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Can you take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong

#include <keys.bas>
#include <net.bas>

paper 0
ink 7

pause 50
pause 50

pause 50

pause 50
pause 100
print at 0,0;

    LET a$ = "ardentcrest"
let t=LEN(a$) - 1
    REM Poke all the string chars starting at address @MyLabel
    FOR i = 0 TO LEN(a$) - 1:  
           POKE @MyLabel + i, CODE a$(i)
    NEXT i
POKE @MyLabel + (t+1),13
POKE @MyLabel + (t+2),10
poke @MyLabel2, (t+2)


SUB fastcall start()
    ld     hl, startupMSG
    ld    bc, end1-startupMSG
    call    myPrint64
    ld     hl, lookingupMSG
    ld    bc, end2-lookingupMSG
    call    myPrint64

SUB fastcall opensocket()

        ld c, 1
        ld hl, SOCKET
        call HLCALL
        ld (v_sockfd), a


SUB fastcall hostip()

        ld hl, serverhost
        ld de, ip_buffer
        ld ix, GETHOSTBYNAME
        call IXCALL

SUB fastcall connect()
        ld hl, connectingMSG
        ld    bc, end3-connectingMSG
        call myPrint64
        ; now actually connect...
        ld a, (v_sockfd)                ; get back the socket file descriptor
        ld de, ip_buffer                ; point to the dotted ip notation we got previously
        ld bc, serverport                ; the port I want to use to connect on... (22528 as is heh)
        ld hl, CONNECT
        call HLCALL                    ; call the Spectranet CONNECT ROM routine, :D
        ;jp c, commerror                ; carry is set if there is an error (fingers crossed k)
        ; CONNECTED !!!
        xor a
        inc a
        ld (connected), a
        ld hl, connectedMSG
        ld bc, end5-connectedMSG
        call myPrint64

SUB fastcall sendfirst()
        ld a, (v_sockfd)
        ld de, garbage
        ld bc, garbageend-garbage
        ld hl, SEND
        call HLCALL

SUB fastcall send()
        ld a, (v_sockfd)
        ld de, text1
        ld bc, lenth1
        ld hl, SEND
        call HLCALL

SUB fastcall mainloop()

    ; main receive loop, :/
    ; poll the socket to see if data is waiting
    call    pollSocket
    jr c, .no_data1
    ; there is data to be collected
    call    clearBuffer
    ld a, (v_sockfd)
    ld de, responseBuffer
    ld bc, responseBufferEnd-responseBuffer
    ld hl, RECV
    call HLCALL
    jp c, commerror
    ld hl, responseBuffer            ; get the address of the buffer
    add hl, bc                    ; add on the number of received bytes
    inc hl
    ld (hl), msgEND                ; mark that point as the end of the text
    call    displayData                ; and just display that, :D
    jr .tightloop
    xor a
; .checkkeys:    

;    jr nc, .tightloop

    ; now close the socket, dunno why cos I ain't never ever gonna give you up, err, I mean drop to BASIC
                ; green indicates complete run through worked ok...

    ; returns carry clear if data to be fetched
    ; or set carry to indicate no data...
    ld    a, (v_sockfd)
    ld    hl, POLLFD
    jr    z, .nodata

    ;ld a, 3
    ;out ($fe), a
    ld hl, responseBuffer
    call myPrint64


SUB fastcall clearBuffer()
    ld    hl, responseBuffer
    ld    de, responseBuffer+1
    ld    bc, responseBufferEnd-responseBuffer-1
    ld    (hl), 32

SUB fastcall commerror()
        ld a, 2
        out ($fe), a                    ; turn border red to indicate error... :/
        ld hl, errorMSG
        call myPrint64                ; print the error msg
        ld a, (v_sockfd)
        and a                        ; do we have a socket?
        ret z                        ; nope, so return ;NOTE: This may cause a ret to BASIC, grr, will sort it later, :p
        ld hl, CLOSE                    ; we have a socket, so clean it up
        call HLCALL
        ;call end_interrupts            ; reset interrupts back to im 1..

