"Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files (*solved*) - LTee - 03-07-2011
For the 1.2.8 test I recompiled all the sources I have kicking around and discovered that a couple won't compile any more. Specifically these are ones containing ASM sections with comments, and they throw an "illegal preprocessor character" error. Curiously the line numbers of the errors don't seem to help much, they seem to point to lines which are blank or ones which don't actually have the character that the preprocessor is complaining about.
This isn't a regression in 1.2.8, by the way - I checked them with 1.2.7 as well and the same problem happens there. Guess I didn't recompile my entire collection of source for a while. :-)
I've included one of the files in full, because I didn't write them so I'm not sure how to cut them down. Apologies. If you need the other one as well then let me know.
Code: SUB dieSound()
DIM n as uByte
FOR n=1 to 2
BEEP rnd/600,9
BEEP rnd/100,(-14-(rnd*5))
SUB putChars(x as uByte,y as uByte, dataAddress as uInteger)
LD a,(IX+5)
ld l,a
ld a,(IX+7)
LD b,a ; save it
AND 24
add a,64 ; 256 byte "page" for screen - 256*64=16384. Change this if you are working with a screen address elsewhere, such as a buffer.
ld h,a
ld a,b ; y value
OR l
ld l,a
PUSH DE ; save our address
LD L,(IX+8) ; data address
LD H,(IX+9)
LD A,4 ;row counter
LD B,8
; gets screen address in DE, and bytes address in HL. Copies the row to the screen
LDI ; also decrements B.
LDI ; 4 bytes copied.
ADD A,E ;(A should be -4)
JP NZ,BLPutCharOneCharLoop
JR Z, BLPutCharsEnd ; We've done all 4 rows.
;need to sort our screen address for the next row. Is it right?
LD A,E ; DE has screen address
ADD A,32 ; down to next character
JR C, BLPutCharsCont ; Not in next third.
JP BLPutCharLoop
end asm
SUB graphicsData()
; Name : Dice
; Frame : 0
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 1, 83, 48, 0
defb 3, 83, 14, 0
defb 6, 200, 67, 0
defb 4, 200, 97, 128
defb 12, 136, 96, 96
defb 8, 4, 32, 24
defb 24, 4, 8, 4
defb 16, 4, 140, 4
defb 16, 2, 14, 4
defb 32, 7, 3, 0
defb 64, 12, 64, 2
defb 64, 8, 96, 2
defb 128, 24, 24, 2
defb 128, 18, 6, 96
defb 0, 51, 1, 249
defb 128, 35, 192, 241
defb 128, 67, 128, 57
defb 64, 192, 0, 12
defb 0, 128, 0, 7
defb 68, 158, 0, 33
defb 71, 30, 0, 241
defb 47, 30, 0, 113
defb 14, 8, 0, 243
defb 44, 0, 0, 2
defb 52, 240, 1, 4
defb 24, 240, 7, 136
defb 24, 240, 7, 136
defb 8, 64, 7, 144
defb 6, 0, 0, 0
defb 3, 0, 0, 32
defb 0, 192, 28, 64
defb 0, 112, 60, 64
; Name : Dice
; Frame : 1
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 0, 28, 194, 128
defb 0, 49, 194, 128
defb 0, 193, 19, 64
defb 1, 128, 19, 32
defb 14, 0, 5, 32
defb 57, 0, 4, 16
defb 71, 16, 40, 24
defb 183, 48, 32, 8
defb 44, 115, 16, 12
defb 0, 199, 240, 4
defb 0, 15, 48, 130
defb 64, 6, 17, 195
defb 64, 56, 24, 193
defb 4, 225, 72, 193
defb 25, 129, 204, 64
defb 191, 3, 196, 1
defb 188, 33, 194, 1
defb 48, 120, 2, 2
defb 224, 120, 1, 64
defb 132, 120, 1, 98
defb 143, 0, 0, 226
defb 142, 0, 0, 228
defb 207, 0, 0, 96
defb 64, 0, 0, 36
defb 32, 0, 15, 44
defb 48, 0, 15, 24
defb 16, 0, 15, 24
defb 8, 1, 226, 24
defb 8, 1, 224, 120
defb 4, 1, 224, 224
defb 2, 56, 67, 128
defb 2, 60, 12, 0
; Name : Dice
; Frame : 2
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 255, 255, 252, 0
