Using inkey - ardentcrest - 01-20-2015
Any one know how to do something like this
I'm looking to use inkey$ to create a line of text while the program is doing some other things Ie
INKEY(text string)
IF ENTER PRINT(text String)
any help on this
Re: Using inkey - boriel - 01-20-2015
ardentcrest Wrote:Any one know how to do something like this
I'm looking to use inkey$ to create a line of text while the program is doing some other things Ie
INKEY(text string)
IF ENTER PRINT(text String)
any help on this
Yes, use the IN (read port) which does not interrupt.
There is a library already for this.
Code: #include <keys.bas>
if MultiKeys(KEYENTER) then
PRINT "Enter pressed"
end if
Multikeys uses KEYxxxx constants (see this source at the end for available constants) and can check for several keys at once, using bOR or | (bitwise OR):
Code: #include <keys.bas>
if MultiKeys(KEYO | KEYZ) then
PRINT "Key O, Key Z or both pressed" ' letter case does not matter!
end if
Re: Using inkey - ardentcrest - 01-20-2015
This could be of help. for other parts of my program
But I dont think its what I'm looking for.
I want to type in a line of text while other things are happening.
Re: Using inkey - boriel - 01-20-2015
Have a look at INPUT.BAS code (a library to simulate INPUT)
ardentcrest Wrote:This could be of help. for other parts of my program
But I dont think its what I'm looking for.
I want to type in a line of text while other things are happening. Then you might want to store the value of INKEY$. INKEY does not lock your program execution:
Code: myLine = ""
row = 0
IF K$ = CHR$(13) THEN ' Enter
LET row = row + 1
myLine = ""
PRINT AT row, 0; MyLine$;: REM add ; "_"; to have a cursor
Re: Using inkey - ardentcrest - 01-20-2015
Re: Using inkey - ardentcrest - 01-20-2015
Hope everything is working out all right for you Boriel.
Re: Using inkey - boriel - 01-20-2015
ardentcrest Wrote:PS
Hope everything is working out all right for you Boriel. Thanks! I will tell you later privately ;-)
Re: Using inkey - ardentcrest - 02-19-2015
HUMMMMM. Posts when missing
Need help. This compiles with no errors but still will not work. Any help.
Code: 10 dim z$ : let z$="this is a test of an inkey$ editor " : gosub 2000 :stop
2000 rem INPUT+
2002 poke 23658,0 : let length=len z$
2004 for row=length to 1 step -1
2005if z$(row)=" " then CONTINUE FOR: end if : next xx
2006 let x$="*"
2008 print at 10,0; bright 1;z$( to row );x$;z$( row+1 to )
2010 let k=code inkey$ : if k then beep .02,0 : end if
2011 if k>31 and k<128 then goto 2264 : end if
2012 if k=13 then end :end if
2018 let row=0 : goto 2008
2020 goto 2004
2022 poke 23658,8 and not peek 23658 : goto 2006
2024 let z$="" : let row=0 : goto 2008
2026 if not row then goto 2010 : end if
2027 let row=row-1 : goto 2008
2028 if row=length then goto 2010 :end if
2029 let row=row+1 : goto 2008
2030 if row+32>length then goto 2010 :end if
2031 let row=row+32 : goto 2008
2032 if row<32 then goto 2010 : end if
2033 let row=row-32 : goto 2008
2034 if not row then goto 2010 : end if
2035 let row=row-1 : goto 2041
2036 print at 10,0;z$;">" : return
2038 goto 2010
2040 if row=length then goto 2010 : end if
2041 let z$( row+1 to )=z$( row+2 to ) : let z$(length)="" : goto 2008
2264 if row=150 then goto 2010 : end if
2265 let row=row+1 : if row<length then let z$( row+1 to )=z$( row to ):end if
2266 print k:let z$(row)=chr$(k) : goto 2008
2499 goto 2010
Re: Using inkey - ardentcrest - 02-21-2015
So much fun on this one. No matter what I do it almost works, but not quite works.