SUB fastcall myPrint42()
    push    af
    push    ix
    push    hl
    ld     ix, PRINT42
    pop    hl
    pop    ix
    pop    af

SUB fastcall myPrint64()

            push    af
    push    ix
    push    hl  
    ; Test string length. If Zero, exit.
    ld a, c                  
    or b                    
    jp z, p64_END            
    ;LOCAL examineChar      
            ld a, (hl)               ; Grab the character
            cp 128                   ; too high to print?
            jr nc, nextChar          ; then we go to next.
            cp 22                    ; Is this an AT?
            jr nz, newLine           ; If not, hop to newLine routine.
            ex de, hl                ; Swap DE and HL
            and a                    ; Clear Carry
            ld hl, 2                 ;  
            sbc hl, bc               ; Can we Shorten our string length by 2? If not then at (y,x) doesn't make sense.
            ex de, hl                ; Swap DE and HL back
            jp nc, p64_END           ; If we went negative, there wasn't anything to AT to, so we return.
            inc hl                   ; Onto our Y co-ordinate
            ld d, (hl)               ; And load it into D
            dec bc                   ; Shorten our remaining string counter.
            inc hl                   ; Onto the X Co-ordinate
            ld e, (hl)               ; Load it into E
            dec bc                   ; Shorten our remaining string counter
            call p64_test_X          ; Make xy legal 60051 205 53  235
            jr p64_eaa3              ; Go to save coords 60054 24  11

    ;LOCAL newLine
            cp 13                    ; Is this a newline character? 60056 254 13
            jr nz, p64_isPrintable   ; If not, hop to testing to see if we can print this 60058 32  13
            ld de, (p64_coords)      ; Get coords 60060 237 91  68  235
            call p64_nxtLine         ; Go to next line.    

    ;LOCAL p64_eaa3
            ld (p64_coords), de      
            jr nextChar              

    ;LOCAL p64_isPrintable
            cp 31                    ; Bigger than 31? 60073 254 31
            jr c, nextChar           ; If not, get the next one. 60075 56  7
            push hl                  ; Save position 60077 229
            push bc                  ; Save Count   60078 197
            call p64_PrintChar       ; Call Print SubRoutine 60079 205 189 234
            pop bc                   ; Recover length count  60082 193
            pop hl                   ; Recover Position 60083 225

   ; LOCAL nextChar
            inc hl                   ; Point to next character 60084 35
            dec bc                   ; Count off this character 60085 11
            ld a, b                  ; Did we run out? 60086 120
            or c                    
            jr nz, examineChar       ; If not, examine the next one 60088 32  193
            jp p64_END               ; Otherwise hop to END. 60090 201

   ; LOCAL p64_PrintChar
            push hl                  ; Save HL' 60094 229
            sub 32                   ; Take out 32 to convert ascii to position in charset 60096 214 32
            ld h, 0                  
            rra                      ; Divide by 2 60100 31
            ld l, a                  ; Put our halved value into HL 60101 111
            ld a, 240                ; Set our mask to LEFT side 60102 62  240
            jr nc, p64_eacc          ; If we didn't have a carry (even #), hop forward. 60104 48  2
            ld a, 15                 ; If we were ab idd #, set our mask to RIGHT side instead 60106 62  15

    ;LOCAL p64_eacc
            add hl, hl              
            add hl, hl              
            add hl, hl               ; Multiply our char number by 8 60110 41
            ld de, p64_charset       ; Get our Charset position 60111 17  70  235
            add hl, de               ; And add our character count, so we're now pointed at the first
                                     ; byte of the right character. 60114 25
            ld de, (p64_coords)      
            ex af, af'              
            call p64_loadAndTest    
            ex af, af'              
            inc e                    
            ld (p64_coords), de      ; Put position+1 into coords 60126 237 83  68  235
            dec e                    
            ld b, a                  
            rr e                     ; Divide X position by 2 60132 203 27
            ld c, 0                  
            rl c                     ; Bring carry flag into C (result of odd/even position) 60136 203 17
            and 1                    ; Mask out lowest bit in A 60138 230 1
            xor c                    ; XOR with C (Matches position RightLeft with Char RightLeft) 60140 169
            ld c, a                  
            jr z, p64_eaf6           ; If they are both the same, skip rotation. 60142 40  6
            ld a, b                  
            ld b, a                  