defb 192, 0, 2, 0
defb 167, 128, 121, 0
defb 147, 192, 60, 128
defb 136, 0, 0, 64
defb 164, 3, 192, 32
defb 178, 1, 224, 16
defb 177, 0, 0, 8
defb 176, 158, 3, 196
defb 144, 79, 1, 226
defb 128, 63, 255, 255
defb 128, 160, 0, 1
defb 128, 224, 0, 1
defb 128, 227, 12, 49
defb 128, 231, 158, 121
defb 128, 103, 158, 121
defb 128, 35, 12, 49
defb 160, 32, 0, 1
defb 176, 32, 0, 1
defb 176, 32, 0, 1
defb 176, 32, 0, 1
defb 144, 32, 0, 1
defb 64, 32, 0, 1
defb 32, 160, 0, 1
defb 16, 224, 0, 1
defb 8, 227, 12, 49
defb 4, 231, 158, 121
defb 2, 103, 158, 121
defb 1, 35, 12, 49
defb 0, 160, 0, 1
defb 0, 96, 0, 1
defb 0, 63, 255, 255
; Name : Dice
; Frame : 3
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 0, 1, 184, 0
defb 0, 26, 14, 0
defb 1, 160, 243, 128
defb 15, 0, 121, 192
defb 30, 224, 16, 112
defb 17, 248, 0, 28
defb 48, 112, 120, 6
defb 32, 52, 60, 131
defb 71, 14, 8, 28
defb 207, 3, 128, 15
defb 135, 0, 220, 0
defb 135, 56, 126, 0
defb 0, 120, 28, 12
defb 0, 56, 6, 192
defb 0, 57, 226, 11
defb 0, 1, 194, 115
defb 0, 1, 230, 22
defb 0, 0, 140, 0
defb 128, 0, 12, 1
defb 192, 0, 16, 1
defb 192, 0, 17, 195
defb 206, 0, 33, 130
defb 14, 0, 35, 4
defb 15, 0, 66, 12
defb 14, 112, 192, 8
defb 192, 112, 224, 24
defb 32, 121, 224, 16
defb 8, 113, 192, 48
defb 6, 3, 64, 160
defb 1, 6, 1, 160
defb 0, 196, 24, 0
defb 0, 125, 128, 0
; Name : Dice
; Frame : 4
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 0, 125, 128, 96
defb 1, 196, 24, 32
defb 3, 7, 129, 160
defb 6, 3, 192, 176
defb 24, 113, 193, 48
defb 32, 121, 161, 216
defb 192, 112, 128, 216
defb 0, 80, 192, 232
defb 0, 0, 98, 12
defb 0, 14, 35, 4
defb 192, 15, 49, 130
defb 192, 14, 17, 195
defb 192, 14, 20, 1
defb 128, 0, 14, 1
defb 0, 0, 143, 0
defb 56, 1, 231, 6
defb 56, 1, 194, 3
defb 120, 1, 226, 3
defb 56, 0, 6, 192
defb 0, 0, 28, 40
defb 135, 0, 112, 24
defb 135, 0, 192, 4
defb 207, 3, 0, 15
defb 71, 12, 8, 28
defb 96, 48, 60, 3
defb 48, 124, 120, 6
defb 49, 248, 0, 28
defb 14, 0, 0, 112
defb 15, 0, 1, 192
defb 1, 160, 3, 128
defb 0, 26, 14, 0
defb 0, 1, 184, 0
; Name : Die1
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 255, 255, 252, 0
defb 192, 0, 2, 0
defb 160, 0, 1, 0
defb 144, 0, 0, 128
defb 136, 0, 0, 64
defb 164, 3, 192, 32
defb 178, 1, 224, 16
defb 177, 0, 0, 8
defb 176, 128, 0, 4
defb 144, 64, 0, 2
defb 128, 63, 255, 255
defb 128, 32, 0, 1
defb 128, 32, 0, 1
defb 128, 35, 0, 49
defb 132, 39, 128, 121
defb 134, 39, 128, 121
defb 134, 35, 0, 49
defb 134, 32, 0, 1
defb 130, 32, 0, 1
defb 128, 32, 12, 1
defb 128, 32, 30, 1
defb 128, 32, 30, 1
defb 64, 32, 12, 1
defb 32, 160, 0, 1
defb 16, 224, 0, 1
defb 8, 227, 0, 49
defb 4, 231, 128, 121
defb 2, 103, 128, 121
defb 1, 35, 0, 49
defb 0, 160, 0, 1
defb 0, 96, 0, 1
defb 0, 63, 255, 255
; Name : Die2
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 255, 255, 252, 0
defb 192, 0, 2, 0
defb 167, 128, 1, 0
defb 147, 192, 0, 128
defb 136, 0, 0, 64
defb 164, 0, 0, 32
defb 178, 0, 0, 16
defb 177, 0, 0, 8
defb 176, 128, 3, 196
defb 144, 64, 1, 226
defb 128, 63, 255, 255
defb 160, 160, 0, 1
defb 176, 224, 0, 1
defb 176, 227, 0, 49
defb 176, 231, 128, 121
defb 144, 103, 128, 121
defb 128, 35, 0, 49
defb 160, 160, 0, 1
defb 176, 224, 0, 1
defb 176, 224, 0, 1
defb 176, 224, 0, 1
defb 144, 96, 0, 1
defb 64, 32, 0, 1
defb 32, 160, 0, 1