Re: Using inkey - boriel - 02-21-2015
ardentcrest Wrote:HUMMMMM. Posts when missing
Need help. This compiles with no errors but still will not work. Any help.
Code: 2022 poke 23658,8 and not peek 23658 : goto 2006
Looking to line 2022. What are you trying to do here?
Re: Using inkey - ardentcrest - 02-21-2015
I believe that just flashes the cursor when a key is pressed.
Re: Using inkey - ardentcrest - 02-21-2015
ardentcrest Wrote:I believe that just flashes the cursor when a key is pressed.
Got it working......
Code: 10 dim z$ : let z$="this is a test of an inkey$ editor " : gosub 2000 :stop
2000 rem INPUT+
2002 let length=len z$
2004 let row=32
2006 let x$="*"
2008 print at 10,0; bright 1;z$( to row );x$;z$( row+1 to )
2010 let k=code inkey$ : if k then beep .2,0 : end if
2011 if k>31 and k<128 then goto 2264 : end if
2012 if k=13 then goto 2036 :end if
2013 if k=8 then goto 2026 :end if
2014 if k=9 then goto 2028 :end if
2015 if k=10 then goto 2030 :end if
2016 if k=11 then goto 2032 :end if
2017 if k=12 then goto 2034 :end if
2018 if k=7 then goto 2024 :end if
2019 goto 2010
2026 if not row then goto 2010 : end if
2027 let row=row-1 : goto 2008
2028 if row=length then goto 2010 :end if
2029 let row=row+1 : goto 2008
2030 if row+32>length then goto 2010 :end if
2031 let row=row+32 : goto 2008
2032 if row<32 then goto 2010 : end if
2033 let row=row-32 : goto 2008
2034 if not row then goto 2010 : end if
2035 let row=row-1 : goto 2041
2036 print at 10,0;z$;">" : return
2038 goto 2010
2040 if row=length then goto 2010 : end if
2041 let z$( row+1 to )=z$( row+2 to ) : let z$(length)="" : goto 2008
2264 if row=150 then goto 2010 : end if
2265 let row=row+1 : if row<length then let z$( row+1 to )=z$( row to ) : end if
2266 let z$(row)=chr$(k) : goto 2008
2499 goto 2010
Silly me had a let row=0 in line 2018, just had to remove it :oops:
Just need now to work out how to get it to print in 42 or 64. And on the bottom two lines.
Still a bit buggy need to work on how ROW works.
Re: Using inkey - ardentcrest - 02-23-2015
Sorry Sorry sorry......
Code: INK 7 : PAPER 0 : BORDER 0 : CLS
#include <keys.bas>
let length=60 : let rowx=0 : let xx$="<"
if rowx=0 then print at 22,0;xx$ : goto NetJump1 : end if
print at 22,0; : FOR ii = 0 TO rowx : print chr$(peek (@MyLabel + ii)); : NEXT ii : print xx$;" "
let k=code inkey$ : if k then beep .2,0 : end if
if k>31 and k<128 then goto NetKeyPress : end if
if k=13 then end : end if
if k=12 then goto NetDeleteKey : end if
goto NetJump1
if rowx=0 then goto NETinputloop : end if
POKE (@MyLabel + rowx), 0
let rowx=rowx-1
goto NETinputloop
if rowx=length then goto NETinputloop : end if
POKE (@MyLabel + rowx), k
let rowx=rowx+1
goto NETinputloop
ds 1024 ; 1024 bytes of space MAX!!
ds 1 ; 1024 bytes of space MAX!!
When NetDeleteKey: it should move the cursor back but does not. What am I missing.
Re: Using inkey - ardentcrest - 02-23-2015
POKE (@MyLabel + rowx), 0 should be POKE (@MyLabel + (rowx-1)), 0
2 hours looking at that one.....