    ;LOCAL p64_eaf6
            ld a, d                  ; Get Y coord 60150 122
            sra a                    
            sra a                    
            sra a                    ; Multiply by 8 60155 203 47
            add a, 88                
            ld h, a                  ; Put high byte value for attribute into H. 60159 103
            ld a, d                  
            and 7                    
            add a, e                
            ld l, a                  ; Put low byte for attribute into l 60167 111
            ld a, (23693)            ; Get permanent Colours from System Variable 60168 58  141 92
            ld (hl), a               ; Write new attribute 60171 119
            ld a, d                  
            and 248                  
            add a, 64                
            ld h, a                  
            ld a, b                  
            ld e, a                  
            ld b, 8                  

    ;LOCAL p64_eb18
            ld a, (hl)              
            bit 0, c                
            jr z, p64_eb22          

    ;LOCAL p64_eb22
            and b                    
            ld d, a                  
            ld a, (hl)              
            and e                    
            or d                    
            ld (hl), a              
            inc h                    
            inc hl                  
            djnz p64_eb18            
            pop hl                  

   ; LOCAL p64_loadAndTest
            ld de, (p64_coords)          

    ; SubRoutine to go to legal character position. (60213)
   ; LOCAL p64_test_X
            ld a, e                   ; Get column from e
            cp 64                     ; more than 64 ?
            jr c, p64_test_Y            ; If not, then jump over nextline

    ;LOCAL p64_nxtLine
            inc d                     ; Move down 1
            ld e, 0                   ; reset x co-ord to zero

   ; LOCAL p64_test_Y
            ld a, d                   ; get Y co-ord
            cp 24                     ; Past 24?
            ret c                     ; Return if not.
            ld d, 0                   ; Rest y co-ord to top of screen.
            ret                       ; Return.

   ; LOCAL p64_coords;
           defb 64;  X Coordinate store  60228 64
           defb 23;  Y Coordinate Store 60229 23

