78,86,94,102,110,118,126,71,79,87,95,103,111,119,127

        defb    128,136,144,152,160,168,176,184,129,137,145,153,161,169,177,185
        defb    130,138,146,154,162,170,178,186,131,139,147,155,163,171,179,187
        defb    132,140,148,156,164,172,180,188,133,141,149,157,165,173,181,189
        defb    134,142,150,158,166,174,182,190,135,143,151,159,167,175,183,191

        ;; lookup table with powers of 2
        defb    128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1  


FOR n=40 to 50                                                                  
FastPlot (n,60)
next n

FOR n=40 to 50                                                                  
FastPlot (n,50)
pause 0
next n

Re: Debugging - boriel - 07-01-2015

More updates: I've located a possible bug (signaled in the code above):
  • Did you forgot to clear the Carry Flag (with an OR a) before doing RRCA (see the mark above, after the label FastPlotSkip2.
  • I think you also forgot to subtract the y value from 191 as in the original plot routines, so the Y position is reversed or eve n out of the screen.
Can you check that?  Rolleyes

Re: Debugging - britlion - 07-18-2015

I can.

I rarely can get here, since the site refuses to allow me to access it with my VPN running, which is a pain.

Thanks for looking - I'll go dig on that.

Re: Debugging - britlion - 07-18-2015

boriel Wrote:Ok. You're using the 2nd implementation (the Wiki one does not include the lookup table?)
The wiki should probably link. It does say "HRPrintFast also uses the same table - it's important to only include it once" - however, the screen tables are enormous in full - so even HRPrintFast links to the saved file in this forum... - I couldn't see a way to attach a file to the wiki.