defb 16, 224, 0, 1
defb 8, 227, 0, 49
defb 4, 231, 128, 121
defb 2, 103, 128, 121
defb 1, 35, 0, 49
defb 0, 160, 0, 1
defb 0, 96, 0, 1
defb 0, 63, 255, 255
; Name : Die3
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 255, 255, 252, 0
defb 192, 0, 2, 0
defb 167, 128, 1, 0
defb 147, 192, 0, 128
defb 136, 0, 0, 64
defb 164, 3, 192, 32
defb 178, 1, 224, 16
defb 177, 0, 0, 8
defb 176, 128, 1, 228
defb 144, 64, 0, 242
defb 128, 63, 255, 255
defb 128, 160, 0, 1
defb 128, 224, 0, 1
defb 128, 224, 0, 1
defb 132, 224, 0, 1
defb 134, 96, 0, 1
defb 134, 32, 0, 1
defb 166, 32, 0, 1
defb 178, 32, 0, 1
defb 176, 32, 12, 1
defb 176, 32, 30, 1
defb 144, 32, 30, 1
defb 64, 32, 12, 1
defb 32, 160, 0, 1
defb 16, 224, 0, 1
defb 8, 224, 0, 1
defb 4, 224, 0, 1
defb 2, 96, 0, 1
defb 1, 32, 0, 1
defb 0, 160, 0, 1
defb 0, 96, 0, 1
defb 0, 63, 255, 255
; Name : Die4
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 255, 255, 252, 0
defb 192, 0, 2, 0
defb 167, 128, 121, 0
defb 147, 192, 60, 128
defb 136, 0, 0, 64
defb 164, 0, 0, 32
defb 178, 0, 0, 16
defb 177, 0, 0, 8
defb 176, 158, 3, 196
defb 144, 79, 1, 226
defb 128, 63, 255, 255
defb 160, 160, 0, 1
defb 176, 224, 0, 1
defb 176, 227, 0, 1
defb 176, 231, 128, 1
defb 144, 103, 128, 1
defb 128, 35, 0, 1
defb 160, 160, 0, 1
defb 176, 224, 0, 1
defb 176, 224, 0, 1
defb 176, 224, 0, 1
defb 144, 96, 0, 1
defb 64, 32, 0, 1
defb 32, 160, 0, 1
defb 16, 224, 0, 1
defb 8, 224, 0, 49
defb 4, 224, 0, 121
defb 2, 96, 0, 121
defb 1, 32, 0, 49
defb 0, 160, 0, 1
defb 0, 96, 0, 1
defb 0, 63, 255, 255
; Name : Die5
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 255, 255, 252, 0
defb 192, 0, 2, 0
defb 167, 128, 121, 0
defb 147, 192, 60, 128
defb 136, 0, 0, 64
defb 132, 3, 192, 32
defb 130, 1, 224, 16
defb 129, 0, 0, 8
defb 128, 158, 3, 196
defb 128, 79, 1, 226
defb 128, 63, 255, 255
defb 128, 32, 0, 1
defb 128, 32, 0, 1
defb 128, 35, 0, 1
defb 132, 39, 128, 1
defb 134, 39, 128, 1
defb 134, 35, 0, 1
defb 134, 32, 0, 1
defb 130, 32, 0, 1
defb 128, 32, 12, 1
defb 128, 32, 30, 1
defb 128, 32, 30, 1
defb 64, 32, 12, 1
defb 32, 32, 0, 1
defb 16, 32, 0, 1
defb 8, 32, 0, 49
defb 4, 32, 0, 121
defb 2, 32, 0, 121
defb 1, 32, 0, 49
defb 0, 160, 0, 1
defb 0, 96, 0, 1
defb 0, 63, 255, 255
; Name : Die6
; Size : 32x32
; Palette: ZX Spectrum
; Masked : No
; RowOrder: Classic
end asm
; pixels and mask bit pairs
defb 255, 255, 252, 0
defb 192, 0, 2, 0
defb 167, 128, 121, 0
defb 147, 192, 60, 128
defb 136, 0, 0, 64
defb 164, 240, 15, 32
defb 178, 120, 7, 144
defb 177, 0, 0, 8
defb 176, 158, 3, 196
defb 144, 79, 1, 226
defb 128, 63, 255, 255
defb 128, 160, 0, 1
defb 128, 224, 0, 1
defb 128, 227, 0, 49
defb 128, 231, 128, 121
defb 128, 103, 128, 121
defb 128, 35, 0, 49
defb 160, 32, 0, 1
defb 176, 32, 0, 1
defb 176, 32, 12, 1
defb 176, 32, 30, 1
defb 144, 32, 30, 1
defb 64, 32, 12, 1
defb 32, 160, 0, 1
defb 16, 224, 0, 1
defb 8, 227, 0, 49
defb 4, 231, 128, 121
defb 2, 103, 128, 121
defb 1, 35, 0, 49
defb 0, 160, 0, 1
defb 0, 96, 0, 1
defb 0, 63, 255, 255
end asm
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
defb 0, 0, 0, 0
REM Initialize Everything
DIM diceFrames(3) AS uInteger
DIM diceSprites(5) AS uInteger
FUNCTION rollDice(x as uByte, y as uByte) as uByte
DIM roll,frames,i as uByte
roll = INT(RND*6) : REM Rolls 0-5 for animation.