    ;LOCAL p64_charset
            DEFB 0,2,2,2,2,0,2,0                   ; Space !
            DEFB 0,80,82,7,2,7,2,0                 ; "" #
            DEFB 0,37,113,66,114,20,117,32         ; $ %
            DEFB 0,34,84,32,96,80,96,0             ; & '
            DEFB 0,36,66,66,66,66,36,0             ; ( )
            DEFB 0,0,82,34,119,34,82,0             ; * +
            DEFB 0,0,0,0,7,32,32,64                ; , -
            DEFB 0,1,1,2,2,100,100,0               ; . /
            DEFB 0,34,86,82,82,82,39,0             ; 0 1
            DEFB 0,34,85,18,33,69,114,0            ; 2 3
            DEFB 0,87,84,118,17,21,18,0            ; 4 5
            DEFB 0,55,65,97,82,84,36,0             ; 6 7
            DEFB 0,34,85,37,83,85,34,0             ; 8 9
            DEFB 0,0,2,32,0,34,2,4                 ; : ;
            DEFB 0,0,16,39,64,39,16,0              ; < =
            DEFB 0,2,69,33,18,32,66,0              ; > ?
            DEFB 0,98,149,183,181,133,101,0        ; @ A     Changed from   ;0,2,37,87,117,85,53,0            
            DEFB 0,98,85,100,84,85,98,0            ; B C
            DEFB 0,103,84,86,84,84,103,0           ; D E
            DEFB 0,114,69,116,71,69,66,0           ; F G
            DEFB 0,87,82,114,82,82,87,0            ; H I
            DEFB 0,53,21,22,21,85,37,0             ; J K
            DEFB 0,69,71,71,69,69,117,0            ; L M
            DEFB 0,82,85,117,117,85,82,0           ; N O
            DEFB 0,98,85,85,103,71,67,0            ; P Q
            DEFB 0,98,85,82,97,85,82,0             ; R S
            DEFB 0,117,37,37,37,37,34,0            ; T U
            DEFB 0,85,85,85,87,39,37,0             ; V W
            DEFB 0,85,85,37,82,82,82,0             ; X Y
            DEFB 0,119,20,36,36,68,119,0           ; Z [
            DEFB 0,71,65,33,33,17,23,0             ; \ ]
            DEFB 0,32,112,32,32,32,47,0            ; ^ _
            DEFB 0,32,86,65,99,69,115,0            ; £ a
            DEFB 0,64,66,101,84,85,98,0            ; b c
            DEFB 0,16,18,53,86,84,35,0             ; d e
            DEFB 0,32,82,69,101,67,69,2            ; f g
            DEFB 0,66,64,102,82,82,87,0            ; h i
            DEFB 0,20,4,53,22,21,85,32             ; j k
            DEFB 0,64,69,71,71,85,37,0             ; l m
            DEFB 0,0,98,85,85,85,82,0              ; n o
            DEFB 0,0,99,85,85,99,65,65             ; p q
            DEFB 0,0,99,84,66,65,70,0              ; r s
            DEFB 0,64,117,69,69,85,34,0            ; t u
            DEFB 0,0,85,85,87,39,37,0              ; v w
            DEFB 0,0,85,85,35,81,85,2              ; x y
            DEFB 0,0,113,18,38,66,113,0            ; z {
            DEFB 0,32,36,34,35,34,36,0             ; | {
            DEFB 0,6,169,86,12,6,9,6               ; ~ (c)

    pop    hl
    pop    ix
    pop    af



msgEND            EQU 0
msgCR                  EQU 10

RET_OK            EQU 0
RET_UNKNOWN        EQU 128

SOCK_RAW            EQU 3
CALLBAS            EQU 0x10
STACK_BC            EQU $2D2B
PRINT_FP            EQU $2DE3

MODULECALL             equ $3FF8
PAGEIN                 equ $3FF9
PAGEOUT               equ $007C
HLCALL                equ $3FFA
IXCALL                equ $3FFD

