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BritLion's Putchars
LCD play with this.

The question is, this doesn't do attributes right now. How would you want that handled?

1> Assume it's at the end of the data block? (So if you use putchars for one character, it's the 9th byte. For a 2X2 block, it's the 65th, 66th, 67th and 68th...
2> A separate putAttribs function that works the same way
3> Leave it up to the user to do print at y,x, over 1, paper x, ink y;"<space>"

Something else?

I haven't tested mine against yours, I'm just assuming because of code efficiency, this is faster screen handling.
Edit: See below for test results

Edit: Fixed a bug - in BLPutCharNextThird add HL,DE and POP DE were backwards. Thanks to Compiuter for reporting this.

Edit: Shaved a few clock cycles off the graphics printing, and added a paint sub

Edit: Added a paintData sub

SUB paint (x as uByte,y as uByte, width as uByte, height as uByte, attribute as ubyte)
    ld      a,(IX+7)   ;ypos
    rrca               ; Multiply by 32
    ld      l,a        ; Pass to L
    and     3          ; Mask with 00000011
    add     a,88       ; 88 * 256 = 22528 - start of attributes. Change this if you are working with a buffer or somesuch.
    ld      h,a        ; Put it in the High Byte
    ld      a,l        ; We get y value *32
    and     224        ; Mask with 11100000
    ld      l,a        ; Put it in L
    ld      a,(IX+5)   ; xpos
    add     a,l        ; Add it to the Low byte
    ld      l,a        ; Put it back in L, and we're done. HL=Address.
    push HL            ; save address
    LD A, (IX+13)      ; attribute
    LD DE,32
    LD c,(IX+11)       ; height
    LD b,(IX+9)        ; width
    LD (HL),a          ; paint a character
    INC L              ; Move to the right (Note that we only would have to inc H if we are crossing from the right edge to the left, and we shouldn't be needing to do that)
    DJNZ BLPaintWidthLoop
    POP HL             ; recover our left edge
    DEC C
    JR Z, BLPaintHeightExitLoop
    ADD HL,DE          ; move 32 down
    PUSH HL            ; save it again
    JP BLPaintHeightLoop

    end asm

SUB paintData (x as uByte,y as uByte, width as uByte, height as uByte, address as uInteger)
    ld      a,(IX+7)   ;ypos
    rrca               ; Multiply by 32
    ld      l,a        ; Pass to L
    and     3          ; Mask with 00000011
    add     a,88       ; 88 * 256 = 22528 - start of attributes. Change this if you are working with a buffer or somesuch.
    ld      h,a        ; Put it in the High Byte
    ld      a,l        ; We get y value *32
    and     224        ; Mask with 11100000
    ld      l,a        ; Put it in L
    ld      a,(IX+5)   ; xpos
    add     a,l        ; Add it to the Low byte
    ld      l,a        ; Put it back in L, and we're done. HL=Address.
    push HL            ; save address
    LD D, (IX+13)
    LD E, (IX+12)
    LD c,(IX+11)       ; height
    LD b,(IX+9)        ; width
    LD a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a          ; paint a character
    INC L              ; Move to the right (Note that we only would have to inc H if we are crossing from the right edge to the left, and we shouldn't be needing to do that)
    INC DE
    DJNZ BLPaintDataWidthLoop
    POP HL             ; recover our left edge
    DEC C
    JR Z, BLPaintDataHeightExitLoop
    LD DE,32
    ADD HL,DE          ; move 32 down
    POP DE
    PUSH HL            ; save it again
    JP BLPaintDataHeightLoop

    end asm
    SUB putChars(x as uByte,y as uByte, width as uByte, height as uByte, dataAddress as uInteger)
             LD      a,(IX+5)
             ;AND     31
             ld      l,a
             ld      a,(IX+7) ; Y value
             ld      d,a
             AND     24
             add     a,64 ; 256 byte "page" for screen - 256*64=16384. Change this if you are working with a screen address elsewhere, such as a buffer.
             ld      h,a
             ld      a,d
             AND     7
             OR      l
             ld      l,a

    PUSH HL ; save our address

    LD E,(IX+12) ; data address
    LD D,(IX+13)
    LD B,(IX+9) ; width
    PUSH BC ; save our column count


    LD B,(IX+11) ; height

    ; gets screen address in HL, and bytes address in DE. Copies the 8 bytes to the screen
    ld a,(DE) ; First Row
    LD (HL),a
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; second Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Third Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Fourth Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Fifth Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Sixth Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Seventh Row
    INC DE
    INC H
    ld a,(DE)
    LD (HL),a ; Eigth Row
    INC DE ; Move to next data item.
    DEC B
    JR Z,BLPutCharNextColumn
    ;The following code calculates the address of the next line down below current HL address.
    PUSH DE ; save DE
             ld   a,l  
             and  224  
             cp   224  
             jp   z,BLPutCharNextThird

             ld   de,-1760
             ;and  a        
             add  hl,de      
             POP DE ; get our data point back.
             jp BLPutCharInColumnLoop

             ld   de,32      
             ;and  a
             add  hl,de  
             POP DE ; get our data point back.
    JP BLPutCharInColumnLoop

    POP BC
    POP HL
    DEC B
    JP Z, BLPutCharsEnd

    INC L   ; Note this would normally be Increase HL - but block painting should never need to increase H, since that would wrap around.
    JP BLPutCharColumnLoop

    end asm


    goto start

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end asm


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