FOR i=1 to frames
end asm
IF(x+i)<>0 then putChars(x+i-1,y,@blank) : END IF
IF i MOD 5 =0 then putChars(x+i,y,diceSprites(rnd*6))
ELSE putChars(x+i,y,diceFrames((i mod 5)-1))
return roll+1
print rollDice(0,0)
print rollDice(15,0)
On a possibly-related note, I've discovered that Print42.bas no longer compiles in 1.2.7/1.2.8. That gives the following error:
Code: Print42.bas:390: Error: Syntax error. Unexpected token 'DEFB' [DEFB]
Re: "Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files containing A - boriel - 03-08-2011
Hmm. This seems to be another bug in the new preprocessor. Now fixed. Download v 1.2.8r2127 and check it. Should be fixed now. Also please, check it against PRINT42 should work ok too.
Re: "Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files containing A - LTee - 03-08-2011
Thanks, boriel!
That seems to have fixed the problems with most of my test files, apart from the ones which reference Print42.bas (or Print64.bas, now that I check it). Those are still throwing 'unexpected token' errors, as before.
Re: "Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files containing A - boriel - 03-08-2011
These are bugs in the preprocessor with PRINT64 code :!: hock:
There are chars \ and _ which join the next line so it reads
which throws the syntax error.
The ZXbpp is not filtering comments. Let me fix them...
Re: "Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files containing A - boriel - 03-08-2011
Please download 1.2.8r2139 here and tell me if it works now (it does for me) :roll:
Re: "Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files containing A - LTee - 03-09-2011
Well, good news... and bad news. I always seem to bring some bad news, sorry. :-)
The new version will now compile Print42.bas and Print64.bas. However, I'm still having problems compiling programs which USE those files.
For example, this very simple test program:
Code: #include <print42.bas>
print42("Testing the 42-character print routines.")
print42("Might be nice to use for the credits page.")
When trying to compile this I get the following error:
Code: Print42Test.bas:23: Error: Undefined label '__LOADSTR'
Re: "Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files containing A - boriel - 03-09-2011
LTee Wrote:Well, good news... and bad news. I always seem to bring some bad news, sorry. :-)
The new version will now compile Print42.bas and Print64.bas. However, I'm still having problems compiling programs which USE those files.
For example, this very simple test program:
Code: #include <print42.bas>
print42("Testing the 42-character print routines.")
print42("Might be nice to use for the credits page.")
When trying to compile this I get the following error:
Code: Print42Test.bas:23: Error: Undefined label '__LOADSTR'
This error should happen only in 1.2.8 (code rearrangement). Thanks for the report 
Unfortunately, I find a bit hard to fix 1.2.7 and generate a new .msi :oops: but I guess it's needed in order to release an stable version for other users... :?:
Re: "Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files containing A - LTee - 03-09-2011
I probably should've picked this up earlier, apologies - I must not have recompiled my entire set of routines during the 1.2.7 beta period for some reason.
Did you have any ideas on the problem I was having with declare, by the way? I'm still having no luck getting my code to compile. :-(
Re: "Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files containing A - boriel - 03-09-2011
Download here version 1.2.8r2151
Seems to be fixed now. :oops: Let me check the other post...
Re: "Illegal Preprocessor" errors on some files containing A - LTee - 03-10-2011
Checked and confirmed fixed in 2153 - thanks!