; Port defines
CTRLREG                equ $033B
CPLDINFO               equ $023B

; Jump table entry points
SOCKET                equ $3E00      ; Allocate a socket
CLOSE                 equ $3E03      ; Close a socket
LISTEN               equ $3E06      ; Listen for incoming connections
ACCEPT                 equ $3E09      ; Accept an incoming connection
BIND                equ $3E0C      ; Bind a local address to a socket
CONNECT                equ $3E0F      ; Connect to a remote host
SEND                equ $3E12      ; Send data
RECV                equ $3E15      ; Receive data
SENDTO              equ $3E18      ; Send data to an address
RECVFROM            equ $3E1B      ; Receive data from an address
POLL                equ $3E1E      ; Poll a list of sockets
POLLALL             equ $3E21      ; Poll all open sockets
POLLFD              equ $3E24      ; Poll a single socket
GETHOSTBYNAME       equ $3E27      ; Look up a hostname
PUTCHAR42           equ $3E2A      ; 42 column print write a character
PRINT42             equ $3E2D      ; 42 column print a null terminated string
CLEAR42             equ $3E30      ; Clear the screen and reset 42-col print
SETPAGEA            equ $3E33      ; Sets page area A
SETPAGEB            equ $3E36      ; Sets page area B
LONG2IPSTRING       equ $3E39      ; Convert a 4 byte big endian long to an IP
IPSTRING2LONG       equ $3E3C      ; Convert an IP to a 4 byte big endian long
ITOA8               equ $3E3F      ; Convert a byte to ascii
RAND16              equ $3E42      ; 16 bit PRNG
REMOTEADDRESS       equ $3E45      ; Fill struct sockaddr_in
IFCONFIG_INET       equ $3E48      ; Set IPv4 address
IFCONFIG_NETMASK     equ $3E4B      ; Set netmask
IFCONFIG_GW         equ $3E4E      ; Set gateway
INITHW              equ $3E51      ; Set the MAC address and initial hw registers
GETHWADDR           equ $3E54      ; Read the MAC address
DECONFIG            equ $3E57      ; Deconfigure inet, netmask and gateway
MAC2STRING          equ $3E5A      ; Convert 6 byte MAC address to a string
STRING2MAC          equ $3E5D      ; Convert a hex string to a 6 byte MAC address
ITOH8               equ $3E60      ; Convert accumulator to hex string
HTOI8               equ $3E63      ; Convert hex string to byte in A
GETKEY              equ $3E66      ; Get a key from the keyboard, and put it in A
KEYUP               equ $3E69      ; Wait for key release
INPUTSTRING         equ $3E6C      ; Read a string into buffer at DE
GET_IFCONFIG_INET     equ $3E6F      ; Gets the current IPv4 address
GET_IFCONFIG_NETMASK     equ $3E72      ; Gets the current netmask
GET_IFCONFIG_GW     equ $3E75      ; Gets the current gateway address
SETTRAP                equ $3E78      ; Sets the programmable trap
DISABLETRAP         equ $3E7B      ; Disables the programmable trap
ENABLETRAP          equ $3E7E      ; Enables the programmable trap
PUSHPAGEA           equ $3E81      ; Pages a page into area A, pushing the old one
POPPAGEA            equ $3E84      ; Restores the previous page in area A
PUSHPAGEB           equ $3E87      ; Pages into area B pushing the old one
POPPAGEB            equ $3E8A      ; Restores the previous page in area B
PAGETRAPRETURN      equ $3E8D      ; Returns from a trap to page area B
TRAPRETURN          equ $3E90      ; Returns from a trap that didn't page area B
ADDBASICEXT         equ $3E93      ; Adds a BASIC command
STATEMENT_END       equ $3E96      ; Check for statement end, exit at syntax time
EXIT_SUCCESS        equ $3E99      ; Use this to exit successfully after cmd
PARSE_ERROR         equ $3E9C      ; Use this to exit to BASIC with a parse error
RESERVEPAGE         equ $3E9F      ; Reserve a page of static RAM
FREEPAGE            equ $3EA2      ; Free a page of static RAM
REPORTERR           equ $3EA5      ; report an error via BASIC

startupMSG:         defm "Ardent's Spectranet TCP Client Test"
                defm 13
end1:                defm 0

lookingupMSG:        defm "Looking up hostname"
                defm 13,13,13
end2:              defm 0

connectingMSG:        defm "Connecting..."
                defm 13
end3:                defm 0

allocatingMSG:        defm "Allocating resources..."
                defm 13
end4:                defm 0

connectedMSG:        defm "Connected. "
                defm 13
end5:                defm 0

receivngMSG:        defm "Receiving data."
                defm 13
end6:                defm 0

errorMSG:            defm "Failed."
                defm 13
end7:                defm 0

doneMSG:            defm "Done"
                defm 13
end8:                defm 0

waitingMSG:        defm "I iz waitingz k :p"
                defm 13
end9:                defm 0

crMSG:            defm 13
end10:            defm 0

v_sockfd:            defb 0                  ; storage for socket file descriptor
serverport            equ 16384
serverhost:        defb ""
connected:            defb 0                ; 0 means not connected, 1 means connected
ip_buffer:           defb 0, 0, 0, 0            ; leave 4 bytes free for an IP address

garbage:            defm " "
defm 13,10
garbageend:        defb 0

responseBuffer:        ds 1024
responseBufferEnd:    defm 0


    ds 1024  ;  1024 bytes of space MAX!!

    ds 1  ;  1024 bytes of space MAX!!

Also the screen does not scroll buts prints from the top of the screen when it gets to the bottom.
I'm always on the chat or facebook.

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