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  Version 1.2.0 released!
Posted by: boriel - 05-12-2009, 12:06 AM - Forum: ZX Basic Compiler - No Replies

Changed from Version 1.1.9 to 1.2.0

  • ! Undeclared local variables caused a compiler error.
    They should just compile (like global ones do). Thanks, LCD.
  • ! String variables used in string slices where sometimes
    optimized (ignored). Thanks, LCD, again. Wink
  • ! ELSEIF constructions were not being compiled correctly.

  • Bitwise instructions for AND, OR, XOR, NOT
  • CLEAR to fill memory areas

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  optimised INCR & DECR variable
Posted by: LCD - 05-11-2009, 10:02 PM - Forum: Wishlist - Replies (2)

Because I also coded some stuff in AMOS on Amiga: How about optimised INCR and DECR commands for variables? This can be easyly optimised because Z80 knows INC and DEC commands, and variable=variable+1 is maybe much slower.
INCR variable incrases the value by one. This will be very handy, I think Smile.

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  STR problem (*solved*)
Posted by: LCD - 05-11-2009, 01:19 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (12)

SUB MeineRoutine(x as uinteger,y as uinteger,a$ as string)
IF a$="Test" THEN erg$="Es wurde nur getestet"
ELSE erg$=a$+str(x)+" "+str(y)
end if

PRINT erg$

Compiler claims "temp.bas:48: Error: Undefined label '_MeineRoutine_erg' Errors occured, compilation failed" (No line 48 defined)
I guess, this is a Problem with STR because this:
dim a as ubyte
print str(a)
Produces a code that crashes the Emulator

BTW: should POKE STRING adr,string$ work? I mean, if POKE UINTEGER works...

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  Memory Map
Posted by: LCD - 05-11-2009, 12:22 PM - Forum: Wishlist - Replies (9)

As mentioned on WOS:
A idea for the future version: How about the compiler generating a text file with memory map (not very complex... or with selectable level of detail) I think, something like:
25000-45678 : Main Program
45679-52111 : ASM: Label GRAPHICSDATA
52112-59876 : ASM: Label LevelData
59877-60521 : Variables
25000 : Main Program
52112 : ASM: Label LevelData
59877 : Variables
Level of Detail:
0=Only Program and Variables
1=like 0, but additionaly ASM Labels
2=like 1, but additionaly Basic Labels
3=like 2, but adresses of every used variable added (HiSoft Basic Compiler does this too, this will make it easier to alter or read variables of compiled programs from BASIC Loader for example)

Using a switch like -m level, -M "Filename.txt" or similar (I do not know how the parser works, maybe this can be joined into a single switch)
Memory map can then be parsed by the editor, or the user can check the details.

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  Found another bug (*solved*)
Posted by: LCD - 05-11-2009, 11:58 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Hi Boriel,

dim a$ as string

a$="This is a test"
print a$

print a$( to 4)
print a$(5 to)

This works, but
dim a$ as string

a$="This is a test"
print a$( to 4)
print a$(5 to)

This claims "Variable a never used" and compiler stops (version 1.1.9)

Edit: Btw: should POKE STRING adr,string$ and string$=PEEK STRING adr work?

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  Version 1.1.9 released!
Posted by: boriel - 05-09-2009, 08:56 PM - Forum: ZX Basic Compiler - No Replies

Changes from Version 1.1.7 to 1.1.9

  • ! Fixed a bug for constant string slicing, so
    "0909"(A TO B) now works. Thanks to britlion.
  • ! Expanded grammar to allow something like "0909"(f)
    or "0909"() which are also allowed in Sinclair Basic. Thanks to britlion.
  • ! When used expressions like "0909"(f) (like above) might corrupt
    HEAP memory, leading to a program crash. Fixed. Thanks, britlion Wink
  • ! Fixed a wrong number conversion (type CAST) from signed integers
    to floating point numbers which might cause wrong (random) results.
  • ! '%' suffix was being ignored.
  • ! Global string variables were not optimized unless declared
    with '$' suffix. Fixed.

  • Bitwise instructions for AND, OR, XOR, NOT
  • CLEAR to fill memory areas

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  CODE <constant string> is broken (*solved*)
Posted by: britlion - 05-08-2009, 06:08 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

I was playing with some complex code from the "One Liners" stuff. The following program behaves completely differently in basic as opposed to going through the compiler. Actually, it crashes when run compiled. (I tried several different types for f and g). Oddly, at the first PLOT, there appears some other changes to the screen - a few bytes of corruption. Something weird is happening there. There are more brackets than I need - mostly in an attempt to make sure the math functions are coming out clearly. Try it in BASIN and then compile it.

I know the functions are unnecessarily complex. That's the nature of the one liner type code. Nonetheless, it ought to behave when compiled just like the interpreted version. Shouldn't it?

DIM f,g as UBYTE

3  FOR f=1 TO 4
4     INK f
5     FOR g=1 TO 32
6         PLOT INT ABS((SGN (f-2.5)*80)+24+g), INT (((CODE "0202"(f TO f)-49)*99)-48+g)
7         DRAW 32,0
8     NEXT g
9     goto 11
10  STOP
11  PRINT INK f; OVER 1;AT CODE "1919"(f TO f)-44,CODE "0099"(f to f)-41;f
12     NEXT f
13  LET f=1
14  goto 9

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  Version 1.1.7 released!
Posted by: boriel - 05-03-2009, 10:27 AM - Forum: ZX Basic Compiler - No Replies

What's new since 1.1.4:

  • + Added the ELSEIF construct to the IF THEN ELSE sentence
  • + Added more optimizations in some jumps
  • + Added the USR function (both for Strings and Floats). Yes, you can now use USR "a" to get the address of the UDG table (instead of PEEK Uinteger 23675), and also can do RANDOMIZE USR 40000 (if you want to call a legacy machine-code routine; other than that it's useless).
  • * Optimized some print string generated code (now it's smaller)
  • ! Fixed many optimization bugs (almost five). Thanks to LCD
  • ! Fixed ChangeLog file
  • - Internal refactored code (somewhat)
  • ! BOLD and ITALIC could not be used as permament attributes,
    only as temporary ones. Now they are allowed as permament.
  • * Some more syntax compatibility with Sinclair BASIC. Expressions
    like F$(5), F$() or F$(TO) are now allowed. So expressions like PRINT ;;; are.
  • ! single PRINT sentences were not working (they should print a
  • * Minor grammar corrections.
  • ! Using a suffix like '$' in a function declaration was being
    ignored. Now this also works ok.
  • + Added suport for PRINT , (Thanks to britlion and LCD for the
    suggestions and bug detection)
  • * Fixed a potential optimization bug for SHR and SHL

  • Bitwise instructions for AND, OR, XOR, NOT
  • CLEAR to fill memory areas

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  Wish: Documentation!
Posted by: britlion - 04-29-2009, 08:27 PM - Forum: Wishlist - Replies (4)

There are lots of things in the compiler that are mentioned obliquely in changelogs.

Please - at least get the list of reserved words up to date so that we know something is there.

Please, document DIM! This keyword is used in so many different ways - to set types, to dimension arrays, to set constants and to block fill arrays with =>

We're a little in the dark generally - and willing to work with that - but I think I'd like to request documentation and examples for DIM be top of the pile!

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  DIM issue
Posted by: britlion - 04-29-2009, 08:17 PM - Forum: Wishlist - Replies (5)

Why does

DIM list(1) AS uByte => {24,2}

compile just fine, but

DIM p(1) AS String => {"Word","Word"}

Will not. I thought initializing arrays this way was a replacement for READ and DATA, which are not supported! I love being able to block fill an array at compile time with numbers. Can I not do the same thing with strings? How do I replace:


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